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Rude vs. Mean vs. Bullying

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1 Rude vs. Mean vs. Bullying
What’s the difference?

2 RUDE Definition: Saying or doing something that hurts someone else without trying to be mean. Examples of Rude Behavior Bragging Not saying “hi” back Someone not holding the door Some Jokes or comments


4 MEAN Definition: Saying or doing something to hurt someone on purpose (1-2 times) Examples of Mean Behaviors Having an argument with a friend Saying something in anger toward someone Raising your voice at someone


6 BULLYING Definition: When one or more people hurt others over and over again, on purpose. There is an imbalance of power and it is one sided.


8 Be your own Problem Solver
Is it BULLYING? RUDE behavior NO Did it happen on PURPOSE? YES MEAN behavior Did it happen OVER and OVER again (repeated)? NO YES BULLYING behavior Did you do something like it BACK? NO YES Get help from grown up Be your own Problem Solver MEAN behavior

9 KIND Definition: Friendly, generous or warm-hearted behaviors toward another person. Examples of Kind Behaviors Helping someone Holding the door Saying “Hello” Giving a compliment Inviting someone to sit by you


11 Lucas tells Damien that he can’t play with the Legos because he is the worst builder in the whole first grade. Is it Rude, Mean, Bullying or Kind? Mean

12 Talia makes plans to go to the rec center with her new friend, Gwen
Talia makes plans to go to the rec center with her new friend, Gwen. Katie tells Talia that if she hangs out at the rec center with Gwen that everyone will think she is a total weirdo and no one will like her anymore. At lunch that day, Katie convinces everyone that it would be a really funny joke to all laugh out loud when Talia approached the lunch table. Is it Rude, Mean, Bullying or Kind? Bullying

13 Kayla tells McKenzie that she can’t play with her after school today because she is going to Lagoon with a friend from the neighborhood and they are going to have so much fun. Is it Rude, Mean, Bullying or Kind? Rude

14 Devin and David are friends. In school, they had an argument
Devin and David are friends. In school, they had an argument. Devin called David a name and David shoved him out of his way. Is it Rude, Mean, Bullying or Kind? Mean

15 Jordan knows that Nate doesn’t like to play basketball
Jordan knows that Nate doesn’t like to play basketball. All the kids are playing basketball at recess so Jordan asks Nate if he wants to kick the soccer ball with him? Is it Rude, Mean, Bullying or Kind? Kind

16 For the last several days Maggie tells people to call Jessica John instead of her real name. Maggie has been making fun of Jessica because she hangs out with the boys at recess and wears long basketball shorts to school every day. In PE class, Maggie calls her names and at recess she makes fun of how she plays with the boys. Is it Rude, Mean, Bullying or Kind? Bullying

17 Hillary notices that the same first grader is always sitting in the hall in the mornings. She doesn’t know his name, but asks if she can read a book with him. Is it Rude, Mean, Bullying or Kind? Kind

18 Emma and Brit play on the same soccer team and are normally best friends, but have been in an argument for three days. Emma called Brit a mean name after practice and Brit sent Emma a mean note. Is it Rude, Mean, Bullying or Kind? Mean

19 During recess Brady told JP he would beat him up if he touched his cars, then shoved JP out of his way. During math class, he threw a spitball at JP and kicked his chair out from under him. He threatened to punch JP if JP told the teacher. Is it Rude, Mean, Bullying or Kind? Bullying

20 Sarah is having a birthday party, but she can only invite three friends from school. She decides not to talk about the party in front of the other kids. Is it Rude, Mean, Bullying or Kind? Kind

21 Examples of BULLYING Physical (hitting, kicking, shoving, choking, tripping) Verbal (threats, name-calling, embarrassing someone on purpose). Relational (leaving others out on purpose, rumors, gossip, ignoring, “I’m not your friend if….”, “If you are her friend…I’m not your friend.” Cyber (using technology to do any of the above behaviors).

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