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Jose M Moyano, Customer Marketing Manager

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1 Jose M Moyano, Customer Marketing Manager
Hunter Vegas Story SmartLine Guided Wave Radar - User Experience as the Way to Differentiate Jose M Moyano, Customer Marketing Manager

2 Agenda Voice of the Customer Level Measurement Technologies
SmartLine Guided Wave Smart Transmitter Application and Validation Tool. Out of the Box. Configuration Tool Make it Happen Plan of Action So far…. Summary Questions and Answers

3 Non Contact Radar Be a Level Consultant
Unlike many technologies, radar performance can be very vendor specific due to different antennas, processing software, internal components, etc. Get your vendor involved to review your application and suggest the best combination of radar technology, antenna, and frequency for YOUR application. “Be sure the vendor gets detailed tank geometry information, process data, etc.” Hunter Vegas, Project Engineering Manager for Wunderlich Malec Be a Level Consultant

4 Level Measurement Options
There are lots of options to measure level: Differential Pressure (diaphragm seals & capillaries) Ultrasonics Capacitance Floats Displacers Weigh Cells Radar - Non-Contacting Radar - Contacting Each has strengths and weaknesses!

5 Differential Pressure / Diaphragm Seals
Transmitter measures pressure at the bottom of a tank and converts that pressure to a level reading. Considerations: Assumes a specific gravity to calculate level Must contact liquid to measure Works on liquids but not solids Capillary seals have issues with vacuum, high/low temperature, varying process temps, and are generally fragile

6 Ultrasonic Transmitters
Transmitter emits an ultrasonic pulse and listens for an echo off the top of the material. The time of flight indicates the level in the vessel. Considerations: Accuracy is based on speed of sound Pressure, temperature, and the make up of the vapor space material will all impact the reading Foam or dust can reduce or eliminate the echo entirely

7 Capacitance Transmitters
A rod extends down into a tank and measures the conductivity/RF admittance between the probe and the tank wall. As the level changes this electrical value changes and this determines level. Considerations: Reading is very much affected by the electrical characteristics of product If the conductivity changes the reading will change too Calibration is difficult – must be set on actual level Must contact to measure Be a Level Consultant

8 Float Transmitters Float transmitters have a float that moves up and down as they float on the surface level. The float position is detected via variety of methods. Considerations: Float transmitters work on a variety of liquids provided the liquid SG is lower than that of the float The moving float can have issues if the product is sticky or impedes movement Doesn’t work on solids Must contact liquid to measure it.

9 Displacer Transmitters
A displacer has a large float which is connected to a torque tube. As the level rises the float pushes up on the torque tube with increasing force. This force is converted to level. Considerations: The displacer assumes a SG of the liquid. If it changes, the level reading changes. Doesn’t work on solids Must contact liquid to measure it

10 Weigh Cells Weigh cells use strain gauges to measure the weight of a vessel and the material within. Weight is converted to level. Considerations Weigh cells assume a SG of the material to determine level Weigh cells are difficult to retrofit Weigh cells tend to be expensive Proper installation on a process vessel with piping is very difficult

11 Non-Contacting Radar Frequency Selection
Low Frequency: (Normal range of 5.6 – 10 GHz) 5.17cm (5.6 GHz) Advantages: Longer wavelength lets it ignore larger tank interferences Tends to be more forgiving in dusty/material build up applications Handles steam better than high frequency Handles agitation better (less backscatter) Usually handles foam better Disadvantages: Lower resolution Much bigger horn size is required for a given beam angle

12 Non-Contacting Radar Frequency Selection
High Frequency: (Normally around 26 GHz) 1.15cm (26 GHz) Advantages: Smaller horn size for a given beam angle Requires smaller view of process (due to tighter beam) Focuses energy better (on solid applications) Disadvantages: Does not handle steam, foam, or agitation very well High frequency is more easily scattered. Small tank interferences that can be ignored by low frequency will cause problems at high frequencies.

13 Why Guided Wave Radar? Be a Level Consultant
Suitable for a variety of level measurement applications including: Unstable process conditions - changes in viscosity, density, or acidity do not affect accuracy Agitated surfaces - Boiling surfaces, dust, foam, and vapor do not affect device performance High temperatures and pressures - performs well in temperatures up to 315°C and can withstand pressures up to 580 psig Fine powders and sticky fluids - works with vacuum tanks filled with used cooking oil as well as tanks holding paint, latex, animal fat, soybean oil, sawdust, carbon black, titanium tetrachloride, salt, and grain Interface detection – for oil & gas and refining applications Plus meets process industry requirements - loop power, low cost, and applicability to both liquid and bulk solid mediums Be a Level Consultant

14 GWR Interface Measurement
Interface measurement happens when level sensor tracks interface between two different media. The media need to have significantly different characteristics (e.g. density or dielectric constant) For Guided Wave Radar the relevant parameter is dielectric constant. There are restrictions on dielectric constant contrast and upper material thickness. Minimum 20 cm Upper product thickness minimum = 20 cm Minimum Dk difference to detect interface is 10 We are not only detecting peaks, but also shapes Heavy oil with coating? Not a real problem But with a conductive glob – it is an issue. DC = X-10 DC = X

15 Data collection (as many details as posible)
Order Process Old Approach ORDERING PROCESS Data collection (as many details as posible) Application data sheet Submission Model number building Factory order placing Old way: Complete the Application Data Sheet with as many details as possible for any level application. Submit the ADS for review of its suitability to TDR technology. Build a part number.

