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Presentation on theme: "MCDE GENERAL MEETING SPRING 2017."— Presentation transcript:


2 SPRING 2017 E-BOARD President: Marianne LaCalamito
Shadow: Brooke Moylan Vice President: Brooke Moylan Shadow: Becca Lewis Treasurer: Amanda Whorlow Shadow: Kelli Nienstadt Secretary: Mariana Vasquez Shadow: Sarah Long Graphic Design Manager: Devan Tookmanian Shadow: Sarah Ditterline Community Service Manager: Devon McCaffrey Shadow: Kasey Geremia Show Committee Manager: Katelyn Ollhoff Shadow: Theresa Lotano Website Manager: Amanda Malatesta Shadow: Bryanna Benvenuti Public Relations Manager: Carmen Capobianco

3 Not Getting Emails?
If you would like to be on the list, us at: FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA!!! Facebook: Marist College Dance Ensemble Snapchat: maristdance

4 Spring Show 2017 “In the Spotlight” April 22nd and 23rd in McCann
Rehearsal Week starts MONDAY, April 17th If you cannot make rehearsal week or the show, you cannot participate in the dances

5 Sign Ups Classes will be posted on Wednesday, February 1st!
Friday 7 pm You will hear back by 5 pm! If you do not hear back from a choreographer or you do not get into any dances, the club account Classes start Sunday 2/5!

6 Priority Points 1st Point: 2/3 General Meetings + Class Attendance
2nd Point: 3 Community Service Events Recreational Classes Attend 4 classes for an Intramural Point

7 Rec Classes Every Thursday at 9 pm in the SC Dance Studio
Bring your friends and roommates who need Intramural Points Not in the show Vary style and teacher each week! If you’re interested in teaching a rec class, the club account!

8 DVDs If you haven’t received a DVD that you ordered, see Brooke!

9 Program Fundraiser Have your family & friends put ads in the program!
$10 for 3 lines Fill out parents address when you swipe out

10 Apparel Sale Dates: Monday 2/ Tuesday 2/ Wednesday 3/ Thursday 3/9 4-6

11 Upcoming events! BDC Workshop: Saturday 3/25 and Sunday 3/26, $6 masters classes, sign up with apparel sales

12 MCDE Goes to Darby’s! DANCE FORMAL DRINK UP $20
SATURDAY, MARCH 4th 10 PM – 12 AM Bring your friends!!


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