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The Mission context of Mission Shaped Church The working group.

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Presentation on theme: "The Mission context of Mission Shaped Church The working group."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mission context of Mission Shaped Church The working group

2 What is Mission-shaped Church ?
It’s a map of mission at home today It’s a collection of short stories showing what’s already happening It’s a round table for permission givers and pioneers It’s a key resource for trainers of future leaders in mission It might lead to deep re-imagination of church

3 MSC Ch 1 : changing contexts
Greater fragmentation & mobility so no one kind of church will do A network society with “place” and “territory” weakening From “where” to “how” So we need porous legal boundaries Christendom is over So the Jesus story is not known Culture doesn’t bring people to our door

4 The going of “Come” From the 4th century in the west, the surrounding culture brought people to the door of the Church. What brought them ? Baptisms / Weddings / Funerals Questions of life / Pastoral Crises Our church we don’t go to Coming back to values or past known Church The mission task was : Respond well to their requests Take them, from the door to the altar

5 The coming - of “Going” ? With the ending of Christendom, and onset of secularisation, the culture no longer brings people to the door of the Church. Few churches have experience of this profoundly different shape to mission know how to travel out from Church in “go” or apostolic mode can envisage how to be fresh imaginings of church at the end of the journey

6 A surprising omission ? Post-modernity ?
Tolerance is tops, over personal convictions Most agree Modernity is over Choice, feeling experience are in So religion is seen as choice

7 A consumer society A Changing Culture The right of choice
The unattainable pleasure cycle The poor excluded Responses : Debt or Crime From religion of obligation to religion of consumption We even “buy into” ideas A culture to enter and challenge

8 Different Mission Fields
Regular attenders – at least monthly (10%) Fringe - less than monthly (10%) Non Churched (40%) Open de-churched (20%) Closed de-churched (20%) MSC p 37-40

9 Dropping “UN-churched”
UN is equivocal language change of state OR Never in that state ? Its UnClear UN is bad tactical language Confuses two groups needing different responses Its UnHelpful UN betrays Christendom language Suggests they are “Ours” – and coming “back” Its UnTruthful

10 Mission to Dechurched alone won’t do
The % of people furthest away from living contact with or effective knowledge of the church is growing. They cannot be ignored. De-churched: Approx 25% Non-churched: Approx 65% 76% of New Christians came from the 25% De-Churched Finding faith today 1992 The younger, largely non-churched are more likely to identify as ‘spiritual’ not religious Hay and Hunt 2000

11 Conclusions for Church and Mission
The existing parochial system alone is no longer able to deliver its underlying missionary purpose We need a mixed economy – no longer promoting one way of being church There are only expressions – previous and fresh Cf MSC p xi para 4

12 Something like this ? English Emmental ? Mixed Economy means
Fresh Expressions and Church Plants fill the holes the parishes cannot reach English Emmental ? Something like this ? Mixed Economy means being glad that MSC p 35

13 The Big [tidal] Change “Come” to church is flowing away “Going” to others is flooding in

14 But God I liked it in Jerusalem
A 4th insight for all All churches need re-shaping in this light Mission-shaped Church isn’t just mission flavoured But God I liked it in Jerusalem The apostolic direction of the Church:Acts 1.8 Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria to the end of the earth From the familiar through the disagreeable to the unthinkable ?

15 From Jerusalem ….. to Judea … the familiar?
Fringe Samaria … the disagreeable? De-Churched The ends of the earth … the unthinkable? Non-Churched Churched PS – Notice what happens to the old centre

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