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Introducing Sococo Moving In Teams.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Sococo Moving In Teams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Sococo Moving In Teams

2 Agenda Why Sococo? Sococo Overview Getting help “Moving in” checklist
Place: Map cues online behaviors People: Avatars convey presence, availability & work Connect: Audio & Video, Screen sharing, Chat, “Get”, Guests Getting help “Moving in” checklist

3 Why Sococo? Helps teams operationalize transformation to Agile
We work in distributed teams Using Sococo, we can see who’s meeting with who & who’s available now—so critical to self-organization Integrated audio, video & screen share

4 Place: Enter in Lobby

5 Place: Office paradigm cues online behaviors

6 Place: There’s even a beach! (on this map)

7 Place: Self-organize and remove blockers

8 Place: Moving around Click on room name to move there
Turn on mic and camera after entering room Right-click and Close the door for privacy To enter, right-click and Knock

9 Place: Navigate to other spaces

10 Place: Set Home Right-click on room to Set as home room
Click Home icon to go Home after meeting Go Home at sign on (bypass list of spaces)

11 Screen on - sharing info
People: Avatar cues Headset on - can hear Mic on - can talk Camera on - can be seen Screen on - sharing info Name tag on - guest

12 People: Edit profile Right-click on your avatar to Edit your profile
Pick a color for your avatar Set Sococo Name & Initials (what others see when they hover their cursor over your avatar on the map) Set your First and Last Name

13 People: Update Status Right-click on avatar to Update Status
Our team can establish team norms, such as: Update your status to Away when you step away from your desk for a few minutes. Update your status message giving the time you will return when you will be away for more than an hour.

14 People: Contact list

15 Connect: Audio & Video Click Gear to set different audio device for Notification sounds Click Mic drop-down menu to select audio input device Click Video drop-down menu to select video input device

16 Connect: Screen Sharing
Can have multiple simultaneous screen shares - no need to pass control! Each person can share a screen Click screen icon to launch screen sharing First time “Allow” Chrome plug-in Tip: If running Sococo from browser, run in separate window

17 Connect: Screen Sharing



20 Connection Quality Conserve bandwidth to improve your meeting experience over poor connection Click Connection Quality Disable Videos and/or Screen shares

21 Connect: Chat Private Chat: Right-click on avatar to Open chat
Room Chat: Click Chat icon at top of People pane to open room chat

22 Connect: “Get” Right-click on avatar to Get straggler to come to Standup now!

23 Connect: Guest Access Right-click on room and Get a Share link for [room-name] Share link via , text, calendar ... Guest must use Chrome browser Someone must be in room to answer Knock and admit Guest

24 Getting Help Click ? for Help from Sococo Support/Live Chat
Sococo Knowledgebase: Expand Options pane: click Report a Problem

25 “Moving In” Checklist Bookmark url:
Download Desktop App: Set home room Update profile Configure audio/video devices Check out Settings Recommendation: Use headset

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