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Editing for Clarity Mixed Constructions

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1 Editing for Clarity Mixed Constructions
Maimon, Peritz and Yancey, A Writer’s Resource – A Handbook for Writing and Research. 2nd edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill Taught by Dr. Sng Bee Bee • Singapore Bible College Files in many languages for free download at

2 Mixed Constructions Sentence parts that do not fit together either grammatically or logically confuse readers and must be revised to make meaning clearer.

3 Untangle mixed-up sentence structures
Mixed constructions occur when writers start a sentence one way and the, midway through, change grammatical direction.

4 An Example The following sentence Begins with a prepositional phrase
Then tries to make that phrase into the subject For family members who enjoy one another’s company often decide on a vacation spot together. Eliminating preposition for makes it clear that family members is the subject of the verb decide. Family v

5 Repairing mixed constructions
Sometimes you may have to separate your ideas into more than one sentence to clarify your point. E.g. In an oligarchy like England was in 1805, a few people had the power rather than a dictatorship like France, which was ruled by Napoleon. This sentence is trying to achieved two things at one time: To contrast England and France in 1805, and To define the difference between an oligarchy and a dictatorship.

6 Repairing mixed constructions
Making use of two sentences will make both ideas clearer. Revised In 1805, England was an oligarchy, a state ruled by the few. In contrast, France was a dictatorship, a state ruled by one man: Napoleon.

7 Make sure predicates fit their subjects
A predicate (the verb plus its object or complement) must connect logically to a sentence’s subject. When it does not, the result is faulty predication. The best kind of education for me would be a university with both a school of music and a school of government. A university is an institution, not a type of education, so the sentence needs revision. A v

8 Mixed Constructions Mixed constructions can also occur when we shift topic. One skill I envy is a person who can study despite noise and other distractions. One skill I envy is the ability to study despite noise and other distractions. Anson, C.M. and Schwegler, R.A, The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 5th Ed. New York: Pearson Longman.

9 Sentence that begins with one grammatical pattern then shift to another
Since the new television show did poorly in the ratings explains why programming executives decided to move it to a slot between two hit shows. Since the new television show did poorly in the ratings, programming executives decided to move it to a slot between two hit shows. Anson, C.M. and Schwegler, R.A, The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 5th Ed. New York: Pearson Longman

10 Strategy to repair mixed construction
To identify shifted topics, ask yourself the question: “Who does what?” “What is it?” If the answer is illogical the sentence needs editing.

11 Example Shifted In this factory, flaws in the product noticed by any worker can stop the assembly line with the flip of a switch. Who does what? Certainly flaws can’t stop the line or flip a switch. Edited In this factory, any worker who notices flaws in the product can stop the assembly line with the flip of a switch.

12 Editing topic shifts Make sure the topic in both parts of a sentence, subject and predicate, is the same. Rename the subject Shifted topic Irradiation is food that is preserved by the use of radiation. Irradiation is a process of preservation, not the food itself. Edited Irradiation is a process that can be used to preserve food.

13 Omit certain words in the sentence
Cut is when or is where Not balanced Blocking is when a television network schedules a less popular program between two popular ones. Edited Blocking is the practice of scheduling a less popular program between two popular ones.

14 Omit the reason…. is because
Redundant One reason for research into alternative fuels is because of the need to reduce air pollution. Edited One reason for research into alternative fuels is the need to reduce air pollution.

15 Edit for intervening words
Watch for words and phrases coming between the subject and the verb. Shifted topic Programming decisions by television executives generally keep in mind the need to gain audience share. Network executives can keep an audience in mind, but according to this sentence it is programming decisions that are thinking about the viewers. Edited Television executives making programming decisions generally keep in mind the need to gain audience share.

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