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Power Sharing (BELGIUM & SRILANKA).

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1 Power Sharing (BELGIUM & SRILANKA)


3 Sri Lanka Size About the same as Haryana
Just a few kms away off the southern coast of Tamil Nadu

4 Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka
After independence in 1948, Sri Lanka adopted a series of majoritarian measures to establish Sinhalese supremacy over the Tamils In 1956, an Act was passed to recognise Sinhala as the only official language

5 Reasons for Alienation
of Sri Lankan Tamils / Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka

6 Reasons… Dominance of Sinhalese community due to majority
1956 Act made Sinhala as the only official language Preferential policies favouring Sinhalese in university position and jobs State to protect and foster Buddhism

7 Position of Sri Lankan Tamils…
Launched political parties and struggles for recognizing Tamil as an official language Demanded autonomy Equal opportunity in education and jobs Political organization was formed demanding an independent TAMIL EELAM in North & East Sri Lanka

8 Effect on Tamils The Tamils felt isolated
They thought that even the constitution was against them. None of the Political parties ever considered their needs. The Tamils formed groups,organisations and parties to fight for rights

9 Effect on Tamils Their demands for recognition to their language and separate state with autonomous status were repeatedly neglected. This made some groups like the LTTE to take violent actions.

10 Civil War… Causes Both sides started distrusting each other Effects
Social,Cultural &Economic setback

11 Size and Ethnic Composition
Belgium Size and Ethnic Composition Smaller than Haryana Borders with France, Netherlands, Germany and Luxembourg

12 Communities & Regions of Belgium
Brussels – Capital Region – Dutch were a Minority Flemish – 59% - Dutch – benefit of education and economic development. German – 1% Wallonia – 40% - French – Rich & Powerful

13 Power Sharing by Accommodation in Belgium

14 Reasons for tension between the two communities
The minority French were rich and powerful The majority Dutch got the benefit of economic development much later.

15 Power Sharing - Belgium
Equal number of Ministers from Dutch and French speaking areas in the Central Govt. No single community can make decisions unilaterally Transfer of power from the centre to the state. State govt. will not be a subordinate to the centre. Separate govt. in Brussels with equal representation for the French and the Dutch. Formation of COMMUNITY Govt elected by the people belonging to one language community Dutch, French and German wherever they live. This has power regarding Culture, education and language related issues.

16 The country united respecting the feelings
Power Sharing - Result The country united respecting the feelings of different communities and regions.

17 Belgium & Sri Lanka Similarities: Both are democracies.
Differences: Power sharing arrangement is different. What is unique about Belgium? Leaders have realized that unity of the country is possible only by respecting the feelings and interests of different communities and regions. What was the drawback in the system followed by Sri Lanka? Dominance of majority community - Sinhalese by refusing to share power with Tamils resulting in disunity.

18 Why is Power Sharing desirable in a Democracy?
Prudential Reduces conflicts between social groups. 2. Stability of political order. 3. Better outcome. Moral 1. It is the spirit of democracy. 2.People have the right to beonsulted for governing practices. 3. Power sharing is valuable.

19 Why in a democracy should political power be distributed?
People are the source of all power. People rule themselves through institutions of self governance. Due respect is given to diverse groups and views. All have a voice in shaping public policies.

20 Forms of Power Sharing Horizontal OR Check and Balance System The Legislature The Executive The Judiciary Each of these organs is placed at the same level to exercise different powers None of them has unlimited power thus maintains balance. Each one of them keeps watch on the functioning of the other two. Hence it is called Check and Balance System

21 Vertical Power Sharing
Central Govt. Vertical Power Sharing State Govt. Local Bodies The Central Govt. is set up for the whole nation. The state/provincial govt. is set up for each provinces/states. The central govt. transfers/shares some of the powers to/with the state govt. (as in Belgium) In a big country like India, this type of two tier system is not sufficient. So we have the third tier – the Local Self Govt. Both the Central and State govt. have transferred power and resources to the Local bodies.

22 Power Sharing among different social groups
STs SCs Power Sharing among different social groups SCs Women STs Socially weaker sections also have to have share in power. Community govt. in Belgium is one example for this type of power sharing. In India, it is done by way of reservation. Constituencies and seats are reserved for women, SCs and STs. Thus power is shared among different social groups.

23 Power Sharing among Political parties, pressure groups and movements
No political party enjoys power for ever. It is for the people to decide who should be in power. With the emergence of coalition govt. many parties share power at the same time. Pressure groups and movements have share in power by exerting pressure on the govt. They exert pressure by various means and get policies framed in their favour.

24 Summary… Amongst different organs of Govt. legislature, executive and judiciary Amongst Govts. at different levels Different Social groups, religious/ linguistic Political parties ,pressure groups and movements influence those in power Horizontal distribution as it allows different organs to exercise different powers A general govt. for the entire country-called Centre and govts. at the provincial/regional level. Federal Govt. Accommodates social diversities who would feel otherwise alienated. Formation of coalition Govt. when different parties form alliances No organ gets unlimited powers State Govt. Influence of interest groups-businessmen, industrialists, farmers and industrial workers. Each organ checks the other Constitutional distribution of power to the state and centre Results in balance of power Same with Panchayat and Municipality All ministers /Govt. officialsare responsible to parliament/state assemblies Vertical division of power Judges can also check the work of other organs A system of checks and balances


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