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Gunasthanas Stages of Spiritual Development.

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1 Gunasthanas Stages of Spiritual Development

2 Stages of Spiritual Development
Gunasthanas There are 14 stages of spiritual development Soul travels from complete dependence upon the Karma state to the state of complete detachment from it The order of Gunasthanas is logical and not chronological They are arranged according to the principle of decreasing sinfulness and the increasing purity Soul removes its Ignorance (Mithyatva) on 4th stage Vowlessness (Avirati) on 6th stage Passions (Kashaya) on 12th stage Yoga (activities of body, mind and speech) on 14th stage and attains liberation

3 Stages of Spiritual Development Gunasthanas
01 Mithyatva (False vision or faith) Delusion or Gross ignorance state of Right Belief This state is possessed by all souls from the beginning of time Soul does not have a true knowledge and faith in reality but believes in non-reality Mithyatva Mohniya (Wrong belief) Mishra Mohniya (Right/wrong belief) Samyaktva Mohniya (Clouded right belief) Soul migrates to fourth stage after acquiring true knowledge and right faith 02 Sasadana (Stage of having tasted true belief) One has a taste of true belief This states exists only while actually falling down from the fourth to the first stage Duration less than 48 minutes 03 Misra (Mixed Stage) Mixed or partially rational belief. Also the condition of mind while actually falling down from the fourth to the first stage After the first fall, condition of mind going up from first to the fourth stage

4 Stages of Spiritual Development (Gunasthanas)
04 Avirata_samyagadristi (Vowless Right Faith or Vision) Soul migrates directly here from the first stage Right Faith (Samyaktva) and Right Knowledge but lack of self control or conduct Gateway to liberation Three ways to achieve Samyakva Upasam (supression) Kshayik (eradication) Kshayopsam (partial supression and partial eradication) Three types of Faith Deluding (Darshan Mohaniya) Karma and four Anantänu-bandhi Kashäya (very intense passions) has been supressed or eradicated. These seven Karma are called Darshan-saptak. Downfall occurs if Mithyatva was suppressed

5 Stages of Spiritual Development Gunasthanas
05 Desavirata_samyagadristi (Partial Renunciation) Practicing partial vows of Right Conduct Conquered over Apratyakhan_kashay (intense passions) Highest stage for laypeople 06 Pramatta_virata (Full Renunciation with some laziness) Total renunciations of Material belongings and Family life (follows ascetic life) Observes five great vows though tinged with laziness (pramada) Conquered over Pratyakhan_kashay (high passions) 07 Apramatta_virata (Renunciation with full awareness) Observes vows without negligence (pramada) Passions are reduced to minimum in intensity, quality, number and form (Sanjvalan) Partial realization of natural joy or bliss (svabhavik ananda)

6 Stages of Spiritual Development Gunasthanas
08 Apurva_karana or Nivratti_badara_samparaya (Meditative state) Pureness of soul increasing Remains in meditative state Traces of Passions are still present 09 Anivritti_karana or Anivratti_badara samparaya (Advance meditative state) More advanced thought-activity or meditation 10 Sukshma_samparaya (Almost passionless state) Only very slight greed left to be controlled

7 Stages of Spiritual Development Gunasthanas
11 Upasanta_moha (Quiescence passionless state) Quiescence of the remaining traces of greed Fallback occurs due to suppression of passions 12 Kshina_moha (Complete passionless state) Desirelessness State Complete eradication of greed Omniscience is not possesses No fallback can occur (removal of passions)

8 Stages of Spiritual Development Gunasthanas
13 Sayogy_kevalin (Active Omniscience State) Omniscience state (elimination of four Ghati karma) Perfection of Right Vision, Knowledge, Conduct, and Power Liberation in the embodied state Activity of Body, Mind and Speech exist (Yoga) Tirthankara establishes religious order 14 Ayogy_kevalin (Passive Omniscience State) Cessation of the activity of the three yogas Duration is very short (few seconds) Next step is Nirvana

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