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Tips on how to install irrigation systems

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2 Tips on how to install irrigation systems
Benefits of using Lawn Sprinkler Systems Tips on how to install irrigation systems  

3 Benefits of using Lawn Sprinkler Systems
You can install your own lawn irrigation system and save money and time. However, it's not one of the easiest do-it-yourself assignments. You have to be extra careful in planning and purchasing the correct components. Putting an Irrigation system yourself can save you up to 40% of the cost of a professional installation. However, maintaining an improperly installed system can be very difficult and costly, so take your time to do it right from the start. Please read all the instructions first and then decide whether to do it yourself or hire a professional.  

4 Benefits of using Lawn Sprinkler Systems
Before installing an irrigation system, you'll need to:   Call and check for underground utilities before digging. Check your water pressure in pounds per square inch (psi). Check water service line size. Check water flow rate in gallons per minute (GPM). Know the type of backflow prevention required by local code. Know the type of your grass and soil; it affects the efficiency of irrigation.   Once you are done with your pre-planning and pre-assembling parts, lay out the pieces first.

5 Benefits of using Lawn Sprinkler Systems
Connect the PVC Pipe - Cut the pipe straight to length so the pipe is fully seated in the fitting. Make the edges smooth with a knife. Insert the pipe into the fitting and adjust to the correct position. Remove the pipe from the fitting. Brush both the outside of the pipe and the inside of the fitting with cement. At the end, push the pipe into the fitting. Spread the cement and make a bead along the edge of the fitting. The bead should extend all the way around the pipe.

6 Benefits of using Lawn Sprinkler Systems
Connect Polyethylene Pipe - Cut the pipe to length. Place a clamp on each end. Insert the fitting into the pipe. Tighten the clamps.   Connect Heads - Heads usually thread onto the riser. It's very important to flush debris from the line before final connection of sprinkler heads.

7 Benefits of using Lawn Sprinkler Systems
Connect the System to the Service Line - There are two ways to connect your irrigation system to the water supply. You can connect your valve to an existing outdoor faucet (like a garden hose). You can also connect directly to the service line.   Install Backflow Prevention – An irrigation system requires a backflow preventer. Due to reverse pressure from the system, backflow can allow chemicals from the lawn to enter the water supply and cause serious problems. When an irrigation system is not in use, a backflow preventer closes the system.

8 Benefits of using Lawn Sprinkler Systems
Controlling the System – each zone has its own control valve. The controller will allow you to run one zone at a time to maximize water pressure. You must choose controllers based on the number of zones you have in your irrigation system. You can program your controller to run for a particular time and day and it shut off automatically. A rain sensor is also very useful when installing an irrigation system. It automatically shuts off the system in rain and leaves you at ease when you're away from home. To preserve water, controllers and rain sensors are great tools. They regulate how much water goes out and when it is most needed, reducing the amount of wasted water.  

9 Benefits of using Lawn Sprinkler Systems
About Turfrain Irrigation Systems: Turf Rain Irrigation Systems has been servicing southern Ontario region including Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, Milton, Burlington, Brampton and surrounding GTA area for more than 24 years. We specialize in lawn sprinklers, irrigation systems, landscape lighting for Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Golf sites. They also provide irrigation system repair and irrigation system maintenance services. For more information visit -  

10 Benefits of using Lawn Sprinkler Systems

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