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Vocabulary- Book Four The Tale of Despereaux:

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1 Vocabulary- Book Four The Tale of Despereaux:
Being the Story of a Mouse, a Princess, Some Soup and a Spool of Thread

2 Ch. 34-kill ‘em, even if they’s already dead skedaddle
Find it in the chapter… “Little meecy,” she said, “ain’t you going to skedaddle?” Does the definition fit? verb -to scurry, or get away in a hurry

3 Ch. 35-the knight in shining armor armor
Find it in the chapter… “There is no knight in shining armor; it’s all just make-believe, like happily ever after.” Which definition fits? noun –1. a suit made of shiny metal, used to protect knights in battle 2. a hard protective coating or shell, on an animal or vehicle

4 Ch. 36-what Mig carried covert
Find it in the chapter… “And may I further suggest that you keep your voice down to a whisper? We are, after all, on a covert mission.” Does the definition fit? adjective –secret, or hidden

5 Ch. 37-a small taste rage Find it in the chapter… “She concentrated on containing the rage that was leaping up inside of her.” Which definition fits? noun-a strong feeling of anger that is difficult to control

6 Ch. 38-to the dungeon empathy
Find it in the chapter… “Poor, poor Mig. What must it be like to want something that desperately?” That, reader, is empathy. Does the definition fit? noun-a feeling of understanding and sharing another person’s experiences and emotions

7 Ch. 39-missing! wringing Find it in the chapter… “....he stuck his head around the door of the pantry and saw Cook standing in the center of the kitchen, wringing her fat hands.” Does the definition fit? verb-to twist and squeeze

8 Ch.40-forgiveness emphatic
Find it in the chapter… “And from the members of the Mouse Council, there came a tiny by emphatic chorus of ‘ayes’.” Does the definition fit? adjective -said or done in a forceful or definite way

9 Ch.41-the tears of a king weeping
Find it in the chapter… “Despereaux turned. He left the weeping king.” Does the definition fit? verb-crying because of great sadness, or great joy

10 Ch.42-the rest of the thread quest
Find it in the chapter… “Yes,” said Despereaux, “because I am on a quest.” Does the definition fit? noun -a journey made in search of something

11 Ch.43-what Cook was stirring halo
Find it in the chapter… “ …and the steam rose around her and caught the light of the candle and made a halo over her head.” Does the definition fit? noun -a circle of light shown above the head of a holy person

12 Ch.44-whose ears are those? paralyzed
Find it in the chapter… ”He was paralyzed by fear.” Does the definition fit? adjective-unable to move or feel parts, or all, of the body

13 Ch.45-some soup wafted Find it in the chapter… “The smell of soup wafted in Despereaux’s direction.” Does the definition fit? verb-to move lightly through the air

14 Ch.46-mouse blood, yes cornucopia
Find it in the chapter… “Oh my, what a cornucopia of scents.” Which definition fits? noun-1.a horn shaped container full of fruits and vegetables 2. a great amount of something

15 Ch.47-no choice gloom Find it in the chapter… “Despereaux saw the dark shape of a rat, that thing that he had feared and dreaded for so long, finally step out of the gloom and come to greet him.” Which definition fits? noun-1.partial or total darkness 2. a feeling of great sadness

16 Ch.48-on the tail of a rat sensation
Find it in the chapter… “At best, it is an unpleasant sensation, scaly and cold, similar to holding on to a small, narrow snake.” Which definition fits? noun-1. a particular feeling or effect that your body experiences 2. a lot of excitement or interest

17 Ch.49-what do you want, Miggery Sow?! consign
Find it in the chapter… “As you consigned me to darkness, so I consign you, too, to a life spent in this dungeon.” Does the definition fit? verb-to put someone in an unusually unpleasant situation or bad place

18 Ch. 50-in which the princess says his name Ch. 51-what is that smell
Ch.50-in which the princess says his name Ch. 51-what is that smell? anticipate Find it in the chapter… “Oh, all of this is much better than I anticipated.” Does the definition fit? verb-to wait with hope for something to happen

19 Ch.52-happily ever after atone
Find it in the chapter… “Mig….did not get to be a princess...But her father, to atone for what he had done, treated her like one for the rest of his days.” Does the definition fit? verb-do some good as a way to show you are sorry for doing something bad

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