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NORDEFCO – Defence Architecture in real practice

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1 NORDEFCO – Defence Architecture in real practice
Generic Enterprise Architecture Process (GEAP)

2 NORDEFCO Interoperability Standard Profile Office
Mission Capabilities in utalization NORDEFCO 1 NORDEFCO Defence Planning Process 2 NORDEFCO Force Development Framework 3 NORDEFCO GEAP Framework Objects & Methods Design Base for NORDEFCO Project 4 NORDEFCO Interoperability Standard Profile Office UA-Task Governance & Management Stakeholders Interests & Level of Ambition Profiles .Performance .Operational .Capability Services Verification Integration Validation Evaluation

3 NORDEFCO Force Development Framework (FDF)

4 NORDEFCO OverAll Method (Y-Method)

5 GAP-Fillers EndProduct Capability GAP Mission Thread

6 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L1 Institutional Analysis
Conduct Article 5 Collective Defence, Defence Against Terrorism (MC 472), PSO and other Non-Article 5 CROs (AJP-3.4) missions Statement of Requirements Program sponsors Political Ambitions Level of Ambitions NORDEFCO Ambitions EBAO- Requirement

7 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L1 Institutional Analysis
Conduct high intensity offensive and defensive Land operations against conventional forces, counter terrorism, peace enforcement, peace keeping and extraction operations and operations in support of other Component Commands. Statement of Requirements Program sponsors Political Ambitions Level of Ambitions NORDEFCO Ambitions EBAO- Requirement

8 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L1 Institutional Analysis
Conduct Sea Control, protection to shipping, coastal defence , Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO) and operations in support of other Component Commands Statement of Requirements Program sponsors Political Ambitions Level of Ambitions NORDEFCO Ambitions EBAO- Requirement

9 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L1 Institutional Analysis
Conduct Counter Air operations, Strategic Air Operations, Strategic Defensive Air Operations, Theatre Ballistic Missile Defence, ounter Space operations, and operations in support of other components (AJP3.3, AJP-01) Statement of Requirements Program sponsors Political Ambitions Level of Ambitions NORDEFCO Ambitions EBAO- Requirement

10 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L2,L3 Effect & Performance Analysis
Mission Framework Conditions Rules of Engagement (ROE) Conduct Article 5 Collective Defence, Defence Against Terrorism (MC 472), PSO and other Non-Article 5 CROs (AJP-3.4) missions EBAO- Requirement Political Effects Performance Profile (KQPt) Combat Implied Task Military Effects ISTAR C3 Economical Effects Level of Ambitions Logistic Social Effects SoR Threat & Conditions & OpForce Infological Effects Assigned Task Infrastructure Effects

11 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L2,L3 Effect & Performance Analysis
Conduct high intensity offensive and defensive Land operations against conventional forces, counter terrorism, peace enforcement, peace keeping and extraction operations and operations in support of other Component Commands. Conduct Article 5 Collective Defence, Defence Against Terrorism (MC 472), PSO and other Non-Article 5 CROs (AJP-3.4) missions EBAO- Requirement Political Effects Performance Profile (KQPt) Combat Military Effects ISTAR C3 Economical Effects Level of Ambitions Implied Task Logistic Social Effects SoR Threat & Conditions & OpForce Infological Effects Assigned Task Infrastructure Effects

12 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L2,L3 Effect & Performance Analysis
Operational Conditions Affectable conditions (Tactical) Unaffectable conditions (Environmental) Organizational conditions (Dimensional) Threats Poltical Military Economical Social Infological Infrastructure CBRN Conduct Article 5 Collective Defence, Defence Against Terrorism (MC 472), PSO and other Non-Article 5 CROs (AJP-3.4) missions EBAO- Requirement Political Effects Performance Profile (KQPt) Combat Military Effects ISTAR C3 Economical Effects Level of Ambitions Logistic Implied Task Social Effects SoR Threat & Conditions & OpForce Infological Effects Assigned Task Infrastructure Effects

