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Umpqua Valley STEAM Hub

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1 Umpqua Valley STEAM Hub
Vision, Initiatives and Impact on Community Vitality

2 Vision By the year 2020, the Umpqua Valley Regional STEAM Hub (UVRSH) will be the major catalyst of community collaboration for future workforce development with collective impact around STEAM learning in the region.

3 Initiatives of the Umpqua Valley STEAM Hub
SUPPORTING PARTNERS to Enhance STEAM Education Southern Oregon Area Robotics Alder Creek Community Forest Expanding Horizons CTE Camps Boys & Girls Clubs of the Umpqua Valley Area Health Education Center Spring STEAM Exhibition Winston Area Teen Center Eastwood Nature Trail Local Schools Umpqua Community College And many more…….. STEM Beyond School South County YMCA Reedsport Great Afternoons LENDING RESOURCE LIBRARY – Web based check-out system of STEAM “tools” for education CONNECTING COMMUNITY TO YOUTH Oregon Connections Mentoring PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT In-School and Out-of School Educators Next Generation Science (STEAM) Standards with an emphasis on the PRACTICES of STEAM learning Project-Based Learning

4 Skills Developed through STEAM Education
Reasoning Problem Solving Analytical Thinking Critical Thinking Recognizing cause and effect relationships Defending claims and opinions using facts. Mathematical skills Attention to detail A variety of technical skills Teamwork Initiative Responsibility Communication (verbal, writing and visual) Creative, artful innovation and design Leadership Organization

5 STEM Employment 2014-2024 Douglas County Introduce self
Workforce demand – where are the jobs, where do we see demand in the future

6 Defining a STEM Occupation: Brookings Institute identified STEM occupations using O*Net Knowledge Scores Uses the Department of Labor’s O*NET (Occupational Information Network Data Collection Program) Detailed surveys of workers in every occupation to document their job characteristics and knowledge requirements. Brookings uses the O*Net Knowledge information to classify occupations based on what workers need to know to perform their jobs.

7 Knowledge Categories O*NET reports a knowledge score for each occupation across 33 domains. Six domains were chosen as representing basic STEM knowledge: three for science (biology, chemistry, and physics), one for technology (computers and electronics), one for engineering (engineering and technology), and one for mathematics “What level of knowledge of ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY is needed to perform your current job?”

8 Employment estimates and projections
Based on employer tax records and employer surveys Updated every two years 2014 employment and projections for 2024 released in June 2016 About 700 occupational titles in our data 286 occupations identified as STEM in new projections data 246 with published employment data in Oregon 40 with suppressed data in Oregon

9 Ratio of STEM jobs in Douglas County projected to increase slightly

10 Ratio of STEM jobs in Oregon projected to increase slightly

11 Where do STEM jobs fall? (Douglas County)

12 Nearly one in five jobs is a STEM job…

13 …and the same story holds for job openings

14 …and the same story holds for job openings

15 Growth projected in all STEM areas (Douglas County)

16 Top demand occupations are varied (Douglas County)

17 Need to replace workers outweighs growth openings in most categories


19 Questions? Brenda Turner, Occupational Economist
Workforce and Economic Research Oregon Employment Department Get the latest workforce and economic research news:

20 Umpqua Valley STEAM Hub
Grace Goodson Gwen Soderberg-Chase Website

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