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CASE OF THE MONTH Dr Narender Tejwani Consultant ( Hematopathologist)

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Presentation on theme: "CASE OF THE MONTH Dr Narender Tejwani Consultant ( Hematopathologist)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CASE OF THE MONTH Dr Narender Tejwani Consultant ( Hematopathologist)
Department of Laboratory Services Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital & Research Centre Rohini, New Delhi

2 Clinical History 56 year old male presented to hematology OPD with complaints for weakness, fatigue and dragging abdominal pain for last 6 months Evaluated outside and found to have raised leukocyte count History of blood transfusion present No history of bleeding or fever

3 Clinical Examination Vitals: Stable,
Pallor present, No icterus, No bleeding, No fever Systemic Examination: Respiratory system & CVS: Normal No lymphadenopathy Massive splenomegaly reaching upto umbilicus on per abdominal examination


5 Complete Blood Counts Hemoglobin: 8.4 gm%
Platelet Counts: Per Cumm Total Leukocyte Counts: Per Cumm

6 Peripheral Smear Red cells: Microcytic Hypochromic with many target cells WBC: Show presence of Neutrophillia, Monocytosis and lymphocytosis with 9% intermediate to large atypical cells with scant cytoplasm and relatively clumped chromatin. Few show blastoid morphology. No dysplasia seen. Platelets reduced on smear

7 1 2 Intermediate sized cell with scant cytoplasm and clumped chromatin Intermediate sized cell with scant cytoplasm and opened up chromatin Resembling blast with prominent nucleoli 3

8 Bone Marrow Aspirate Cellular Marrow with showing all hemopoietic cells adequately No dysplasia seen 24% atypical cells with morphology similar as described in smear

9 Differential Diagnosis
Contradictory findings Non hodgkin lymphoma Acute Leukemia Blast crisis in MDS/MPN Blast crisis in MPN No lymphadenopathy Long history No dysplasia Only 6 month history, normal megakaryocyte morphology FLOWCYTOMETRY WAS ADVISED FOR FURTHER WORKUP


11 FLOWCYTOMETRY CD45 VS Side Scatter Findings
The cells were gated in bright CD45 region of lymphocytes

12 FLOWCYTOMETRY CD3 Positive Cells Findings
B cell analysis was unremarkable T cells were gated on SSC Vs CD3 plot All further analysis are described on CD3 positive T cells

An abnormal T cell population was identified which was negative or CD5 (Red in color) Normal T cell Population is labeled green

The abnormal population was negative for CD4 and CD8 Note the normal T cells in green showing isolated CD4 or CD8 positivity

The abnormal cells were bright CD7 positive Normal cells are dual CD5 and CD7 positive

16 FINAL DIAGNOSIS An abnormal T cell population was identified
Positive: CD3, CD2, CD7 Negative: CD5, CD4, CD8 TCR receptor by flow was sent to referral lab and show Gamma Delta Restriction (Plot not available) A final diagnosis of “HEPATOSPLEINC T CELL LYMPHOMA-GAMMA DELTA TYPE” was made (In view of massive spleen and no lymph node)

17 Hepatoslpenic T Cell Lymphoma

18 Introduction Peripheral T cell lymphomas constitute ~15% of all NHL in adults Hepatosplenic T cell lymphoma is a rare subtype of this group characterized by primary involvement of liver and spleen This is a group of aggressive neoplasm that were initially called as hepatopslenic gamma delta T cell lymphoma Later term gamma delta was removed as some of the cases show Alpha Beta TCR

19 Epidemiology & Pathogenesis
Rare neoplasm with less than 100 cases in literature Median age is 35 years with slight male predominance Pathogenesis is largely unknown. Some associations are: 20% cases are immunosuppressed Majority have isochromosome 7q

20 Clinical History Splenomegaly: 100% cases Hepatomegaly: ~50% cases
B Symptoms: ~70% cases Lymphadenopathy: <10% cases Thus the patient presents with lymphomatous involvement of spleen without any evidence of lymph node involvement This is very peculiar presentation of this group amongst all T cell lymphomas

21 Morphology The group is characterized by monotonous intermediate sized lymphoid cells with moderate cytoplasm, round or slightly irregular nuclei, relatively opened up chromatin and indistinct nuclei.

22 Immunophenotype Positive markers: CD2, CD3, CD7 and CD16.
Negative markers: CD5, CD4 and CD8 Rare: CD4+ or CD8+ or Dual positive variants described TCR restriction: Gamma Delta type but rare Alpha Beta variant are also described

23 Diagnosis Characteristic Clinical: Massive splenomegaly without lymphadenopathy Immunophenotypic: CD3, CD2, CD7 positivity and Negativity for CD4, CD8 and CD5 TCR Restriction: Expression of Gamma Delta TCT strongly supports the case however not must Isochromosome 7q: Not required for diagnosis but strongly supports the case

24 Differential Diagnosis
Differentiating Feature PTCL NOS ALCL Systemic Type Angioimmunoblastic T NHL Lymphoblastic Lymphoma T-LGL Aggressive NK cell leukemia Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma, Hairy Cell Leukemia Generalized lymph node + Pleomorphic cell, LN + Shows immaturity markers Subtle course, CD8+, αß+ CD3 negative B Cell markers positive

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