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Shape of Chaplaincy Warren Evans: CEO National Director

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Presentation on theme: "Shape of Chaplaincy Warren Evans: CEO National Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shape of Chaplaincy Warren Evans: CEO National Director
Registered Charity

2 Where we’ve been Where we are Where we are going Registered Charity

3 What we are about/values
Reminder: What we are about/values Registered Charity

4 Key principle VALUES of Sports Chaplaincy
Presence - Be there, be different – Jesus Excellence – in everything we say and what we do Relationship - Compassionate Confidentially – trust, a safe port of call Humility – Beyond reproach - integrity “it’s all about Him” Spiritually these values express Christ values –its about our very being – BEING - Incarnation: “The word became flesh dwelling among us.” - Identification: “all things to all people” - Servanthood: “not looking to your own interests, but the interests of others.” - Presence: “let your light shine” - Pastoring: “Christ gave the….pastors…to equip his people for works of service” - Compassion: “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” Registered Charity

5 Our Key VALUES Registered Charity
Spiritually these values express Christ values –its about our very being – BEING - Incarnation: “The word became flesh dwelling among us.” - Identification: “all things to all people” - Servanthood: “not looking to your own interests, but the interests of others.” - Presence: “let your light shine” - Pastoring: “Christ gave the….pastors…to equip his people for works of service” - Compassion: “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” Registered Charity

6 Chaplaincy to who? To those of all faiths and no faith
“For God does not show favouritism,” Rom 2:11 We offer pastoral and spiritual support to everyone, people of faith and people of no faith.  This generally involves visiting the clubs offices and training facilities on a weekly basis and being available to listen and bring support to all staff - from the CEO to the grounds-man, the kit-man to the doctor, the players to the coach and everyone else in between. At times this can look and feel like we are loitering but this is a very important aspect of our role, by being visible and available we are able to build relationships. When times of crisis arise and they do, chaplains are a trusted port of call and are an important part of staff and player welfare.  Registered Charity

7 Where we’ve come from Registered Charity
1991 June we were established and grew to well over 100 plus chaplains In the last 3-4 years we’ve grown significantly doubling if not nearly treberling our our foot print AND WE HONOUR AL THOSE WHO HAVE GONE BEFORE Registered Charity

8 Where we are NOW Registered Charity
1991 June we were established and grew to well over 100 plus chaplains In the last 3-4 years we’ve grown significantly doubling if not nearly treberling our our foot print AND WE HONOUR AL THOSE WHO HAVE GONE BEFORE Registered Charity

9 We have around 350+ chaplains
We work with professional bodies and clubs within sport We have trained over 150 in 24 months There are over 350+ sports chaplains in the UK and Ireland, providing spiritual and pastoral care to professional and amateur sport. Football, Rugby Union, Rugby League, Horseracing, Athletics, Cricket, Boxing, Basketball, Ice Hockey, Speedway, Stock Car Racing, Judo, Golf, Paralympics, Olympics, Commonwealth Games, Snooker, Kayaking, Surfing Registered Charity

10 We are now actively involved in all the UK Scotland Northern Ireland
Wales England – North East All ability and Disability sport Women’s Sports There are over 350+ sports chaplains in the UK and Ireland, providing spiritual and pastoral care to professional and amateur sport. Registered Charity

11 There are over 350+ sports chaplains in the UK and Ireland, providing spiritual and pastoral care to professional and amateur sport. Registered Charity

12 Let’s reflect and be grateful & Thank God For his grace & mercy
There are over 350+ sports chaplains in the UK and Ireland, providing spiritual and pastoral care to professional and amateur sport. Registered Charity

13 Thank YOU Registered Charity Thank you from SCUK
Thank you from the clubs you serve Thank you from the community you serve We store up treasure not earth where months will destroy but in heaven – for eternal glory Registered Charity

14 Where we are going Registered Charity
There are over 350+ sports chaplains in the UK and Ireland, providing spiritual and pastoral care to professional and amateur sport. Registered Charity

15 As an organisation we have a two fold vision, our main purpose has been to:
Vision: “To provide and support chaplains in every professional and amateur sport in the UK & Ireland” “ equip, challenge, and enable the church to engage with their community called sport”. Mission: “To initiate, nurture, support and resource high quality Christian chaplaincy to the world of sport” Registered Charity

16 Community called No of Clubs: Average Attendance: Size of community:
151,000 80+ adults, 90+ children 25 million

17 Community called Church
No of Churches: Average Attendance: Size of community: 52,000 80 people in total 4 million

18 SIX times BIGGER

19 We can only achieve the second part of the vision God has given us by partnering with others
YFC, CiS SU, Pilot Pew to the Touch line

20 What the future holds VISION Registered Charity

21 What the future holds Focus is to seek to have 1000 Sports Chaplains engaged over the next 5 years Over the next 10 years to engage the churches in partnership to see 300,000 followers of Jesus intentionally engage in their community called Sport Registered Charity

22 Increased Support through:
Pastoral Directors Visits/ Calls/ s CPD includes Induction, Regional & Conference Website. On line programs - Registered Charity

23 The challenge The fields are white unto harvest HEALTHY
Focus is to seek to have 1000 Sports Chaplains engaged over the next 5 years Over the next 10 years to engage the churches in partnership to see 300,000 followers of Jesus intentionally engage in their community called Sport Registered Charity

24 The ASK PRAYER Communication Partnering
New Volunteers and not just chaplains Finance Registered Charity

25 #making-a-difference
#stronger-together #relationship #making-a-difference I hope you’ve learnt something may been challenged and that you’ve enjoyed this Registered Charity

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