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Published byPhillip Lynch Modified over 6 years ago
An Overview of the DoD Analytic Agenda Resources for Analysts
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Analytic Agenda The Bottom Line Up Front
Goal is was make analyses more effective and relevant for decisionmaking Focus debate on assumptions and issues, agree on Characteristics & Performance (C&P) Help synchronize strategic planning activities throughout DoD Provided a common starting point and framework for joint analyses Scenarios characterize the range of defense challenges Future joint warfighting CONOPS are developed/examined Analytic assessments (baselines, data, and studies) are accessible and well documented Designed as a collaborative, transparent, and continuously ongoing process—Joint Staff, OSD, Services, and COCOMs involved Train and sustain critical mass of analysis experts Managed by OSD Policy, Joint Staff (JS), and OSD/CAPE (formerly PA&E) Supported planning, acquisition, experimentation, and training communities At peak use, seeing 100s of users and 1000s of product downloads Focused the debate on the scenario issues and assumptions not on the models, data, or methodology
DoD Analysis Community
OSD Policy, CAPE, Intel, etc. USA G-3/5/7/8, CAA, etc. Joint Staff J8, J5, J4, etc. USAF A9, A8, etc. COCOMs JFCOM*, SOCOM, etc USMC MCCDC, etc. Defense Agencies DIA, DISA, DTRA, etc. USN N81, N3/N5, etc. Interagency DoS, DHS, CIA, USAID, State Allies UK, AUS, CA, NZ Industry, NGOs and FFRDCs JFCOM was disestablished in 2010
Strategic Analysis Environment
Focus of the Analytic Agenda Theater Level Force Level Scenarios, CONOPS, and integrated data (in M&S tools) provide the environment/context for analyses at the few-on-few, one-on-one and physics/ engineering level of detail. Combat/ Force Effectiveness Few-on-Few Combat Utility System Effectiveness One-on-One Data/results from analyses at the few-on-few, one-on-one and physics/ engineering level of detail provide data and doctrine for use in aggregated M&S Weapon Systems System Performance Physics/engineering Components & Subsystems Subsystem effects 5
DoD Analytic Agenda Some History
Common themes emerged from comprehensive DoD reviews to assess strategy, force structure, budget, etc in the late 1990s: Analysis performed by different Components produced inconsistent insights No common set of scenarios, CONOPS, data, analysis tools, methods Analysis not timely “Analytic Agenda” introduced in the DPG (DoD-level guidance) in May 2002 “… to support implementation of the new Defense Strategy” draft a directive that dictates a process for overseeing the collecting and sharing of joint data for current and projected adversary and US forces Corresponding DoD Directive initially issued in Dec 2002, updated in Jan 2007 Includes current-year and future-year analysis products DODI DODI The DoD Analytic Agenda was created to provide a common framework for developing scenarios, CONOPS, data, tools, methods – to support strategic analyses looking across the Department’s portfolios.
The Analytic Agenda Response
GOAL: Better, more responsive analysis to support decision makers Based in Current Year to explore alternative concepts of operation Based in Future Years to explore transformational concepts and test force structure alternatives (mid-term & long-term) Improved Tools More in-depth representations of warfare C4ISR, Info Ops, SOF Faster, more responsive, easier to use Improved Data Consistent Analysis that starts from common reference point Collaborative development leads to better quality and quantity More robust treatment of uncertainty Analysis-ready data sets allow faster analysis Analytic Transparency Increased awareness OSD-wide of ongoing analysis Reduce redundancy, increase synergism
Evolution in Analysis Capabilities
Before 2002 DoD-wide joint warfighting assessments every 4-5 years MRS-05; DAWMS Phases 1-3 of warfight Limited DoD-wide management of models and data Joint warfighting assessments by J8 with some support by CAPE Component support upon request Limited Transparency and availability of common data After 2002 Senior leadership continuously involved and expect everyone to use AA products Assessment from pre-conflict (Phase 0) to post-conflict (Phases 4-5) Expanded scope (e.g. HD, IW, Counter WMD) Active, collaborative management of data, tools, and initial model results Common scenarios, data, models used Department-wide Central source for products (JDS) SAP and IW Analysis still a challenge CAPE and J8 conduct warfighting analysis Components actively engaged Transparency & data availability – vastly improved
