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Parenting and Paternity Awareness

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Presentation on theme: "Parenting and Paternity Awareness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parenting and Paternity Awareness
Dating Relationships and Violence Sessions 13 Created by T Stivers Schindewolf Intermediate State Mandated Course

2 Relationship Abuse and Violence
What is relationship violence? How often do you think it occurs? Does it happen to girls and guys?

3 Relationship violence is any hurtful or unwanted act inflicted on a partner with the intention, either real or perceived, of causing pain or injury. Abuse can be: Physical Verbal Emotional/psychological Financial Sexual

4 It is a choice that one partner makes to exert power or control over the other person.
Can be done by a woman or a man Usually injury occurs to the female.

5 Read “Maria Wears My Jacket” and give #1-5 statistics
Add statistics 6-10

6 Divide the pairs in half.
In pairs: Divide the pairs in half. Identify 3 things someone can do if he or she is in a relationship and is experiencing one of the early signs of abuse or violence. Identify 3 things someone can do if he or she is in a relationship and is experiencing one of the clear signs of abuse or violence.

7 Create a Danger Continuum
Warning Signs of possible violence? Dangerous Not Good Shaky O.K. Just Fine

8 Summary Are there any cards you think should be moved?
What kinds of behaviors can we agree are not at all dangerous? Which are dangerous and clear signs of abuse or violence in a relationship?

9 So what do you do about abuse?

10 National hotline – 1-800-799-SAFE
If you are in a relationship that could become violent or is violent, REMEMBER: National hotline – SAFE Violence does not just stop or go away! Changing your behavior will not stop the other person’s abuse. YOU are not responsible for the abuse. That person needs counseling or help. Seek help. Confide in a trusted adult. Contact the police or local domestic center

11 How to help a friend who might be an abuser:
Talk to the person privately about his or her use of violence Try to get your friend to understand that it is both WRONG and ILLEGAL Let your friend know that you will not be around them if they continue this.

12 Texas Council on Family Violence www. tcfv
Texas Council on Family Violence Family Violence Program Red Flags Program

13 Keeping your commitment and enjoying a very successful marriage relationship is doable!
View Session 14 video clip and Segment 17 on Media Player as conclusion

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