13 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L2,L3 Effect & Performance Analysis
Quantity Quality Position Time Warfighting Core Business (MissionType) Combat ISTAR Command & Control and Consultance Logistic flow of energy (Materia) Conduct Article 5 Collective Defence, Defence Against Terrorism (MC 472), PSO and other Non-Article 5 CROs (AJP-3.4) missions EBAO- Requirement Political Effects Performance Profile (KQPt) Combat Military Effects ISTAR C3 Economical Effects Level of Ambitions Implied Task Logistic Social Effects SoR Threat & Conditions & OpForce Infological Effects Assigned Task Infrastructure Effects

14 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L4 Mission Analysis
ST OP TA STA Force Mission Types Collective Defence Counter Terrorism Consequence Management Anti Terrorism Peacekeeping Peace Enforcement Conflict Prevention Peacemaking Peace building Humanitarian Relief Humanitarian Operation Disaster Relief Search & Rescue Non-Combatant Evacuation Extraction Military Aid/Support to Civil Authorities Enforcement of Sanctions & Embargoes Ref NATO OA 3.1 Conduct high intensity offensive and defensive Land operations against conventional forces, counter terrorism, peace enforcement, peace keeping and extraction operations and operations in support of other Component Commands. Implied Task CONOPS

15 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L4 Operational Analysis
ST OP TA STA Collective Defence Counter Terrorism Consequence Management Anti Terrorism Peacekeeping Peace Enforcement Conflict Prevention Peacemaking Peace building Humanitarian Relief Humanitarian Operation Disaster Relief Search & Rescue Non-Combatant Evacuation Extraction Military Aid/Support to Civil Authorities Enforcement of Sanctions & Embargoes Ref NATO OA 3.1 L 15 Assistance to cooperation and implementing agreements Force Task CONOPS Land Operation Functional Tasks Brigade Framework OT Conduct Successful Negotiations (*) G 7.3. OT Provide Political-Military Support to Other Nations, Groups, and Government Agencies OT Provide for Support to Nations, Groups and Government Agencies OT Promote Regional Security and Stability

16 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L4 Operational Analysis
ST OP TA STA EOC Force MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR L 15 Assistance to cooperation and implementing agreements Readiness Info/Intel Mobility Engagement C3 Sustainability Protection CONOPS Land Operation Brigade Framework OT Conduct Successful Negotiations (*) G 7.3. OT Provide Political-Military Support to Other Nations, Groups, and Government Agencies OT Provide for Support to Nations, Groups and Government Agencies OT Promote Regional Security and Stability

17 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L4 Operational Analysis
ST OP TA STA Force The CONOPS provides a clear and concise statement of how the commander intends to accomplish his mission, including the desired military end-state. Should the nature of the actual or developing crisis indicate a likely requirement for a time-critical DJTF or CJTF HQ and force deployment IP 21 MC133/3 Collective Defence Counter Terrorism Consequence Management Anti Terrorism Peacekeeping Peace Enforcement Conflict Prevention Peacemaking Peace building Humanitarian Relief Humanitarian Operation Disaster Relief Search & Rescue Non-Combatant Evacuation Extraction Military Aid/Support to Civil Authorities Enforcement of Sanctions & Embargoes Ref NATO OA 3.1 L 146 Conduct Counter Intelligence “Deny the opponent the Information and intelligence required for effective operations” Implied Task CONOPS Functional Tasks Type Operation Brigade Framework OT 7.2.0 Provide Security ST 7.2.5 Coordinate and Conduct Strategic Operations Security OT 2.1.0 Direct Operational Intelligence Activities TT 2.1.2 Conduct Counter Intelligence

18 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L4 Operational Analysis
ST OP TA STA EOC Force MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR L 146 Conduct Counter Intelligence “Deny the opponent the Information and intelligence required for effective operations” TFA EI DM EE EC3 LS SF CONOPS Type Operation Functional Tasks Brigade Framework OT 7.2.0 Provide Security ST 7.2.5 Coordinate and Conduct Strategic Operations Security OT 2.1.0 Direct Operational Intelligence Activities TT 2.1.2 Conduct Counter Intelligence

