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Regulatory Challenges for Bioabsorbable Stent Approval

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Presentation on theme: "Regulatory Challenges for Bioabsorbable Stent Approval"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulatory Challenges for Bioabsorbable Stent Approval
Ashley Boam, MSBE for: Andrew Farb, M.D. Interventional Cardiology Devices Branch Division of Cardiovascular Devices U.S. FDA/CDRH BIOABSORBABLE STENT SYMPOSIUM CRT 2010 Washington, DC February 22, 2010

I have no real or apparent conflicts of interest to report.

3 Novel DES in Development or Trials
New drugs Degradable polymers DES with biologics Programmable stent lengths Dedicated bifurcation DES Bioabsorbable stents (BAS) There are multiple new devices on the DES horizon of which BAS are just one important example

4 Characterization of Biodegradable Stents (BAS)
Questions that guide testing: What are the expected advantages of the BAS? What is the mechanism of biodegradation? What are the degradation products and what are their biologic activities? How does the proposed BAS balance the need for mechanical integrity with the ability to degrade over time? In characterizing BAS, the Answers to these questions will help guide the testing paradigm Potential Adv: short duration DAPT, retreatment of TV options, drug delivery, CT/MR imaging, plaque modification (VP)

5 Preclinical Testing Objectives
Complete characterization of the finished sterilized product Coating/drug loading characteristics – drug and carrier content, coating integrity In vitro/in vivo elution of both coating and stent substrate Methods and specifications to allow stability testing Adequate bench & animal studies to assess safety prior to human trials The preclinical testing of the finished product includes

6 BAS Preclinical Evaluation Bench Testing
Standard tests such as stent and coating durability no longer as relevant Still need to test the mechanical properties in a physiologically relevant environment Need to conduct mechanical tests at multiple time points to fully characterize the impact of degradation on mechanical integrity Characterize degradation products How to assess “particulates” when the stent is meant to degrade? For BAS bench testing, there are differences from standard test for non-BAS systems. For example, Standard tests such as stent durability and coating durability no longer as relevant

7 BAS Preclinical Evaluation Biocompatibility Testing
Standard tests may need to be altered Extraction conditions Time exposure Separate testing of degradation products may be appropriate Discuss test methods with FDA For Biocompatibility,

8 BAS Preclinical Evaluation Animal Studies
Measurement time points may need to be modified to better capture critical safety parameters Early – when BAS is still intact During degradation Post-complete degradation Assess whether absence of rigid scaffold leads to adverse arterial remodeling & edge effects Evaluate potential toxicity of degradation products For animal studies,

9 Animal Studies Safety and effectiveness parameters
Neointimal growth Inflammation Thrombus deposition Re-endothelialization Remodeling & edge effects Safety margin overdose studies Assessment of downstream myocardial pathology Evaluate embolization due to bulk degradation Optional: Vasomotor function & use of disease models And Additional parameters may need to be considered

10 Clinical Trials Feasibility/FIM trial(s) Pivotal trial
Initial assessment of device performance and safety and effectiveness Pivotal trial RCT recommended for initial marketing approval Superiority or non-inferiority to approved DES Target lesion failure primary endpoint Composite of cardiac death, target vessel MI and TLR Duration of patient follow-up reflects degradation profile To adequately capture outcomes before, during, and after stent degradation For trial designs,

11 Other Important Clinical Assessments
Procedural results Device handling: Tracking, deliverability, crossing, deployment, balloon deflation, catheter withdrawal, post-dilatation Device success: Achievement of an acceptable post-deployment angio result with the test device alone Clinical success: Device success without in-hospital MACE If BAS visibility on fluoroscopy is an issue: Assess frequency of geographic miss Ability to accurately deploy overlapping stents in bailout situations Other Important Clinical outcomes to be assessed include

12 Clinical Imaging Follow-up imaging to confirm absorption
QCA & IVUS to address effects of loss of rigid scaffold on restenosis In-stent & in-segment MLD, late lumen loss & %diameter stenosis Stent area Neointimal area and volume Positive and negative (constrictive) remodeling Edge effects Consider exploratory use of OCT Clinical outcomes paramount but imagining remains particularly important in evaluating BAS systems

13 BAS Imaging Considerations
Is stent mal-apposition relevant for a biodegradable stent? Angio/IVUS assessment more challenging to identify treatment site with fully bioabsorbed stent Blinding issues vs. a non-degradable stent Utilize measurements that minimize bias Other targets – potential value added Vasomotion Plaque modification

14 BAS Clinical Program Considerations
Need adequate number of patients to detect uncommon but clinically important safety events Not all patients need to be part of a randomized trial Can use multiple trials (both US and OUS) Patient clinical follow-up through 5 years Assess rates of stent thrombosis over time Assess dual antiplatelet therapy use and duration of thienopyridines following BAS implantation Plan for post-approval study Real world use beyond labeled indication Evaluate rates of ST, and CV death + MI For the BAS program as a whole, comprising all patients studied in feasibility, pivotal, and continued access studies,

15 Conclusions BAS add multiple levels of complexity to FDA review
Discussions with FDA early in new BAS program development highly recommended DES Draft Guidance document

16 Contact Information Interventional Cardiology Devices Branch

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