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CASL Governor Roadshows May 2017

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1 CASL Governor Roadshows May 2017

2 Our commitment to you………
Theory is splendid but until put into practice, it is valueless (James Cash Penney)

3 Support your own personal development within your role (me)
The key aims of our work Support your own personal development within your role (me) Support what you need to do as a single governing body? (me) Support governance to strengthen within and across clusters/MATs (we) Support governance to strengthen across Cumbria? (we)

4 Moving forward as a system approach

5 The African Proverb “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Reality We all want to go far for our children. There are times when we feel the need to go fast and there are times when we need to and can dream to go far.

6 Building Momentum

7 Ofsted

8 Ofsted picture in Cumbria
August 2015 – 86% of all schools judged good or better August 2016 – 89% of all schools judged good or better March 2017 – 88% of all schools judged good or better (national 89%) Schools in Category – increase from 8 in August 2015 to 11 in March 2017 Some recent key challenges around “culture”

9 Ofsted Conversation with Cumbria March 2017
Good Level of Development (GLD) in Early Years (transition as a key issue) Addressing the 2016 KS1 and KS2 dip Performance in Phonics Secondary performance – Pupil and Ofsted outcomes Outcomes for disadvantaged in all Key Stages Progress across subjects in KS5

10 Securing Improvement A system led approach Joint Secondary strategy Improved planning Cluster accountability Outward facing Address the capacity challenge

11 Ofsted Conversation March 2017
“You are convinced that system leadership is the vehicle for improvement but recognise more engagement with schools is needed, with open and honest dialogue, to build and use capacity within the clusters.” (Andrew Cook)

12 Ofsted update and implications for our work

13 Sharing the Learning – the last four months
Greater emphasis on the performance of groups, including the more able, the more able disadvantaged and disadvantaged pupils Pupil Premium and Strategy (impact) SEND (Ofsted will compare attendance/absence/exclusions and progress with non/SEND pupils nationally) Safeguarding

14 Sharing the Learning – the last four months
Greater emphasis on the performance of groups, including the more able, the more able disadvantaged and disadvantaged pupils Pupil Premium and Strategy (impact) SEND (Ofsted will compare attendance/absence/exclusions and progress with non/SEND pupils nationally) Safeguarding

15 Pupil Premium Strategy
a summary of the main barriers faced by eligible pupils; how the allocation is to be spent to address those barriers and the reasons for that approach; how impact will be measured; the date of the next review of the strategy.

16 A Strategy for the More Able?
SWOT analysis to identify current position for most able pupils; How resource is to be used to address any areas for development how impact will be measured; the date of the next review of the strategy

17 Safeguarding Inspectors will check on the level of understanding/training of all staff Increasing attention paid to site security (fences, doors, locks, etc); pupils coming and going (6th form registers, pupils off-site at lunchtimes) practice that matches procedure/policy (esp as published on website) “culture” and “complacency” First Hand Evidence…………

18 Safeguarding Certificates from training Most recent references – two?
Risk Assessments – are they being followed/Risk Management? SCR

19 Inspectors must consider
the effectiveness of governors in discharging their core statutory functions and how committed they are to their own development as governors in order to improve their performance

20 Questions How has the governing body contributed to improvement since the last inspection? What are the strongest and weakest areas of pupil performance? How do you know? How effective are you in providing challenge to leadership? (will check minutes) How are you impacting on pupil outcomes? How do you ensure that you have the right balance of skills/Professional development for Governors? HOW DO YOU KNOW?

21 The CASL Website Guidance and updates
Practical resources - easily adaptable The work of the governance and leadership group Useful links CPD and contacts

22 How Long Do We Live?

23 The Post its Based on needs analysis, recent Ofsted experience, changes in frameworks, including expectation of Governors, what do you want support with over the next two terms? Personally Collectively As a Cluster

24 Workshops

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