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Draft Outlines for 2010 Sector Performance Report WSMP

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Presentation on theme: "Draft Outlines for 2010 Sector Performance Report WSMP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Draft Outlines for 2010 Sector Performance Report WSMP

2 2009 SPR Outline Introductory information Main Chapters Foreword
Historical overview Institutional and policy framework Sector performance WRM Rural WASH Urban water Major sector innovations Conclusions and recommendations Foreword Introduction Acknowledgements Table of contents Executive summary

3 Main outlines Main Chapters Introductory information Foreword
Historical overview Institutional and policy framework WASH Sector coordination updates SECTOR PERFORMANCE Water Resources Management Water supply Sanitation Hygiene Sector M&E and Reporting Conclusions and recommendations Annexes Foreword Acknowledgements Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction

4 Institutional, policy and regulatory framework
Framework for sector development Policy objectives Institutional framework National level Regional District Community level Private sector

5 WASH Sector Coordination updates
SWAp updates Sector Review (GWF, NESCON) SSDP On-going Sector Knowledge Management projects

6 Water Resources Management
Overview of Ghana’s water resources Water availability Water demand Water Resources Monitoring and Assessment Water Resources Planning and Regulation Water Quality Management Transboundary Water Resources Management Climate Change updates WRM Sub sector financing

7 Water Supply (rural, urban, regional, national)
Access to improved drinking water sources Functionality of water supply facilities Average cost of water supply facilities sub-sector financing

8 Sanitation (Rural/Urban/Regional/National)
Access to improved household toilet facilities School sanitation

9 Hygiene (rural, urban, regional, national)
Access to handwashing facilities (household) Access to handwashing facilities (school) Handwashing (practice) Household water treatment and storage

10 Sector M&E & reporting Current M&E practices
Towards a coordinated approach Sectorwide M&E plan Sectorwide M&E Framework and indicators Harmonization of definitions Sector Performance Reporting The DiMES Use of WASH Sector Survey reports

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