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Guidance notes for the WASH sector in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon

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1 Guidance notes for the WASH sector in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon
RRP 6 Guidance notes for the WASH sector in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon For comments please contact:

2 Standardised strategic objective
RRP 6 - WASH SECTOR Standardised strategic objective “Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services are ensured to the affected population to agreed standards with the primary purpose of satisfying vital needs, ensuring dignity and reducing public health related risks” This was agreed during the RRP 6 workshop held in Amman on Sept. 12, 2013 by the WASH sector leads of Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon

3 by the WASH sector leads of Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon
RRP 6 - WASH SECTOR Standardised outputs Output 1 (water) Affected populations are ensured with safe, equitable and sustainable access to a sufficient quantity of water for drinking, cooking and personal and domestic hygiene. Output 2 (sanitation) Affected populations are protected from the spread of disease, and promoted with a safe, sanitary and hygienic living environment. Output 3 (hygiene) Affected populations have reduced risk of WASH-related diseases through access to improved hygienic practices, effective community mobilisation to address harmful current practices, hygiene promotion, and delivery of hygiene products and services on a sustainable and equitable basis. This was agreed during the RRP 6 workshop held in Amman on Sept. 12, 2013 by the WASH sector leads of Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon

4 Cross-sector/cutting issues
RRP 6 - WASH SECTOR Cross-sector/cutting issues Issue Sector HK & BK Wastewater management (grey, black) WASH in schools (including HP) WAT-SAN in health facilities WASH Drainage Site Planning Water for livestock Livelihood Soft aspects in health facilities (e.g. medical waste) Health 4 4

5 Using lessons learned RRP 6 - WASH SECTOR
Ensure that WASH infrastructures put in place on an initial phase will be designed and developed taking into consideration their sustainability (e.g. O&M on the medium and long run). While providing water to large population of refugees promote and implement water conservation programs. In camps, ensure access to sanitation services which protect all users and are appropriate for the specific refugee population (evaluate appropriateness of family toilets vs. communal facilities). Identify appropriate and “out-of-the-box” solutions for wastewater management, taking into account: financial implications, sustainability, involvement of local authorities and development agencies.

6 Criteria to prioritise WASH interventions in non-camp settings
RRP 6 - WASH SECTOR Criteria to prioritise WASH interventions in non-camp settings Some of the criteria already used to prioritize WASH interventions in non-camp settings are: Overlap refugee population map with poverty map to target those areas where the needs and vulnerabilities are likely to be the highest. Target interventions in areas where sharing already scarce resources (e.g. water) may generate tensions between refugees and host community. This also includes the areas in close proximity to camps. Establish a threshold on existing infrastructures capacity to absorb the demands from extra users (e.g. +15% population growth). Propose WASH interventions when such threshold is reached.

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