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What’s New for Poultry Exhibitors in 2014?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s New for Poultry Exhibitors in 2014?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s New for Poultry Exhibitors in 2014?
Created by: Dr. Lora Davis Presented by: Michele Gill Washington State Department of Agriculture

2 Pullorum-Typhoid Testing
What is pullorum-typhoid?? Pullorum Disease and Fowl Typhoid are both diseases in poultry and game birds Pullorum disease is most important in the United States

3 Pullorum-Typhoid Testing
How does testing affect 4-H and other poultry exhibitors?? A new law passed: all birds going to shows need to be tested for pullorum-typhoid (P-T)

4 Pullorum-Typhoid Testing
But Why?? I’ve never heard of Pullorum disease in Washington state!!

5 BACKGROUND… First we need to understand Pullorum Disease

6 What Causes Pullorum Disease?
Caused by a bacteria Salmonella pullorum Disease of baby chicks 7-10 days of age

7 What signs do you see in birds with Pullorum Disease?
White diarrhea Pasted vent Huddle together Lameness Difficulty breathing Blindness Nearly all chicks with Pullorum Disease die Chicks that survive can carry the disease

8 Disease in Adult ‘Carriers’
Drop in egg production Low fertility or hatchability Sometimes have diarrhea

9 How is Pullorum Disease spread?
Salmonella bacteria in adult ‘Carrier’ birds will pass to the egg

10 How is Pullorum Disease spread?
Baby chicks hatch and become sick days later

11 How is Pullorum Disease spread?
Sick baby chicks spread the bacteria to other chicks

12 Before you know it, the entire chick flock is infected!

13 How is Pullorum Disease spread?
Salmonella can also contaminate the environment and continue to spread the disease

14 How Do You Treat Pullorum Disease?

15 A Lesson in Pullorum History
1930’s… ~70 years ago, Pullorum Disease killed a lot of poultry Prevented farmers from raising chickens

16 National Poultry Improvement Plan
Poultry farmers developed a plan to eliminate Pullorum Disease in the U.S. Test for carriers ~20 years later the disease was eliminated in commercial flocks

17 NPIP and Pullorum Disease Today
Pullorum Disease still exists in the U.S.! 1990 – last outbreak in commercial poultry 2002 & 2004 – most recent reported outbreaks in small producer flocks Why are we worried about PD today???

18 Pullorum in Washington State
Washington State: Last Pullorum bacteria isolated in 1987 from Yakima County Washington is an NPIP ‘Pullorum-Clean State’ Required for movement of poultry into other states!

19 How can I meet the new requirements?
Birds can be bought from an NPIP participating flock Keep and present receipt at fair Birds can be tested prior to the show Test results good for 90 days Present test certificate at the fair Birds can be tested at the show

20 Who Are We?? The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA):
8 Divisions 25 different programs support the agricultural community protect consumers and the environment The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) carries out more than 25 distinct programs that support the agricultural community and promote consumer and environmental protection. WSDA has about 500 full-time employees and employs many others seasonally or intermittently to work in inspection and insect detection programs. The biennial budget is $108.9 million, with $25.2 million provided by the state general fund. Most programs are fee-supported.

21 Division of Animal Health
Avian HealthVeterinarian Dr. Lyndon Badcoe Avian Health Program Michele Gill - coordinator The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) carries out more than 25 distinct programs that support the agricultural community and promote consumer and environmental protection. WSDA has about 500 full-time employees and employs many others seasonally or intermittently to work in inspection and insect detection programs. The biennial budget is $108.9 million, with $25.2 million provided by the state general fund. Most programs are fee-supported.


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