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Presentation title : The Sri Lankan experience

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1 Presentation title : The Sri Lankan experience
Presenters : Lakshman Wedikkarage Kapila Bandara

2 Think! More than ever before, national curriculum, Teaching learning and the assessment process of a country must be visionary and future-oriented.

3 Curriculum, Teaching and Assessments are Inter-dependant.
National Aims & Objectives Teaching Assessment

4 How Sri Lanka is Practicing this?
National Curriculum National Goals & Competencies Teaching Assessment

5 Goals for a National System of Education In Sri Lanka
National Curriculum should assist individuals and groups to achieve the following major national goals; i. Nation building and the establishment of a Sri Lankan identity through the promotion of national cohesion, national integrity, national unity, harmony, and peace, and recognizing cultural diversity in Sri Lanka’s plural society within a concept of respect for human dignity.

6 NATIONAL GOALS CONTD. Recognizing and conserving the best elements of a nation’s heritage while responding to the challenges of a changing world. Creating and supporting an environment imbued with the norms of social justice and a democratic way of life that promotes respect for human rights, awareness of duties and obligations, and a deep and abiding concern for one another.

7 NATIONAL GOALS CONTD. Promoting the mental and physical well-being of individuals and a sustainable life style based on respect for human values. Developing creativity, initiative, critical thinking, responsibility and other positive elements of a well-integrated and balanced personality.

8 NATIONAL GOALS CONTD. Human resource development through education for productive work that enhances the quality of life of the individual and the nation and contributes to the economic development in Sri Lanka. Preparing individuals to adapt to and manage change, and to develop capacity to cope with complex and unforeseen situations in a rapidly changing world.

9 NATIONAL GOALS CONTD. vii. Fostering attitudes and skills that will contribute to securing an honorable place in community, based on justice, equity and mutual respect

10 Competencies expected to be achieved
Competencies in Communication Competencies relating to Personality Development Competencies relating to the Environment Competencies relating to Preparation for the world of Work Competencies relating to Religion and Ethics Competencies in play and the Use of Leisure Competencies relating to ‘learning to learn’

11 Structure of the National Curriculum in Sri Lanka
Primary Education (Grades 1-5) (i). An integrated curriculum in four subjecareas; Languages Mathematics Religion Environment related activities (ii).(a) Oral English introduced in grade 1 for communication and extended to grade 5, using, selected identified activities

12 (b). Formal teaching of English from grade 3
Structure …..Contd. (b). Formal teaching of English from grade 3 (c). Introducing students to the second national language, Sinhala/ Tamil (iii). The Curriculum is organized in three stages. - Key stage 1 (grades 1 and 2) - Key stage 2 (grades 3 and 4) - Key stage 3 (Grade 5)

13 Junior Secondary Education(grades 6-9)
First Language Mathematics English Religion Science History Geography Civics/Civic Education Aesthetic subject Technical Skills Health and Physical Education Sinhala/Tamil as the Second National Language

14 Senior Secondary Education (grades 10-11)
First Language Mathematics English Religion Science Social Sciences – History, Geography, Civics/Civic education Art/ Music/ Dance/ Drama and Theatre/Literature Design & Technology Health and Physical Education Sinhala/ Tamil as Second National Language

15 Teaching Learning Process- Lesson Plan Format
Date : Class : Subject : Competency : Competency level : Lesson : Time Duration:

16 Cont. Objectives of the Lesson : 1.1 ......................
1 Cognitive Domain : 2 Affective Domain : 3 Psychomotor Domain

17 Cont. Teaching Strategy : Learning Aids : Lesson Development :
Step 1 / Engagement: Step 2 / Exploration: Step 3 / Explanation: Step 4 / Elaboration: Step 5 / Evaluation (last step)

18 Alignment between C + T+ A
Global Aims of Education National Goals of Education Curriculum Aims & Objectives Sub. Unit Lessons 1 3 4 2 Specific Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

19 Need for a Paradigm shift in Teaching Learning Process
Re- production Creation of new knowledge Pedagogical Approach based on the Classical philosophy & Behaviorism Teacher Directed Learning (TDL) Parallel Thinking Argument/ debate Implicit Knowledge Andragogy and Constructivism Self- directed Learning (SDL) Convergent Thinking Tacit Knowledge

20 ASSESSMENTS Types of assessments to measure the achievement
School Based assessment Formative Summative National assessment Assessment for certification (DOE –NETS) Grade 5 Scholarship, G.C.E O/L, G.C.E A/L Assessment to measure achievement (NEREC)

 By virtue of its establishment, NEREC is committed to initiate and carry out research and evaluation studies pertaining to educational policy and student achievement in Sri Lanka.

22 NEREC Contd. NEREC conducts national assessments of students achievements in various grades The findings of these research are communicated to policy makers (MOE,NEC)

23 Types of Assessment Conducted by NEREC.
Types of Assessments National Assessment of Achievement grade 4 (2003, 2007, 2009 and 2013) National Assessment of Achievement grade 8 (2005, 2008, 2012 and 2012, 2014)

24 English, Mathematics and Science and Sri Lankan version of TIMSS
NEREC Contd. Areas Tested in Grade 4 Mother Tongue, English, Mathematics and and Sri Lankan version of TIMSS Areas Tested in Grade 8 English, Mathematics and Science and Sri Lankan version of TIMSS

25 NEREC Contd. Assess the extent to which the expected learning outcomes/Competencies have been achieved by students. Identify the areas of strengths and weaknesses of students’ achievement in relation to subject content and related skills. Examine whether disparities prevail in achievement in relation to provinces, school type, medium of instruction, and gender. Investigate background factors that correlate with achievement levels of students. Compare achievement levels with previous years

26 Who Uses Recommendations by NEREC.
Education Sector Development programs by the World Bank Education Sector Development Framework and Program (ESDFP) from 2006–2010 ESDFP extended for the period

27 Who Uses Recommendations by NEREC.
Theme 1: Increase equitable access to primary and secondary education Theme 2: Improve the quality of primary and secondary education Theme 3: Strengthen governance and service delivery of education

28 Who Uses Recommendations by NEREC
Make Suggestions and recommendations to the Ministry of Education and Other Policy Makers for Future Reforms in Education

29 NEREC Contd. Thank You

30 NEREC Contd. The sampling methodology used for NEREC STUDIES are based on an instructional manual designed by the Statistical Consultation Group, Statistics Canada in Ottawa. It has been recommended by the World Bank in its series, Assessment of Educational Achievement in Developing Countries and has been used for evaluation purposes since 2007 in international studies such as the IEA Study of Reading Literacy, the IEA Progress in International Reading Study (PIRLS), and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).

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