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Free To Soar - The Spirit of Teaching

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1 Free To Soar - The Spirit of Teaching
Teaching is not for the faint of heart – stamina, courage, commitment, passion, presence, etc. Spirit of teaching (Not the Holy Spirit, though that is integral) Preparing 1 Timoty 6 lives – Life that is truly lived. Need for us to have genuine and authentic lives of disciples. What is it to soar? Kistan Story Deep sense of gratitude for “life on life” Contented – this place is God’s place for me Derek Keenan Ed.D. Vice President, Academic Affairs

2 When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who knows my way.
Psalms 142:3 When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who knows my way. Spirit Who I am as a person My “teacher soul” Deepest part of me Grows Faint Good teaching exhausts you Marrow from bones You know Strength is from the Lord 2 Timothy 4:16-17 No one supports me - alone Lord Stood with me – communion Strengthened me So that through me – Kingdom work my calling

3 Freedom to Teach Empowering Uplifting Invigorating Influencing
Sense of strength beyond our own Gods – of course Colleagues Uplifting Worthiness of what I do each day My life changes lives Invigorating Lights a fire in me – my feet tap Not daunted by challenge (Pike’s Peak Ascent) Influencing Students become something new – educated Life on life with a thirty year accounting Luke 6:40

4 Freedom to Influence Connected Multiplied Rewarded Connected
Relational capital Lets you into their lives (basis for influence) Multiplied Joyful spirit – makes a greater impact Brings them close Rewarded God’s recognition of faithfulness Brings you back the next day, week, year

5 Isaiah 48:17 I am the Lord your God Who teaches What is best
Who directs God the teacher Bring Godness into your classroom Bring Godness into your content Bring Godness into your student’s lives Brings Growth into your life What is Best God’s way is never a shortcut Investment with absolute return Who directs God who makes the way clear Path of promise, protection, presence

6 Keys To a Soaring Spirit
Intimacy with God Integrity before God Involvement for God Intimacy Depth of walk with God Integrity Soul bearing honesty about motives/sins/needs Involvement Purifying power of being yeilded Let me seek you in desiring you, and desire you in seeking you. Let me find you in loving you, and let me love you in finding you. Anslem of Cantebury

7 Zeph. 3:17 The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. Soaring Spirit Moves students Delight in being moved Engages students Life and learning connect Establishes students Puts their feet under them Florescent Tube and Subway Story

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