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Presentation on theme: "READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS, SUCKAS!"— Presentation transcript:

Ninjas!! Open your journals to the last set of notes we took. On the left page complete a quickwrite answering the following prompt: In 30 words or more compare and contrast the processes of Mitosis and Meiosis. Be prepared to share out. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS, SUCKAS!

2 Journal Check Friday Important items due: Notecards
(Word and Definition) Due tomorrow Family Tree Project (Research portion) Due Today if you have it. Otherwise, due tomorrow. Test Corrections Must be completed no later than Friday Journal Check Friday Grades have been entered into skyward and are final. See me if you have special circumstances. This unit will be over genetics, a really fun, interesting and controversial topic which makes for some great extra credit opportunities. If you have zeros, extra credit may be your answer 

3 What is the significance of meiosis to genetic diversity?
Essential Question: What is the significance of meiosis to genetic diversity?

4 You will need a partner today, no exceptions.
Find a Partner. Congratulations, you and your partner get to….

5 Reebops One partner must play the role of Dad and one partner must play the role of Mom. Find the baggie containing Mom’s Reebop’s chromosomes (Pink) and the baggie containing Dad’s Reebop chromosomes (Blue).  Partners will open the baggie that pertains to their role, take out the cards and turn them face down, DO NOT MIX THE CARDS! Partners will sort each set of chromosomes into pairs of the same size (homologous pairs). You’re making a karyotype! *arrange in matching pairs from biggest to smallest.

6 Mom’s and Dad’s Karyotype should look something like this…
Hint: if you are having trouble matching by size you can match by letter….more on this later 

7 Now randomly take one chromosome from each pair of Mum’s chromosomes and place in a pile.
Randomly take one chromosome from each pair of Dad’s chromosomes and place in a pile. You have just formed gametes! Mixing the gametes like this is a model of meiosis – meiosis halves the number of chromosomes in the gametes so that when they combine at fertilization, the new organism has the correct total number.

8 Place all unused chromosomes back into the appropriate baggies.
Fertilize the female gamete with the male gamete by mixing your two piles together. This is now your selection of ‘baby genes’ (or your zygote chromosome set). You have now mixed half the chromosomes from each parent to make a new combination. Each parent donated half the total chromosome number (8) to make the final number (16).

9 Sort out the chromosomes of your new individual into
homologous pairs. *(match by size or letters….Blue A with Pink A) Write down the letter combinations you have obtained in the ‘genotype and phenotype table’ for your ‘baby Reebop’. For example, if you have one card with the letter A and another card with the letter a, your genotype is Aa.

10 Use the ‘decoder key’ to decide what the characteristics (phenotype) of your baby Reebop will be based on your genotype description. For example, if the genotype is AA, the phenotype will be “2 antennae”. For example: antennae AA = 2 antennae Aa = 2 antennae aa = no antennae

11 Complete the rest of your data table – you will need it tomorrow to build your baby Reebop!

12 Build your Reebop! Use toothpicks to join the body segments and the following items: antennae red push pins body segments large marshmallows tail pipe cleaner nose pom poms legs blue/yellow push pins eyes humps small marshmallows



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