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Grudgeball Final Exam Review Game 4

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1 Grudgeball Final Exam Review Game 4
Final Review Sheet Sections 6 and 7 Ecology and Evolution

2 1. What concept is represented in the diagram below? Natural selection

3 2. What may occur when there are limited resources?
Competition between members of a species and evolutionary change may result

4 3. List the two causes of variation within a species
Mutations and sexual reproduction

5 4. What is the primary cause for extinction? Environmental changes

6 5. Define extinction Disappearance of an entire species

7 6. Define evolution Species changing over time

8 7. Why are some individuals more likely than others to survive and reproduce? Some individuals are better adapted to exist in their environment than others are

9 8. Why do the Galapagos Island finches’ have different beak structures? Due to adaptations of the finches to different environments

10 9. Organisms with favorable variations produce more successfully than organisms with less favorable variations. What concept is this? Natural selection

11 10. The beaks of finches and bacteria that are able to withstand boiling water are examples of adaptations

12 11. Living organisms depend on ______ factors. abiotic

13 12. Insects, minnows, all producers, and animals in a food chain are examples of _____ factors. Biotic

14 13. pH, mineral concentration, oxygen content, and water temperature are examples of _______ factors. abiotic

15 14. All the deer in an area represent a… population

16 15. Fish, plants, snails, and bacteria represent a… community

17 16. List the levels of ecological organization from least to most complex. Species, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere

18 17. What is illustrated in the picture below? succession

19 18. What relationship is pictured below? Predator and prey

20 19. What type of symbiosis is represented below? Parasitism

21 20. List two primary consumers.
Pond snails, tadpole, backswimmer, caddisfly larva

22 21. The level that contains the most amount of available energy is composed of… Producers...cattail, coontail, algae


24 22. The energy needed to maintain an ecosystem originates from the sun

25 23. Algae are able to use sunlight to make their own food. Algae are classified as… Producers or autotrophs

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