19 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L4 Operational Analysis
NORDEFCO SC to NORDEFCO JFC Conduct Article 5 Collective Defence, Defence Against Terrorism (MC 472), PSO and other Non-Article 5 CROs (AJP-3.4) missions NORDEFCO JFC Conduct high intensity offensive and defensive land operations against conventional forces, counter terrorism, peace enforcement, peace keeping and extraction operations and operations in support of other Component Commands. NORDEFCO Land Component Commander L 146 Conduct Counter Intelligence “Deny the opponent the Information and intelligence required for effective operations” Ref:NAF OA 3 A0 Conduct PSO and Conduct other Non-Article 5 CROs (AJP-3.4) A1 Land A1 Maritime A1 Air A1 Cyber OT Provide Security ST Coordinate and Conduct Strategic Operations Security OT Direct Operational Intelligence Activities TT Conduct Counter Intelligence Ref:NTL (STA) (TA) A2 Force Readiness A2 Force Information A2 Force Mobility A2 Force Engagement A2 Force Sustainability A2 Force Protection (OP) NORDEFCO FORCE Strategical Theater level (ST) Mission Capability Requirement To take actions to minimize friendly indicators associated with national military strategy. This task includes signal security (communications security and electronic security) and protection of activities (e.g., patterns), strategic forces, and facilities from enemy observation and surveillance. Ref :AJP 3.0 EOC as Survivability and Force Protection (FS) REF: SwAF AF NOSWG & NTL

20 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L4 Operational Analysis
NORDEFCO SC to NORDEFCO JFC Conduct Article 5 Collective Defence, Defence Against Terrorism (MC 472), PSO and other Non-Article 5 CROs (AJP-3.4) missions Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L4 Operational Analysis NORDEFCO JFC Conduct high intensity offensive and defensive land operations against conventional forces, counter terrorism, peace enforcement, peace keeping and extraction operations and operations in support of other Component Commands. NORDEFCO Land Component Commander L 146 Conduct Counter Intelligence “Deny the opponent the Information and intelligence required for effective operations” Ref:NAF OA 3 A0 Conduct PSO and Conduct other Non-Article 5 CROs (AJP-3.4) A1 Land A1 Maritime A1 Air A1 Cyber OT Provide Security ST Coordinate and Conduct Strategic Operations Security OT Direct Operational Intelligence Activities TT Conduct Counter Intelligence Ref:NTL (ST) (STA) A2 Force Readiness A2 Force Information A2 Force Mobility A2 Force Engagement A2 Force Sustainability A2 Force Protection (TA) NORDEFCO FORCE Operative level (OP) To assist joint force commanders in determining their intelligence requirements, then planning the operational collection effort and issuing the necessary orders and requests to intelligence organizations. This task includes reviewing, validating, and prioritising requirements and taskings. Requirements include intelligence for HNs or groups in supporting military operations other than war and warfighting operations Ref: AJP 2.0, Part 1, Chapters 3 and 4; AJP 2.1, Chapters 3 and 6. Mission Capability Requirement To enhance freedom of action by identifying and reducing friendly vulnerability to hostile acts, influence, or surprise. This includes measures to protect from surprise, observation, detection, interference, espionage, terrorism, and sabotage. This task includes actions for protecting and securing the flanks and rear area of operational formations, and protecting and securing critical installations, facilities, systems and air, land, and sea LOCs. Ref: AJP 3.0 EOC as Effective intelligence (EI) EOC as Survivability and Force Protection (FS) REF: NOSWG & NTL