16 What Does it Do? Have the following information available…
Validates the customer’s specific application. Is it a SmartLine GWR application? Configuration. Results in: model number for ordering in web channel configuration file that the factory downloads to configure the transmitter

17 Validating the Application, Building a Model Number
1 Guided Setup 2 Global default units

18 Validating the Application
3 Build your tank from basic shapes and view the construction real time

19 Higher Level of User Experience
ST 800 Sneak Preview_v3_30May2012 4/24/2018 Higher Level of User Experience Application Validation Tool Online tool Live, joint collaboration session Save and share output file Document your engineering effort The AVT usage is optional.

20 Validating the Application
4 Change individual parameter units to what makes sense 5 Inline help 6 Application configuration logic and warnings built in

21 Validating the Application
7 Visual warning for interfering tank objects (too close to the probe) 8 View the progress of the model number being built up

22 Validation 9 Share your configuration and collaborate real time

23 Validation 10 Duplicate configuration to reduce effort configuring multiple similar applications

24 Validation 11a Clear sense of completion of Validation Section
Section completion message including warnings if any Application validation summary Drawing of application

25 Building the Model Number

26 Configuration 11b Clear sense of completion of Configuration section
Section completion message including warnings if any Complete model number Links to find-your-distributor and web channel

27 Higher Level of User Experience
ST 800 Sneak Preview_v3_30May2012 4/24/2018 Higher Level of User Experience Use the tool to complete the process Output model number with options AVT file interfaces to Honeywell ordering system SmartLine level transmitter arrives as specified and pre- configured Be a Level Consultant

28 What makes it “Out of the Box”?
Working Out of the Box Customers, Channel Partners What makes it “Out of the Box”?

29 SmartLine Configuration - Basic
Be a Level Consultant

30 SmartLine Configuration - Basic

31 SmartLine Configuration - Basic
Support After the Sale

32 SmartLine Configuration - Monitor

33 Echo Curve. What The Instrument “Sees”.

34 SmartLine Configuration - Advanced
Support After the Sale

35 SmartLine Configuration - Advanced

36 Correlation

37 DK Too Low Support After the Sale

38 Dielectric Constant and Reflectivity
TDR Theory of Operation Dielectric Constant and Reflectivity The percentage of the reflected power can be calculated: Some examples Transmitted Power….….P1 Reflected Power…….....P2 Dielectric Constant………K % of reflected power……..R Electromagnetic wave based level transmitters have no problem when measuring conductive liquids or solids because the waves with frequencies between 5.8 and higher are readily reflected off a conductive surface creating relatively large echoes. If a liquid (or solid) is non-conductive, the value of the dielectric constant (relative permittivity εr) becomes more important. The theoretical amount of reflection at a dielectric layer can be calculated using this equation Water Gasoline

39 Width Too Small

40 Gain Too Small

41 Gain Too Big

42 Just Right Support After the Sale

43 ID Accounts, Plan, Execute
Make it Happen First Round of Training is Complete 11 venues, 160 people Technical, applications, marketing collateral We’ve come a long way in a short amount of time Now It’s Time to Go to Market Identify accounts Develop a plan with milestones and required resources Execute Analyze, modify, and repeat Those Involved Channel Partners Honeywell Account Managers Honeywell Customer Marketing Managers, Product Managers Product Champions ID Accounts, Plan, Execute

44 ID Accounts, Plan, Execute
Plan of Action Review ACE opportunities – Hon Enraf projects Identify channel partner targets ID accounts, mine ACE oppty, develop plans and milestones Execute - engage customers and the necessary resources Review & modify monthly report out Identify top 10 customers per region Review ACE opportunities – PAS projects + global mega projects Review ACE opportunities - PMC – FI and PAS-PMC ID Accounts, Plan, Execute

45 ID Accounts, Plan, Execute
So Far… Be a Level Consultant Understand the different ways to measure level. Each has strengths and weaknesses. Embrace AVT Practice, practice, practice… Making it out of the box What makes it out of the box? Identifying the peak, eliminating false echoes Attenuation, width Gain, blocking distance Customers tell us they want these things Make it Happen! Support After the Sale ID Accounts, Plan, Execute

46 Summary Be a Level Consultant
1. All the technologies for level measurement have advantages and considerations we need to take into account when defining the best solution for your level application 2. Honeywell SmartLine concept SLG720 guided wave radar suitable for demanding level applications including interface level measurement 3. Out of the box AVT in a for model creation based on customer experience (HUE concept) 4. Model number five last digits will be used by factory to identify your AVT and configure the instrument according to it 5. Instrument plug and play based on your AVT 6. DTM Pactware basic and advanced device configuration 7. Correlation algorithm for site configuration Be a Level Consultant

47 Q&A


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