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The Readiness Review Process – Mod 2

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1 The Readiness Review Process – Mod 2
Readiness Review Course Screening or Scoping Meeting (ORR vs RA, Authorization Authority (AA) Defined, Startup Notification Report (SNR) Discussed, Schedule) Startup Notification Report Prepared and Submitted AA Approves SNR and Nominates DOE Team Leader (TL) Readiness Review Process Begins Contractor Plan of Action (CPOA) Prepared DOE Plan of Action (POA) Prepared by DOE Line Mgr AA Reviews and Approves CPOA and POA Contractor RR Implementation Plan (IP) prepared by Contractor RR Team and approved by CTL DOE RR IP approved by TL Prerequisites met (MSA) Contractors RR and Final Report Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Submitted and Approved Prestart Findings Closed Contractor Issues Readiness to Proceed (RTP) DOE Endorsement of RTP and MSA AA Authorizes Start of RR to RR TL DOE RR and Final Report CAP Submitted and Approved AA Authorizes Startup DOE TL Pre-Assessment Preparation and Planning (Team Selected Pre-Site Visit, IP Drafted) Initial Team Mtg The Readiness Review Process – Mod 2 Nov 2006

2 Learning Objectives An understanding the criteria for having an ORR versus an RA; An understanding of the minimum attributes associated with an RA; Knowledge of the Readiness Review Nov 2006

3 When to Have an ORR Initial startup of a new hazard category 1, 2, or 3 nuclear facility; Restart after a DOE management official directs the unplanned shutdown of a nuclear facility for safety or other appropriate reasons, Restart after an extended shutdown for hazard categories 1 & 2 nuclear facilities, [hazcat 1 nuclear facility 6 months, hazcat 2 nuclear facility 12 months.] Restart of hazard categories 1 & 2 nuclear facilities after substantial process, system, or facility modifications. [Determined by restart authority, dependent on the extend and complexity of modifications and any impacts to the safety basis.] Restart after a nuclear facility shutdown because of operations outside the safety basis. When deemed appropriate by DOE management officials, including restarts of hazard category 3 nuclear facilities. Nov 2006

4 When to Have a RA Restarts Nuclear facilities not requiring an ORR
Hazard category 3 nuclear facilities not otherwise specified in DOE O 425.1C Startup and restart of high and moderate hazardous non-nuclear facilities Startup and restart of low hazardous non-nuclear facilities when the Site Office Manager deems it appropriate Nov 2006

5 When is an RA Appropriate? (examples)
New activity within an operating facility, Start-up following shutdown when ORR is not required, Resumption following “non-significant” modification, Resumption following Contractor directed unplanned shutdown, Restart of hazard category 3 Facility, Start/restart of nuclear explosive activity. Discuss the RA proposal in the SNR! Nov 2006

6 Minimum Attributes of a RA
Plan of Action approved (POA) by the Authorization Authority (DOE): If Contractor - DOE agreement via SNR; Documents - agreement on the Scope. Independent Team: Reviewer (s) don’t look at their own work! Reviewer (s) qualified. Defined Prerequisites in POA, and an Implementation Plan (IP), Final Report, Finding Closure Record . . . Personnel/Procedures/Facility are “ready for operation”; An RA is not an “Assist Visit.” Nov 2006

7 Flexibility Options of RA (Contractor Proposes - DOE Accepts)
“Broad as an ORR” -or- “Narrow as a checklist”: Utilize Appropriate Core Requirements; Define and justify in POA. Authorization Authority - Contractor or DOE: Discuss and justify in the SNR. Number and Timing of RA’s: Contractor only - DOE Monitor; Contractor and DOE - in Parallel; Contractor and DOE - in Series; Proposal defined in SNR (STD ). Nov 2006

8 Other Methods…. None! If Startup Review is not needed...
If a Review is needed, minimum RA requirements will be followed! If Startup Review is not needed... Use Building/Process/Activity Standard Operational Procedures. Nov 2006

9 What's the Process? Project Management Plan (Line Management “Line”) Define Review or Exemption-Startup Notification Report (Line) Develop a plan to achieve readiness (Line) Develop an ORR/RA Plan of Action (Line) Develop an Implementation Plan (ORR Team) Achieve Readiness/Management Self Assessment (Line) Readiness to Proceed Memo (Line) Conduct the review, ORR Report (ORR Team ) Corrective Action Plan, Finding Resolution (Line) Authorization/Startup Authority authorize operations/start (Line) Nov 2006

10 Readiness Review Process
Screening or Scoping Meeting (ORR vs RA, Authorization Authority (AA) Defined, Startup Notification Report (SNR) Discussed, Schedule) Startup Notification Report Prepared and Submitted AA Approves SNR and Nominates DOE Team Leader (TL) Readiness Review Process Begins Contractor Plan of Action (CPOA) Prepared DOE Plan of Action (POA) Prepared by DOE Line Mgr AA Reviews and Approves CPOA and POA Contractor RR Implementation Plan (IP) prepared by Contractor RR Team and approved by CTL DOE RR IP approved by TL Prerequisites met (MSA) Contractors RR and Final Report Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Submitted and Approved Prestart Findings Closed Contractor Issues Readiness to Proceed (RTP) DOE Endorsement of RTP and MSA AA Authorizes Start of RR to RR TL DOE RR and Final Report CAP Submitted and Approved AA Authorizes Startup DOE TL Pre-Assessment Preparation and Planning (Team Selected Initial Team Mtg Pre-Site Visit, IP Drafted) Nov 2006

11 The Performance of a Readiness Review…
Is NOT to be used as a tool for the contractor and/or line management to ACHIEVE readiness. Is TO provide a FULLY OBJECTIVE REVIEW of readiness to start or restart operations. Nov 2006

