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The 70’s-Today.

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1 The 70’s-Today

2 Richard Nixon Détente: easing up of the Cold War, the U.S. and U.S.S.R. got along better SALT-Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty

3 Nixon + China Nixon is the first to recognize China following the Communist Revolution

4 Watergate

5 Watergate Nixon was running for reelection in 1972
His aides illegally break into the Watergate Complex to get info on Nixon’s opponent, George McGovern Nixon didn’t know about the initial break-in Nixon did try to cover up the break-in This is where he gets in trouble

6 Watergate Tapes Nixon kept tapes of all White House conversations
He was paranoid The Senate demands the tapes Nixon reluctantly hands the tapes over but there are 18 minutes missing Nixon resigns on August 9, 1974

7 Gerald Ford Replaces Nixon Pardons Nixon WIN Whip inflation now

8 Jimmy Carter Replaces Ford in 1976
Was a southern peanut farmer from Georgia Inherits a poor economy Energy Crisis


10 Camp David Accords Carter’s big achievement
Peace treaty between Egypt and Israel Egypt becomes the first Arab nation to recognize Israel


12 1980: Iranian Hostage Crisis
American are taken hostage in Iran Carter takes a lot of heat for not getting them back He loses the 1980 election to Ronald Reagan Carter negotiates for their freedom but Reagan is Pres when they are freed Reagan gets the credit


14 Ronald Reagan 1980-1988 The 80’s a time of selfishness
Reaganomics: Supply Side Economics, Trickle Down Economics; tax breaks for the rich…will provide more jobs and opportunity for everyone else Reagan is the anti-Roosevelt; he hates government programs and handouts, thinks that they destroy individual iniative



17 Reagan & Star Wars Missile Defense System


19 Regan was Pro-Cold War The Cold war was extremely intense during his early Presidency Eventually the Soviet Union broke down Reagan gets a lot of credit for this

20 Reagan and Latin America
Reagan often interfered in Latin America El Salvador-arms and advisors to overthrow communism Nicaragua-supported the anti-Communist Contra movement Granada-US invaded in 1983 to stop a Communist takeover

21 Iran Contra Affair Regan's govt secretly and illegally sold weapons to Iran and then secretly sent the $ to finance the Contras This scandal like many others shows a lack of faith in gov’t


23 1989 Cold War Ends Fall of the Soviet Union Fall of the Communist Bloc

24 George Bush

25 Bush First Gulf War S&L Scandal

26 Bill Clinton

27 Clinton Monica Lewinski Scandal
NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement, eliminated tariffs and trade restrictions between the U.S., Canada and Mexico

28 2000 Election Bush defeats Gore



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