Analytic Agenda Products Future-Year
Defense Planning Scenarios (DPS) – OSD/Policy in Charge The Strategy: A page high-level description of postulated conflict Red/Blue strategy & objectives, operational concepts, warning times, macro-level force commitments Participation/coordination: Joint Staff, CA&PE, COCOMs, Services Multi-Service Force Deployments (MSFD) – Joint Staff (J-8) in Charge The CONOPS: A 200 page description of how the postulated conflict unfolds – includes database Orders of Battle, strategy/tactics at the operational level, axes of attack, defensive dispositions, TOEs, force allocation to missions, OPTEMPO/sortie rates, readiness factors, munitions, sustainment Quarterly conferences attended by people: Services, COCOMs, DIA, OSD Analytical Baselines (ABs) – Joint Staff (J-8) and OSD/CAPE in Charge Analysis of the DPSs and MSFDs resulting in data files, briefings, and papers Current Year: COCOMs assisted by the Joint Staff (J-8) Out Year: OA and MCS studies led by Joint Staff and OSD/CAPE with Service, DIA, and COCOM participation
Analytical Baselines The Complete Process
DOD Senior Leadership Joint Staff Approved Strategy Defense Planning Scenarios Multi-Service Force Deployment Irreg New Tech Extremism SSSP WMD MCO1 MCO2 MCO3 SD HLD ISP Catastrophic Products support Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution across DoD (acquisition, concept development, experimentation, training & testing) CAPE participates at all stages and is the primary developer of future-year analytical baselines CAPE Director approves release of future-year analytical baselines CAPE Approved Future Year Analytical Baselines Component-Level Studies (JCIDS, AOAs, ….) Policy Approved PPBE Process Other Studies QDR Winter Study MCRS JPG Operational Availability Future Year Analytical Baseline Studies/Wargames etc 10
DPS and MSFD Development Process
Comment Resolution and final adjudication OSD(P) Approved Comment Resolution New Draft Policy Guidance Policy (IDA) Drafts DPS JPG DPS J8 and DIA Lead development of Strategic Concepts O-6 Chop Scenario Selection GO/FO Chop OSD, Joint Staff, Agency, Service & COCOM Participation MSFD J8 and DIA develop Strawman Blue and Red CONOPS plus Forces and Data Development JPG MSFD Final Coord MSFD Conference Comment Resolution and final adjudication Comment Resolution and Final Adjudication DJS Approved
DPS and MSFD Development Process
Comment Resolution and final adjudication OSD(P) Approved Comment Resolution New Draft Policy Guidance Policy (IDA) Drafts DPS JPG DPS Contains Policy Guidance and Blue/Green/Red/Brown strategic level concepts Replaces “Illustrative Planning Scenarios” (IPS) Mid (201X) and Long Term (202X) timeframes (regularly updated) Variable parameters to explore and widen trade space Provide a credible set of scenarios for DoD analytical efforts: JCIDs analysis (AoAs, EoAs, FCB assessments etc) Acquisition & Program Analysis Studies (e.g., Operational Availability) J8 and DIA Lead development of Strategic Concepts O-6 Chop Scenario Selection GO/FO Chop OSD, Joint Staff, Agency, Service & COCOM Participation MSFD J8 and DIA develop Strawman Blue and Red CONOPS plus Forces and Data Development JPG MSFD MSFD Conference Final Coord Comment Resolution and final adjudication Comment Resolution and final adjudication DJS Approved
DPS and MSFD Development Process
Provides order of battle-like detail (forces, units, equipment, CONOPS) Developed through collaborative effort, led by the Joint Staff OPFOR, Neutral, US, and Allied Data Supports: Campaign Analysis (Conventional, Irregular, etc) Acquisition Program Analysis (e.g., FA-22, JSF) Operational Test & Evaluation (e.g., ATEC, AFOTEC) Studies (Mobility) Comment Resolution and final adjudication OSD(P) Approved Comment Resolution New Draft Policy Guidance Policy (IDA) Drafts DPS JPG DPS J8 and DIA Lead development of Strategic Concepts O-6 Chop Scenario Selection GO/FO Chop OSD, Joint Staff, Agency, Service & COCOM Participation MSFD J8 and DIA develop Strawman Blue and Red CONOPS plus Forces and Data Development JPG MSFD MSFD Conference Final Coord Comment Resolution and final adjudication Comment Resolution and final adjudication DJS Approved
Analytical Baselines A Starting Point for Strategic Analysis*
