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Philomena Cozens Executive Headteacher, Heybridge and NEE APS

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1 Philomena Cozens Executive Headteacher, Heybridge and NEE APS
Who does the review? When? I would recommend a working group with regular feedback to staff via . PM/NG/SH to support. Cascade Policy to all via 25th June. Integrate restraint training?

2 North East Mid South West

3 Enhancing joint working between schools and alternative provisions
Executive Head, Heybridge and North East Essex APS Appointed following white paper, Charlie Taylor report, 2011 Reorganisation of PRU structure in Essex Quadrant structure linked to Behaviour and Attendance Partnership groups

4 Including a nodal point within the local community
LA could be a strategic partner Not the LA as an authority, Could be a lead school, PRU, AEP or other Does not need to be mandatory or formal Must hold shared resources for use on a consensual collaborative basis

5 Key changes Reorganisation of SLT
Formation of new style Management Committee Focus on teaching and Learning aspiration for 5 GCSEs School vision for turnaround PRU at KS3, Destination PRU KS4, Appropriate provision for ASR/Medical

6 Mission Statement Re-engaging young people with education and life-long learning Work in partnership with local schools to provide short term provision for disaffected young people so that they can re- engage effectively in education at their referring school Work in partnership with local schools through the BAP to re- integrate young people into another local school, following a serious one off incident which could or has resulted in permanent exclusion from their referring school

7 Mission Statement Make informed judgements about appropriate onward destinations for young people following rigorous and thorough assessment of learning, emotional needs and behavioural issues Establish bespoke programmes according to age appropriate national expectations as well as ability, aptitude and interests for those young people who remain for more than one academic year at the APS.

8 Mission Statement Work with the LA and local schools to provide short or longer term bespoke provision for young people whose medical or mental health needs prevent them from accessing mainstream education

9 Non-negotiables Re-engaging young people with education and life long learning High quality provision Strong focus on safeguarding Consistent behaviour policy

10 Assessment, tailored support
All students arrive with achievement data from schools Baseline assessment for academic levels, SEN and behaviour profile All students follow core curriculum with tailored interventions or off site learning

11 Interventions Literacy or numeracy intervention
SEN support – or preparation for EHCP Counselling through YMCA, CAMHS Music therapy Horse riding Wilderness Trust

12 Vocational/off site provision
Rally Sport Circles Farm Hairdressing – through local school College courses – provision Youth build Work experience CTP

13 Joint arrangements Increasing numbers and complex needs have required larger range of joint arrangements Case study A – Student with chaotic home life; taken into care; aggressive on site. Solution – off site tuition for English and Maths, plus bespoke Level 1 course through Writtle College. Outcome: 2 GCSE passes; 1 Level 1 pass, onward progress at college Case Study B – Medical – student with ME; Home tuition, MFL delivered by referring school teacher. Outcome early entry in year 10 – pass at Grade B

14 Basic provision Majority of students attend 4 – 5 days per week
Curriculum English Lang and Lit IGCSE; Maths; Science; PWL. Plus choice of two options from Art; ICT; Hums; Tech; Catering; PE and Media Outcomes:- 25% A*-C English, 92% A*-G 17% A*-C Maths, 71% A*-G 6% 5 A*- C, inc E&M 66% 5 A*-G inc E&M

15 Outreach support Work with BAP Co-ordinator, support for managed moves
Use of Positive Referral 4 – in school support via teacher or HLTA Some training provided in Behaviour Management, but this aspect under developed Re-integration rates high – 70% success rate

16 Behaviour and Attendance Partnerships
Key role of BAP co-ordinator Partnership between PRU/AP, Schools and LA Funding Moving forward in a time of diminishing school budgets Current surge in demand in primaries

17 Ofsted- Teaching Quality of Teaching
Note the three aspects contributing to this judgement –pupil progress, pupil work and lesson observations Large proportion of lessons judged ‘Outstanding’ Now a target to increase the amount of outstanding teaching

18 Ofsted- Achievement Achievement of pupils
‘the proportion of students who make better than expected progress is much better than that seen nationally’ The proportion of pupils re-integrated is also a measure of success The extended curriculum opportunities are recognised and praised Art, English, PE, DT praised with an extract from KS3 work quoted at length

19 Ofsted - Leadership ‘The excellent relationships (school) has established with mainstream schools is a key factor in the school’s success’ ‘Governance is a major strength’ ‘ nearly all members of the committee are mainstream headteachers……..they have an excellent clarity of vision about the way forward’

20 Ofsted - Behaviour and Safety
‘The behaviour of students is outstanding’ ‘ nearly all students develop positive attitudes to learning’ ‘The atmosphere in the school is calm and purposeful’ ‘The school’s work to keep pupils safe and secure is outstanding’

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