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Weiming Guo Accelerator Physics Group / ASD Advanced Photon Source

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Presentation on theme: "Weiming Guo Accelerator Physics Group / ASD Advanced Photon Source"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weiming Guo Accelerator Physics Group / ASD Advanced Photon Source
The Study of Off-momentum Particle Motion with Independent Component Analysis Weiming Guo Accelerator Physics Group / ASD Advanced Photon Source I am a software developer, I am going to talk about My work on software for beam stabilization and optimization

2 Acknowledgements Katherine Harkay Xiaobiao Huang Michael Borland
Jack Albert Chunxi Wang Hairong Shang orbit stability is #1 user request, in order to improve the orbit Stability, we enhanced the orbit control and stability software system, Including DC orbit correction and ID gap feedforward, the fast dc orbit correction increases The correction rate from 0.4Hz to 20 Hz and ID gap feedforward gives us the Benefits of using Insertion Device X-ray BPMs in orbit correction to help better Control the orbit (as they have “long lever” that permits better control.) After these improvements, there is no more orbit transient associated with gap open and close, and the beam stability has been significantly improved. Since feedback works only for certain class of optimization, for General purpose optimization, we developed generic optimizer to perform Optimizations where feedback is not applicable.

3 What is the mechanism of synchrotron sidebands?
0.206 ±0.0083

4 The current theory of dispersion
The transverse motion Hamiltonian Consider only quadrupoles and dipoles, the first order dispersion equation Let , the equation for the dispersion function I also worked on software for Experiment Execution to meet the special Requirements of the accelerator experiments and software testing to improve The reliability of APS software systems. Currently, I am working on SaveCompareRestore software, which is a great tool to manage accelerator Configurations so that we reproduce operating conditions The boundary condition

5 The physical picture of dispersion
Reference C.O. δ < 0 δ > 0

6 Analytical solution In vector space
The solution of the homogeneous equation M(s|0) is the transformation matrix The solution of the inhomogeneous equation

7 The dispersion functions

8 The ID(s) and function

9 The calculated dispersion function

10 The calculated ID function

11 The meaning of the ID term
Reference C.O. δ < 0 δ > 0

12 The higher order terms

13 Particle simulation with ELEGANT(I)
Particle on C.O. with 0.4% momentum offset

14 The spectrum of 4000 turns

15 Particle simulation with ELEGANT(II)
Particle on C.O. with 10o phase kick

16 Experiment setup APS storage ring operation parameters
We give the beam a phase shift of 0~14o, with width of 200 ms. The equilibrium bunch length is about 2.5o . The horizontal dis- placement is about 0~1.2mm. There are about 280 BPMs can be used for history data taking. We analyzed the data with independent component analysis.

17 Temporal pattern of dispersion
Damping time 1188 turns 1300 turns Synchrotron tune 0.0083 This figure shows the BPMs and correctors in one sector of APS accelerator, There are 16 rf BPMs and four x-ray bpms, 9 correctors. These bpms and correctors Are chosen by our configuration software to use in DC orbit correction

18 The comparison of the dispersion function
This is the configuration application that is used to select bpm and correctors For orbit correction. each plane has 640 bpms and 90 correctors. This application also configures which BPM is non-existent devices or not OK for Orbit correction. The buttons pointed by the red arrows are not shown up because These bpms do not exist. The button pointed by the yellow arrows shows that Bpm is not OK for orbit correction. the check button for non-existent BPM disappears. The Check button for “not” ok devices are disabled – prevent user from selecting this bpm by mistake thus make sure that orbit correction uses good bpms. The button Will be enabled when these devices become good and suitable for orbit correction. After selecting proper bpm and correctors, the configuration can be saved for Orbit correction.

19 The temporal pattern of second order dispersion
This is not all, we always look for better performances. The orbit stability has been improved further through one-year hard work of Accelerator physicists and OAG group. We made following improvements to increase The correction speed to make beam more stable. These changes are Overlap compensation with RTFS, using low-level channel access, ported Controllaw software to IOC and using sddspvtest to increase testing speed. As A result, the orbit correction rate is increased from 0.4Hz to 20 Hz.

20 The second order dispersion function
Louis has explained how we did orbit correction, I am not going to repeat here. I would like to say that we implemented all these complicated aspects in our Software. And in addition to these complicated designed, we further improved DC orbit correction through following: In DC orbit correction software, we implemented all of these complicated Cases, while in other labs, only SVD is considered. That is why our software Works much better and is able to provide good quality beam.

21 The coupling Mode 0.205 0.1975

22 The comparison of the ID function
ID gap feedforward allows us to use ID x-ray BPMs in orbit correction, Providing better orbit stability. The mixture of x-rays from the ID and other sources changes as the ID gap Is changed, this introduces gap-dependent offset changes in the x-ray bpms. If we used the x-ray bpm data as-is, we’d actually move the beam around instead Of keeping it in place. ID gap feedforward software allows measuring the offset Changes vs. gap. Automatically changes the offset of x-ray bpms with gap changes. setting the offset and gain to zero when the gap is too Large so that the x-ray bpm is automatically taken out of the loop.

23 Phase advance comparison

24 Conclusion We found the analytical expression of the X-Z coupling term. The mode is damped in most cases, however we found it in the experiment under the critical conditions. Both the amplitude and phase advance agree with prediction. In the analysis of the experiment data, we also found the first and second order dispersion function and they all agree with model value.

25 The effect of the Chromaticity

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