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Monday, March 13th Tonight’s HW: Complete Verb worksheet

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1 Monday, March 13th Tonight’s HW: Complete Verb worksheet
Warm Up: In the following sentences, identify the pronouns with a P and the nouns with a N She seems like a nice person Brenda’s name sounds familiar Jim plays basketball with her.

2 Today’s Essential Questions: Why so tense?
What are the different type of verb tenses beyond present, past, and future? How can control proper control of verb tense improve your writing?

3 Today you will: Define the different verb tenses
Practice distinguishing said tenses apart from one another Practice identifying verb phrases

4 Remember Action verbs tell what the subject is doing
Being Verbs state existence Linking Verbs connects the subject to a descriptor Helping Verbs used with another verb to make a verb phrase

5 Being Verbs State existence Also included as helping and linking verbs
1. am 2. is 3. are 4. was 5. were 6. be 7. being 8. been

6 Remember Action verbs tell what the subject is doing
Being Verbs state existence Linking Verbs connects the subject to a descriptor Helping Verbs used with another verb to make a verb phrase

7 Common Linking Verbs smell look taste feel remain turn appear become
sound seem grow stand being verbs

8 Remember Action verbs tell what the subject is doing
Being Verbs state existence Linking Verbs connects the subject to a descriptor Helping Verbs used with another verb to make a verb phrase

9 Common Helping Verbs shall had will has should do would did could must
can may have verbs of being

10 Present Past Future Verb Tense Present Perfect Past Perfect
Future Perfect

11 Present Expresses action or existence that is happening now or that happens continually, regularly. Ex.: The universe is gigantic. Ex.: It takes my breath away.

12 Past Expresses action or existence that is completed at a particular time in the past. Ex.: Galileo, an Italian scientist, was the first scientist to use a telescope. This only landed him in hot water with the Flat Earth Society.

13 Future Expresses action that will take place.
Ex.: When will the universe end? Ex.: What mysteries will be solved in the twenty first century?

14 Present Perfect Expresses action that began in the past but continues or is completed in the present. Ex.: I have wondered for some time how the stars got their names. Many stars have been named after the gods of ancient times. Key helping verb- have

15 Past Perfect expresses action that began in the past and was completed in the past. Ex.: I had hoped to see a shooting star on our camping trip. Ex.: I had tried to ace the test, but found out I got two wrong Key helping verb- had

16 Future Perfect Expresses action or existence that will begin in the future and will be completed by a specific time in the future. Ex.: By the twenty-first century, we will have found the answers to many of our questions. Key helping verb- will

17 Let’s practice a little
Tara had been watching the program. _______________________________________________ Judy is becoming a good tennis player. _______________________________________________ Terry will be playing her guitar in the show. ___________________________________________

18 Let’s close this out with a little more practice
Brian should have mowed the lawn. _________________________________________________ I am learning to speak Spanish. _____________________________________________________ Joe will have memorized the speech by tomorrow. __________________________________________


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