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European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) Stefaan DEPYPERE DG MARE B

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1 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2014-2020 Stefaan DEPYPERE DG MARE B

2 Overview EMFF: financial support to the implementation of the CFP & IMP
Architecture and resources of the EMFF Operational Programmes (OPs) Fisheries measures Preferential treatment for Small-Scale Coastal Fishing (SSCF) Control and data collection Aquaculture Marketing and processing Integrated Maritime Policy Promoting a balanced coastal development (Community-Led Local Development or CLLD)

3 The architecture of the EMFF OPs National or regional level
COMMON STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK (CSF) ERDF, ESF, CF, EAFRD, EMFF EU level National level PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT (PAs) ERDF, ESF, CF, EAFRD, EMFF OPs for ERDF OPs for EAFRD (Rural development) OPs for EMFF (CFP & IMP) OPs for ESF National or regional level OPs for CF Multifund OPs for ERDF, ESF, CF (2 or 3 Funds)

4 EMFF : 5,750 M€ for 27 national OPs

5 Distribution of EMFF resources (in %) by EU MS in their respective OPs (end 2016)
UP1: Fisheries UP4: Community Led Local Development (CLLD) UP2: Aquaculture UP3: CFP support (data collection and Control) UP5: Processing & marketing UP6: Maritime Policy UP1 UP2 UP3 UP4 UP5 UP6 EU 26,89 21,05 19,13 9,03 17,60 1,24 Med 29,74 18.94 20,33 9,26 14,44 2,07 Black Sea 14,66 40,44 9,80 18,62 9,02 2,16 Baltic 19,35 24,23 21,93 12,32 14,83 2,45 Atl & NS 29,82 12,40 31,56 4,41 15,67 1,82 LL 2,27 65,93 11,41 0,00 23,90 Represents a significant reduction of up to 50% compared to fleet measures expenditure under the EFF.  LL: Land Locked MS

6 Supporting the reform of the CFP
Support for the promotion of MSY and the implementation of the landing obligation, in particular via: More selective gears or fishing techniques (no discards) Conservation measures (regionalisation) Partnerships between fishermen and scientists Eco-innovation Restoration and monitoring of NATURA 2000 sites and other marine protected areas (+ collection of waste, lost gear, marine litter, biodiversity services including with the participation of fishermen)

7 Permanent Cessation Permanent cessation can only take place in fleet segments where there is overcapacity, and only until the end of 2017 Other conditions (similar to EFF): Capacity corresponding to the vessel scrapped has to be permanently removed from the Union fishing vessels register and must result in a permanent reduction of the capacity ceiling of the fleet concerned segment Aid cannot be reinvested in a new fishing vessel in a period of 5 years Fishermen must cease all fishing activities for 1 year Eligible operations include scrapping, re-fitting for activities other than commercial fishing or maritime heritage for traditional wooden vessels

8 Temporary cessation Similar to EFF but slightly stricter conditions
Linked to measures in CFP Articles 12, 13, and 7 Non-renewal of fisheries partnership agreements Foreseen in management plans (Mediterranean regulation) or a multiannual plan adopted under CFP Articles 9 and 10 where reductions of fishing effort are needed 6 months' time limit + fishing activity effectively suspended The beneficiary must be the owner of an active vessel or an active fishermen with > 120 days at sea in previous 2 years Mutual funds for adverse climatic events and environmental incidents

9 Engine replacement Only for vessels in a fleet segment where there is no overcapacity Only for vessels up to 24 meters Vessels up to meters, reduction of at least 30% in kW Vessels meters, reduction of at least 20% kW Vessels <12 meters with no towed gear (SSCF): no increase in kW Only engines whose power has been certified or verified according to the control regulation can be replaced

10 Planned numbers of fleet measures operations in the EMFF OPs
MS Permanent cessations- Temporary cessations Engine replacements Total 1 440 38 008 2 976 Compared to the EFF ( ): Very significant decrease in the number of scrapping and temporary cessation operations The number of planned engine replacements more than doubles MS intend to scrap vessels with public support. 9 MS intend to use support for temporary cessation of fishing operations and 12 MS intend to support engine replacement. Uk never used it before and HR very interesting because they have according to their AER 2014 submission 163 FTE in the catching sector MS Scrapping operations Temporary cessation operations Engine replacement Austria Bulgaria 15 Croatia 60 1.300 50 Cyprus 55 20 Czech Republic Denmark Estonia 140 Finland 75 France 65 515 1.120 Germany 70 58 Greece 500 1 200 Ireland Italia 5.000 80 Latvia 35 Lithuania 5 Malta 4 Poland 1.000 Portugal 45 620 Slovakia Slovenia Spain 709 34.007 244 Sweden The Netherlands UK 135 Totals 1.784 42.663 2.561

