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The Engineering Test Facility for nLC

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1 The Engineering Test Facility for nLC
ALCPG Victoria, BC July 30, 2004

2 Introduction Linear collider project goals:
Construct a collider with an initial energy of 500 GeV that can be upgraded to 1 TeV later Deliver 500 fb-1 in the first four years of physics operation Begin physics operation in 2016 (one year commissioning) to ensure concurrent operation with LHC Discussion of project risk earlier this morning R&D program should be focused on reducing project risk Different stages of development process Fundamental R&D – technology development or beam physics understanding System engineering/integration – can it go together and does it work together Industrialization and mass production – can components be produced

3 Risk Summary Chart Problems found late Lum ~ n2 Lum ~ sqrt(e)

4 The Engineering Test Facility(s)
Critical elements that the ETF must address: E+ source target/capture Damping ring beam physics Main linac rf system production Main linac emittance/jitter control BDS collimators/stabilization/machine-detector interface Some additional long-lead time or difficult components Cannot and do not want to do this in a single test facility Final configuration is subject to constraints due to resources and schedule and must be chosen with a goal of reducing the project risk

5 Damping Ring Test Facilities
Beams are stored in the rings for a long time Small (subtle) effects can have a large impact Many novel effects will be important due to small emittances and tight stability requirements Rings are quite different from other operating accelerators ATF has been a very important test facility Probably not possible to duplicate for cold design  adds some risk but how much and what can be done in other studies?

6 Main Linac e-control Given tolerance specs, instrumentation, and algorithms, the emittance performance is similar in warm and cold Dge ~ 10nm over 5 to 10 km Very hard to measure in a small facility Complicated source – ATF is the only source that comes close Not simple to scale to lower energies or amplify the effects Real issue is performance/interaction of diagnostics and controls Most algorithms are local  use dedicated tests of local systems Rf structure girder alignment test Cryomodule alignment study

7 Main Linac RF Systems Need to produce some number of complete rf sub-units Rf subunit has 5-m of structures in X-band Rf subunit has 36-m of structures in L-band Demonstrate stable operation of a few units With/without beam? Beam is desired to verify rf operation stability and gradients Forces a more rigorous approach Be nice to use beam for centroid studies of trajectory control and verify instrumentation Need engineering studies to optimize fabrication and lifetime Don’t need to produce every component though

8 Luminosity Tests at an ETF?
ETF is a next-generation NLCTA / GLCTA Luminosity tests may also be desired – what can be measured? Vibration studies of rf girders, quadrupoles, etc Want complete cooling circuit (8 rf units = 2 GeV) High precision/high resolution diagnostics S-BPMs, Q-BPMs, e-wires Want to demonstrate longitudinal dynamics Full bunch train with full loading: 192 bunches; 1.4 ns spacing What about transverse dynamics? Want reasonable model for beam dynamics: 8 GeV and 8-m beta Sets lowest energy ~ 1 GeV with quadrupoles every rf girder Would like a low emittance source ATF damping ring or possibly an rf gun How do these impact the scope of an ETF?

9 Possible Examples of a big RF ETF

10 e-control: Dispersive Effects
Effective tolerance in NLC is 2 um alignment of the quads to the BPMs The generated dispersion is roughly 4 * yq * sqrt(Nq) Assume 8 FODO cells => 50 um dispersion at the end Can this be detected on the beam? With nominal energy spread of ~1% and beta of 5 meters, a dispersion error of 500 um will generate 40% De/e given an initial emittance of 2e-8 Be very difficult to verify 2 um alignment looking at the e 50 um dispersion could be measured looking at the beam centroid Assume better than 1 um BPM resolution and ~10% DE/E - easy measurement Want a few FODO cells at the end of the linac for measurement Could decrease ETF length but want a reasonable set of magnets

11 e-control: Wakefield Effects
Primary tolerance is set by short-range wakefields Girder of 4 structures must be aligned at 3 um level for NLC In the ETF with a 300 um bunch length and 7.5e9, the kick of the beam tail is roughly 80 V * sqrt(Nrf) At 1 GeV, this is ~0.1 urad as compared to the beam angular divergence >1urad for an emittance of 2e-8 Very difficult to verify performance from emittance growth alone Ways to increase the sensitivity: Increase bunch length or bunch charge by ~5x Use long-range wakes with 4- and 8-bucket spacing This is a dedicated test of an rf-girder not a test in a long (or short) linac

12 ETF Luminosity Study Implications
Even with nominal GLC/NLC emittances and 50-meter ETF cannot verify tolerances with emittance ATF-III is still factors of five too insensitive to verify GLC/NLC performance requirements Jitter measurements are best done with accelerometers Alignment tolerance verification: Bunch centroid or beam tilt for wakes and dispersion Beam tilt: 1.7 mrad in 300 um bunch  close to desired tolerances Beam centroid Works fine for dispersion Use dedicated facility to verify wakefields and e-control

13 The Engineering Test Facility(s)
Small scale (~1 GeV) rf test facility with multiple rf units Include beam to verify low-level rf control and gradients Include good (but not nLC) beam for e-control studies Many other test facilities of smaller but similar scale Dedicated studies of most relevant systems Focused test can yield scientifically relevant information Do NOT try to focus all effort (and resources) on one large showpiece which demonstrates little (but an ability to spend money – important but not essential at this time) Caveat: major schedule delay would increase the importance of a large showpiece for political reasons

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