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YourGovernment GOVERNMENT STATUS UPDATE Island Government Finance Officers’ Association (IGFOA) Summer Meeting, Denver, CO, May 21-26, 2017

2 (YOUR GOVT) FY 16 Audit Status
Describe the current status of your FY16 audit. Insert your comments here Describe any expected changes in your qualifications and findings from prior years. Have you had any unusual challenges for the FY16 audit? Have you made changes in the way your government addresses audit finding responses? At this point, do you expect any delays? Do you have an audit resolution committee? Who does the follow up to corrective action plans? May 2017 Summer Conference

3 Status of (YOUR GOVT) action plans
Planning Area Major Accomplishment Use of Financial Performance Measures Insert your comments here Working with departmental staff Systems Planning Describe the major accomplishment from each area of your action plan. (if you do not have a copy of your action plan, you can find it in the Honolulu conference report at the PITI/VITI web site) Tell us about any problems that you have completing your tasks. I have suggested specific areas which need follow up to each government individually May 2017 Summer Conference

4 (YOUR GOVT) Performance Measures
List the IGFOA performance measures where your office consistently achieves your target. Insert your comments here Which measure areas are most critical to you, as a finance manager? Have you presented your performance measures to any other entity (the Governor or President, the Legislature, an NGO, the budget office?) May 2017 Summer Conference

5 (your government) Finance Office Challenges
What is the greatest challenge in your financial operations? Insert your comments here How could you resolve or improve that challenge? How would you measure whether your improvement plan is working? Do you have challenges with cash flow, personnel turnover, a bad system, inadequate training? Or inefficient processes? Think about what you’d fix tomorrow if you had the resources. May 2017 Summer Conference

6 (your government) Performance Measures
Timeliness of Bank reconciliation Fixed Asset Inventory # days to process an invoice paid through a federal grant Federal Grant Receivables Timeliness of SF425 reports Status of 3-31 bank reconciliations Physical inventory completed at ? Average days to process an invoice FY17 Ratio of receivables to revenues for FY16 % of SF425 reports submitted on a timely basis as of What is your target # days? Any fixed asset findings on the audit? What is your target? What is your target Compare to prior year Compare to prior periods Do you have an improvement plan? Completion plan? Improvement plan? Improvement plan (if needed) May 2017 Summer Conference

7 (your government) Unspent Federal Funds
Grants which expired Grants which expired Budgeted Expended (through 12-31) Unspent (lost) funds Lost funds/ budgeted amount = % lost May 2017 Summer Conference

8 Why is this measure important?
What is our plan to improve this measure? When do we expect to meet our goal? May 2017 Summer Conference

9 What is one recent finance office accomplishment you would like to highlight?
May 2017 Summer Conference


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