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2 Agenda Introduction Sun-Power What are we looking for
What can we offer Questions?

3 Sun-Power facts Established in 2000 Sun-Power sectors
Agricultural (Glasshouse, Nursery, etc.) Technical Mind Set of Sun-Power: Holding up the mirror Helpfulness; content and depth From ‘I’ to ‘WE’-philosophy Triangle philosophy Employees 2014: 192 FTE 2015: 206 FTE 2016: 214 FTE Erasmus students

4 We are looking for Young students/graduates (starters), for work in the glasshouse and nursery; With an education in the agricultural area; Furthermore they need to have a good motivation; And English or German skills at basic level has advantage.

5 What can we offer Pocket money Long term career New accommodation
Culture trips Good transport Opportunity for self development Examples of the jobs you will do:

6 Pocket money It will be a practical stage
The student will work around 38 hours Insurance and travel will be arranged by student/sending organization. The student will be paid the food by bank at the beginning of the month. ISIC-card is obligated 1 or 2 (students) will the coordinators of the team.

7 Long term career

8 New accommodation Capacity: 120 people Free Wi-Fi Fitness room
Fully equipped rooms 1-4 person(s) Equipped with TV and internet (Sport) facilities SNF certificated



11 Fitness room Matrix cross trainer Dumbell tower 1-12 kg Technogym
vertical traction Technogym glute machine Dumbell rack 14-30 kg Technogym Olympic bankdrukbank Matrix Treadmill Technogym Smit machine

12 Culture trip Mushroom- and asparagus museum “De Locht”
Theme park “Toverland” Culture trip Amsterdam Culture trip The Hague

13 Transportation Fiat Panda’s 35 Bicycles 300
(Less than 10 Km to client)

14 Thank you for your attention!
Do you have any questions, please contact: Boy Rutten +41 (0)

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