21 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L4 Operational Analysis
NORDEFCO SC to NORDEFCO JFC Conduct Article 5 Collective Defence, Defence Against Terrorism (MC 472), PSO and other Non-Article 5 CROs (AJP-3.4) missions NORDEFCO JFC Conduct high intensity offensive and defensive land operations against conventional forces, counter terrorism, peace enforcement, peace keeping and extraction operations and operations in support of other Component Commands. NORDEFCO Land Component Commander L 146 Conduct Counter Intelligence “Deny the opponent the Information and intelligence required for effective operations” Ref:NAF OA3 A0 Conduct PSO and Conduct other Non-Article 5 CROs (AJP-3.4) A1 Land A1 Maritime A1 Air A1 Cyber OT Provide Security ST Coordinate and Conduct Strategic Operations Security OT Direct Operational Intelligence Activities TT Conduct Counter Intelligence Ref:NTL (OP) (ST) A2 Force Readiness A2 Force Information A2 Force Mobility A2 Force Engagement A2 Force Sustainability A2 Force Protection (STA) NORDEFCO FORCE Tactical level (TA) Mission Capability Requirement To provide the means and implement the procedures to a force or HQ to detect and counter intelligence gathering by an enemy. Ref: AD 65-3 CIPACE EOC as Effective intelligence (EI) REF: NOSWG & NTL

22 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L2 – L5 Summary
Operations UN Assigned Tasks Implied Task (L) LandArena Operations National Capability Requirement Catalogue (RC) International Mission Capability Requirement EU Assigned Tasks Implied Task (M) SeaArena Operations NATO Assigned Tasks LoA PfP Assigned Tasks levelling Implied Task (A) AirArena Operations NORDEFCO Assigned Tasks National Defence Capability Requirement National Mission Related Services (Service portfolio) Implied Task (C) CyberArena Operations National Defence Task PMESII Task Decomposition

23 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L5 Capability Engineering
Mission Tread L146 Task Decom-position FA 1 MCR 1 Minimized Capability Requirement (MCR) Enabling Capability FA 2 MCR 2 FA 3 MCR 3 Gap- Analysis Capability Shortfall Capability Concept Capability Development Capability Maintained Assessment Capability Strategic Capability Plan FA 4 MCR 4 FA 5 MCR 5 Governance & Capability Management FA 6 MCR 6 FA 7 MCR 7 Capability Requirement Configuration Management

24 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L5 Capability Engineering
Tactical Capability Tecnical Capability NORDEFCO Campain Plan NTP MTP FTP Defence Business Plan NTP MTP FTP Strategic Capability Plan Set Capability Targets Capability Requirement Management & Implementation

25 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L6 Service Engineering
C2 Non-Article 5 CRO services OS1.3.5 Facilitate the implementation of a peace agreement To deliver a monitored and facilitated implementation of a peace agreement. OS1.3.6 Enforce the provisions of a mandate To enforce the provisions of a mandate designed to maintain or restore peace. OS1.3.7 Control a dispute from escalating to an armed conflict To prevent or contain disputes from escalating to an armed conflict by preventative deployment of forces in support of diplomatic initiatives. OS1.3.8 Establish a cease-fire or rapid peaceful settlement To ensure a cease-fire or rapid peaceful settlement after the commencement of a conflict. Ref: OVERARCHING ARCHITECTURE V3.0 – GENERIC EXPEDITIONARY OPERATIONS 2012 Example of OpS C3-Services Strategical Theatre level of command (ST) Mission Capability Requirement (MCR/EOC) Operative level of command (OP) Mission Capability Requirement (MCR/EOC) Tactical level of command (TA) Mission Capability Requirement (MCR/EOC) Service Tactical level of command (ST) Mission Capability Requirement (MCR/EOC) Mission Related Services (MRS/ST) Mission Related Services (MRS/OP) Mission Related Services (MRS/TA) Mission Related Services (MRS/STA) Operational Services (OpS) 1-7 Operational Services (OpS) 1-7 Operational Services (OpS) 1-7 Operational Services (OpS) 1-7 Mission Capablity Package (MCP) (Mission System) Mission Capablity Package (MCP) (Mission System) Mission Capablity Package (MCP) (Mission System) Mission Capablity Package (MCP) (Mission System) Ref:Bi-SC Agreed Capability Codes and Capability Statements 16 April 2008 A. MC 0550, MC Guidance for the Military Implementation of the CPG, dated 06 Jun 06. B. MC 299/9, MC Guidance for the 2008 Force Proposals, dated 17 Aug 06.

26 Generic Enterprise Architecture Process L6 Service Engineering

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