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Loyola University Chicago Law Library Presents

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Presentation on theme: "Loyola University Chicago Law Library Presents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Loyola University Chicago Law Library Presents
1L Study Aids and Exam Prep Material Available Through Loyola Law Library

2 Presentation OUtline Overview of Study Aids by Category
How to Choose a Study Aid Study Aids LibGuide Exam Success Titles West Academic Study Aids Subscription Administrative Details Loyola University Chicago Law Library

3 Study aid categories Case Briefs Commercial Outlines
Explanations of the Law (Overviews) Explanations of the Law (Substantive) Problem-based Study Aids Loyola University Chicago Law Library

4 Case briefs What Why: to review case or compare brief Examples
cases briefed by profs/ authors (keyed to authors) assist students with identifying and understanding key takeaways Why: to review case or compare brief Examples Case Briefs (Bloomberg) High Court Case Summaries (West Academic) Legalines (West Academic) Loyola University Chicago Law Library

5 Commercial outlines What Why Examples Detailed outline of the law
Often include correlation tables, hypos and tips Why use to assist with outline quick and comprehensive review before finals. Examples Black Letter Outlines (West Academic) Gilbert Law Summaries (West Academic) Sum and Substance Quick Review (West Academic) Loyola University Chicago Law Library

6 Explanations (overview)
What Basic, succinct summation of the law 30,000 foot view Why Good for review of confusing area/ point Examples Law in a Nutshell (West Academic) Short & Happy Guides(West Academic) Law Stories (West Academic) Loyola University Chicago Law Library

7 Explanations (substantive)
What Deeper analysis of core principles and concepts Why Broader understanding of topic/ point Examples Concise Hornbooks (West Academic and print) Understanding Series (print) Hornbooks (West Academic and print) Aspen Student Treatise Series (print) Loyola University Chicago Law Library

8 Problem-based study aids
What Sample essay, short-answer and multiple choice Qs with model answers Why Practice answering questions (applying knowledge) Examples Acing Series (West Academic) Examples & Explanations (print) Exam Pro (West Academic) Glannon Guides (print) Questions & Answers (print) Loyola University Chicago Law Library

9 Study Aids LibGuide Or subcaegory What type of explanation
For problem based—what kind of problems essay, short answer, multi-choice Loyola University Chicago Law Library

10 West academic study aids
Or subcaegory What type of explanation For problem based—what kind of problems essay, short answer, multi-choice Loyola University Chicago Law Library

11 Library Admin details Library policies for exams Study Rooms
restricted access Extended Sunday hours Study Rooms Where and why to reserve Location of study aids Checkout policy Other tools Old exams CALI Tom’s tips Think before you write Answer the question asked Or subcaegory What type of explanation For problem based—what kind of problems essay, short answer, multi-choice Loyola University Chicago Law Library

12 Administrative Details/ Pointers
Library policies for exams restricted access Extended Sunday hours Study Rooms Where and why to reserve Location of study aids Checkout policy Other tools Old exams CALI West Academic Study Aids Subscription Handout Quick tour? Tom’s tips Be wary of assumptions Answer the question asked!

13 E-mail
Questions? Or call Or stop on by the 3rd floor of the Corboy Law Center!

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