Strategy Defense Planning Scenarios Multi-Service Force Deployment National Leadership OUSD (P) Joint Staff OPLANs CONPLANs Threat CONOPS Data COCOM DIA JPG Future Year: Current Year: Service Studies Joint Studies Wargames COCOM Studies Munitions Requirements Analytical Baselines Future Forces, Units, and Equipment (FUE) Characteristics and Performance (C&P) Environment Targets Current: CJCS approved Future: OSD/CAPE approved Quick Look Studies “Strategic Analysis*” QDR AoAs MCS ISR Capability Needs *”Strategic Analysis. An analysis of force sufficiency and effectiveness conducted by the DoD Components to support the development and evaluation of the defense strategy. Such analyses address both forces and enablers (e.g., inter-theater and intra-theater lift capability).” [DoDD ]
DoD’s Evolving Analytical Challenge
Increasing complexity of the new strategic environment New Focus: Addresses a broader range of global challenges
Paradigm Shifts in Defense Planning Scenarios (DPS)
2007 15
DPS Scenario Construct
For Illustrative Purposes Only Old “Point Solution” Format New “Bounded Variable” Format MTW “X” Current Blue CONOPS X days warning Red chem use HNS = Total Overflight = Yes Base access = Yes Coalition = N/A UN sanctions = No MCO “X” 201X Legend Blue CONOPS Pre-empt Swift. Def. Win Decisively Warning X days 0 days Baseline Values Base case – selected variable from which excursions may be run Red chem use Late Early HNS Total None Limited Overflight All None Some Specific case set by senior decision makers. Base access All None Some Coalition Global Support None Regional UN Sanctions Yes No Partial Least Stressful Most Stressful
M&S Tool Registry Functionality Matrix
The DoD Analysis M&S Tools are listed in the following matrix and are associated with the functionalities for which the tool is commonly used in the DoD analysis community. The matrix also categorizes the tool as: Campaign (C), Mission (M), Engagement (E) or Engineering (Eng). Campaign tools depict theater and global scenarios and interactions with scenarios that tend to be measured in days to months. Mission tools depict many-on-many and force level interactions with scenarios in hours to days. Engagement tools depict one-on-one interactions with scenarios measured in minutes to hours. Engineering tools depict physics or engineering level detail. The feeder tools indicate which type of analysis tools that it supports with output data. The tool characterization is not rigid, but is determined by the JDS tool manager and changes over time.
Core OSD/JCS Analysis Tools
- Dropped - Archived See Backup Slides for additional models
Analytical Baselines The Payoff
+ Analysis To encourage internal consistency “Warm” databases ready to support Department-level analyses and aligned with selected models Analytical Baseline: A package comprising a scenario, concept of operations, and integrated data used by DoD Components as a foundation for strategic analyses Scenario Location Year Objectives CONOPS Red Blue Green Other Data Characteristics and Performance (C&P) Forces, Units, and Equipment (FUE) Environmental (terrain, weather, …) Targets Data Aligned with Set of Models Comment Resolution and final adjudication Comment Resolution and final adjudication
Almost Final Thoughts The Analytic Agenda provided a common starting point… More Effective: A deeper understanding of key issues Better data via collaborative development Aligns analytic efforts with development and budget cycles More Efficient: Quicker response to important questions Better understanding of differences among competing analyses More Relevant: Supports COCOM planning activities Supports Capabilities-based planning activities Supports Quadrennial Defense Review activities
Wrap-up So What Happened to the Analytic Agenda?
Where Are We Now with Respect to a Standard Set of Approved Scenarios? Where Should the Wargaming and Simulation Communities Stand on the Topic of Common Scenarios and How They Should be Used?
Acronyms AA Analytic Agenda AB Analytical Baseline
C&P Characteristics & Performance CIA Central Intelligence Agency COCOMs Combatant Commanders DHS Department of Homeland Security DIA Defense Intelligence Agency DISA Defense Information Systems Agency DJS Director of the Joint Staff DoS Department of State DPS Defense Planning Scenarios DPG Defense Planning Guidance DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency FFRDC Federally Funded Research & Development Center FUE Forces, Units, and Equipment ISP Integrated Security Postures JDS Joint Data Support (Office) JFCOM Joint Forces Command MCCDC Marine Corps Combat Development Center MSFD Multi-Service Functional Description SOCOM Special Operations Command SSSP Steady State Security Postures USAID US Agency for International Development
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