11 MS Planned EMFF expenditure for fleet measures (temporary & permanent cessation + engine replacement)

12 Other Fisheries Measures
Investments on board linked to complementary activities i.e. environmental, educational activities or tourism: fostering diversification or keeping unsustainable vessels in business Start-up support for young fishermen: purchase of a vessel of at least 5 years of age maximum length of 24 metres maximum contribution of 15% of the vessel price same conditions as in EFF

13 Small-Scale Coastal Fishing (SSCF) Preferential treatment
MS with more than 1,000 SSCF to adopt SSCF action plans MS with more SSCF get a higher share of EMFF More funding and higher aid intensity (+30% points for SSCF) Youth employment and training scheme: only for SSCF Engine replacement – SSCF applications to be treated as a priority, up to at least 60% of funding of new engines Tailor made measures for small scale coastal fleet: advisory services, business start-ups, retrofitting of vessels and special aid for spouses of fishermen

14 Promoting human capital, job creation and social dialogue
Professional training, lifelong learning, dissemination of knowledge, acquisition of new professional skills Networking and exchange of best practice Promoting social dialogue (fishermen, social partners, NGOs) Training on sustainable fishing and conservation Diversification: new jobs complementary to fishing Contribution to Blue Growth 2020

15 Support to control & enforcement and Data collection
Data collection, to improve scientific advice for fisheries management Control, to improve compliance with CFP rules and promote level playing field among actors Ring-fenced resources, (580 M€ Control – 520 M€ Data for 27 MS over 7 years) but as this represents a large increase, absorption of these funds by the MS will be an issue to watch out for in

16 Stronger compliance with CFP rules
Commission to interrupt or suspend reimbursements to a MS when it does not comply with its CFP obligations MS to exclude operators not playing by the rules (from project submission until closure of files) (see next slide)

17 Cross-compliance with CFP rules
Conditionality to access funds Admissibility rules for operators to be able to apply for support: Compliance with IUU, control regulations Environmental admissibility for aquaculture farmers Admissibility conditions still have to be met at closure of the operation + 5 years Financial corrections by the Managing Authority and/or the COM Reporting on cases of non-compliance and their treatment in the Annual Implementation Report A summary of cases of non-compliance by MS or beneficiaries as well as the remedy actions shall be made public annually

18 Support to sustainable aquaculture
Aid for productive investments (multi-annual national strategic plan on aquaculture) Conversion to eco-management and organic aquaculture Develop aquaculture providing environmental services Support aquaculture for conservation and biodiversity protection

19 Aquaculture in EFF and EMFF
Commitments (€ million) (%) Projects (% of total) EFF 560 14.3 6.12 EMFF 1 200 21 13.7 19

20 Market measures (Common Organisation)
Better products Adding value through marketing and processing measures Support to Producer Organisations for the implementation of Production and Marketing Plans Bringing outermost regions closer Specific compensation for additional costs in fishery and aquaculture Storage aid Phasing out of storage aid

21 Integrated Maritime Policy (resources available to the MS)
Support to horizontal policy tools Maritime spatial planning Marine knowledge and marine environment Maritime surveillance How: Funding opportunities for studies, conferences, publicity and awareness raising, stakeholders platforms, exchange of best practice But only 71,1 M€ for 27 MS & 7 years

22 Integrated Maritime Policy (resources available to the Commission)
To support the coordination and sustainable growth of sea-related activities to the benefit of coastal regions and maritime sectors. Maritime policy coordination tools The Commission may support policy tools which cannot be developed within individual policy areas or at MS level: Maritime spatial planning Integrated maritime surveillance Marine knowledge Marine strategy framework directive Objective is to promote Blue Growth, i.e. to address barriers that hinder growth in emerging maritime sectors

23 Integrated Maritime Policy The EU blue economy of today
(€ bn) 75% of Europe’s external trade and 37% of trade within the EU is seaborne. BLUE ECONOMY now: € 500 million GVA 3,4 million jobs In 2020: € 600 million GVA New jobs

24 Community-Led Local Development (CLLD - 1)
Bottom-up approach (Leader & EFF Axis 4 experience) single methodology for CLLD for EAFRD, EMFF, ERDF and ESF (in CPR) Local Development Strategies (LDS) can be supported by multiple Funds Based on Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs): partnerships of local actors (public, private, civil society, community representatives) responsible for design & implementation of LDS (animation & selection of local projects)

25 CLLD - 2 Local Development Strategies to support: Budgets for CLLD:
adding value & promoting innovation diversification & job creation in fisheries areas enhancing & capitalising on environmental assets (incl. mitigation of climate change) promoting social well-being & cultural heritage strengthening role of fisheries communities in local development Budgets for CLLD: EAFRD: 5% minimum compulsory on LEADER (around 5 billion Euros) ERDF and ESF: around 0,8% of programmes (over 2 billion Euros) EMFF: 520 M€ = 9 % (les in % but same in € as for EFF)

26 Thank you for your attention!

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