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Resource Efficient Buildings Framework

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1 Resource Efficient Buildings Framework
Dr Judit Kimpian Architects' Council of Europe

2 Why a framework? No common understanding about "green" buildings
Lack of reliable, comparable and affordable data, methods and tools No guidance on how to incorporate the environment in purchasing decisions  Support decision making along the building life cycle

3 Voluntary Reporting Framework – not a rating or benchmarking scheme

4 Why a framework? Common language, transparency
Making the business case starts with good data Effective transfer of good practices Support incentives and policies Empower a fragmented sector to set and work towards shared goals  Encourage mainstream market towards better practices

5 Climate change resilience
The end game Health & comfort Climate change resilience Life cycle cost & value … a healthy & resilient environment

6 @ minimal environmental impact
Efficient and Circular use of resources Environmental quality: Fresh air Light Heat Coolth Acoustics What do we mean by building performance? Low maintenance: Simple Source: Artist Maria Arceo Energy Water Materials Spatial: Visual integration Privacy Safety Connectivity Adaptability …EU Sustainable Buildings Directive?

7 the role of feedback | Continuous improvement
Acquisition Briefing Design Tender Calculated performance Measured performance Validation & occupant feedback

8 Framework users Investors Landlords Asset managers Agents Valuers
Acquisition Briefing Design Tender Investors Landlords Asset managers Agents Valuers Design Team Architects Engineers QS Project Managers Design Teams & Contractors Building Occupants Property & Facilities Managers Public Governement Market Continuous improvement

9 Macro-objectives & Indicators
GHG Emissions Along the building lifecycle Primary & Delivered Energy consumption in use: kWh/m2/yr Global Warming Potential embodied CO2 eq./m2 ozone depletion, acidification, eutrophication, Photochemical ozone creation Other LCA Criteria: 2. Material Impacts Low impact material life cycles Bill of Materials: Abiotic fossil fuels, minerals and metals, Biotic materials Waste Flows: kg/m2 Disposed, reused, recycled, E recovery Adaptability Deconstruction/Reuse/recyclability Service Life 3. Water Use Circular use of water resources Use Phase Consumption: m3/occupant/yr Embodied water m3/ton 4. IEQ Healthy & comfortable spaces Indoor Air Quality: ventilation rate l/s/m2; CO2 ppm; RH % Pollutants: TVOC, CVOC, RI VOC, formaldehyde, benzene, PM2.5 & 10 Thermal Comfort: % time out of range degree days or hours Light Acoustic Visual 5. Climate Change Adaptation, resilience & impact Extreme weather events under future climate scenarios: Thermal Comfort: % time out of range degree days or hours 2030/2050 Flood Risk: surface water runoff; flood risk area Sun Rain Wind Snow Sea level 6. Cost & Value Optimised over whole life Life cycle costs EUR/m2/yr Value Creation & Risk Factors: Data quality of indicators

10 Performance reporting at different level of granularity | robustness
Data tracking to include: component quantities & life span material quantities material impacts embodied energy and carbon cost & life cycle cost A building configuration can be analysed for: impact hot spots operational energy use adaptability and climate change resilience

11 Next steps Framework report by summer 2017
2 year testing phase to commence in autumn 2017 Seeking organisations to undertake testing Circular Economy Action Plan update end of 2017 Feedback to inform framework updates EU Green Public Procurement criteria based on framework Power of data – discussions with DG Regio/ Structural funds, DG Grow/Building Passports/logbook  A common language for the market based on existing standards

12 Why a framework? Framework report by summer 2017
2 year testing phase to commence in autumn 2017 Seeking organisations to undertake testing Circular Economy Action Plan update end of 2017 Feedback to inform framework updates EU Green Public Procurement criteria based on framework Power of data – discussions with DG Regio/ Structural funds, DG Grow/Building Passports/logbook  A common language for the market based on existing standards

13 Join #EUSEW17 ‘EU Sustainable Energy Week’
@euenergyweek & #EUSEW17 ‘EU Sustainable Energy Week’

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