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Large-eddy Simulation of Tropical Convection over the Indian Ocean: Scale Variability and SST  Atmospheric conditions over the tropical ocean are characterized.

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Presentation on theme: "Large-eddy Simulation of Tropical Convection over the Indian Ocean: Scale Variability and SST  Atmospheric conditions over the tropical ocean are characterized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Large-eddy Simulation of Tropical Convection over the Indian Ocean: Scale Variability and SST 
Atmospheric conditions over the tropical ocean are characterized by a nearly constant vertical temperature structure with widely varying moisture content.  Moist convection responds to moisture variability and sets the temperature structure.  Determining processes that scale convective events is challenging, with disturbances ranging from individual systems less than 20 km in size to basin-scale structures such as the Madden-Julian oscillation or Kelvin waves.  Using large-eddy simulation, we examine the relative importance of internal convective dynamics versus SST variability in organizing convection.  A simple diagnostic based on surface specific humidity and potential temperature is used to compare model results with observations and reveals the importance of mesoscale SST variability. Tuesday, February 7, :00-12:00 noon 129 Hayes/Healy Center Professor Eric Skyllingstad Professor of Physics of Oceans and Atmospheres College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences University of Oregon

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