12 Questions Nov 2006 23

13 The Readiness Review Process – Mod 2
Readiness Review Course Screening or Scoping Meeting (ORR vs RA, Authorization Authority (AA) Defined, Startup Notification Report (SNR) Discussed, Schedule) Startup Notification Report Prepared and Submitted AA Approves SNR and Nominates DOE Team Leader (TL) Readiness Review Process Begins Contractor Plan of Action (CPOA) Prepared DOE Plan of Action (POA) Prepared by DOE Line Mgr AA Reviews and Approves CPOA and POA Contractor RR Implementation Plan (IP) prepared by Contractor RR Team and approved by CTL DOE RR IP approved by TL Prerequisites met (MSA) Contractors RR and Final Report Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Submitted and Approved Prestart Findings Closed Contractor Issues Readiness to Proceed (RTP) DOE Endorsement of RTP and MSA AA Authorizes Start of RR to RR TL DOE RR and Final Report CAP Submitted and Approved AA Authorizes Startup DOE TL Pre-Assessment Preparation and Planning (Team Selected Pre-Site Visit, IP Drafted) Initial Team Mtg The Readiness Review Process – Mod 2 Nov 2006

14 Learning Objectives An understanding the criteria for having an ORR versus an RA; An understanding of the minimum attributes associated with an RA; Knowledge of the Readiness Review Nov 2006

15 When to Have an ORR Initial startup of a new hazard category 1, 2, or 3 nuclear facility; Restart after a DOE management official directs the unplanned shutdown of a nuclear facility for safety or other appropriate reasons, Restart after an extended shutdown for hazard categories 1 & 2 nuclear facilities, [hazcat 1 nuclear facility 6 months, hazcat 2 nuclear facility 12 months.] Restart of hazard categories 1 & 2 nuclear facilities after substantial process, system, or facility modifications. [Determined by restart authority, dependent on the extend and complexity of modifications and any impacts to the safety basis.] Restart after a nuclear facility shutdown because of operations outside the safety basis. When deemed appropriate by DOE management officials, including restarts of hazard category 3 nuclear facilities. Nov 2006

16 When to Have a RA Restarts Nuclear facilities not requiring an ORR
Hazard category 3 nuclear facilities not otherwise specified in DOE O 425.1C Startup and restart of high and moderate hazardous non-nuclear facilities Startup and restart of low hazardous non-nuclear facilities when the Site Office Manager deems it appropriate Nov 2006

17 When is an RA Appropriate? (examples)
New activity within an operating facility, Start-up following shutdown when ORR is not required, Resumption following “non-significant” modification, Resumption following Contractor directed unplanned shutdown, Restart of hazard category 3 Facility, Start/restart of nuclear explosive activity. Discuss the RA proposal in the SNR! Nov 2006

18 Minimum Attributes of a RA
Plan of Action approved (POA) by the Authorization Authority (DOE): If Contractor - DOE agreement via SNR; Documents - agreement on the Scope. Independent Team: Reviewer (s) don’t look at their own work! Reviewer (s) qualified. Defined Prerequisites in POA, and an Implementation Plan (IP), Final Report, Finding Closure Record . . . Personnel/Procedures/Facility are “ready for operation”; An RA is not an “Assist Visit.” Nov 2006

19 Flexibility Options of RA (Contractor Proposes - DOE Accepts)
“Broad as an ORR” -or- “Narrow as a checklist”: Utilize Appropriate Core Requirements; Define and justify in POA. Authorization Authority - Contractor or DOE: Discuss and justify in the SNR. Number and Timing of RA’s: Contractor only - DOE Monitor; Contractor and DOE - in Parallel; Contractor and DOE - in Series; Proposal defined in SNR (STD ). Nov 2006

20 Other Methods…. None! If Startup Review is not needed...
If a Review is needed, minimum RA requirements will be followed! If Startup Review is not needed... Use Building/Process/Activity Standard Operational Procedures. Nov 2006

21 What's the Process? Project Management Plan (Line Management “Line”) Define Review or Exemption-Startup Notification Report (Line) Develop a plan to achieve readiness (Line) Develop an ORR/RA Plan of Action (Line) Develop an Implementation Plan (ORR Team) Achieve Readiness/Management Self Assessment (Line) Readiness to Proceed Memo (Line) Conduct the review, ORR Report (ORR Team ) Corrective Action Plan, Finding Resolution (Line) Authorization/Startup Authority authorize operations/start (Line) Nov 2006

22 Readiness Review Process
Screening or Scoping Meeting (ORR vs RA, Authorization Authority (AA) Defined, Startup Notification Report (SNR) Discussed, Schedule) Startup Notification Report Prepared and Submitted AA Approves SNR and Nominates DOE Team Leader (TL) Readiness Review Process Begins Contractor Plan of Action (CPOA) Prepared DOE Plan of Action (POA) Prepared by DOE Line Mgr AA Reviews and Approves CPOA and POA Contractor RR Implementation Plan (IP) prepared by Contractor RR Team and approved by CTL DOE RR IP approved by TL Prerequisites met (MSA) Contractors RR and Final Report Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Submitted and Approved Prestart Findings Closed Contractor Issues Readiness to Proceed (RTP) DOE Endorsement of RTP and MSA AA Authorizes Start of RR to RR TL DOE RR and Final Report CAP Submitted and Approved AA Authorizes Startup DOE TL Pre-Assessment Preparation and Planning (Team Selected Initial Team Mtg Pre-Site Visit, IP Drafted) STD-3006, App 5 Nov 2006

23 The Performance of a Readiness Review…
Is NOT to be used as a tool for the contractor and/or line management to ACHIEVE readiness. Is TO provide a FULLY OBJECTIVE REVIEW of readiness to start or restart operations. Nov 2006

24 Questions Nov 2006 23

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