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Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX)

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1 Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX)
Tuukka Petäjä, Hanna K. Lappalainen and Markku Kulmala PEEX-HQ-HELSINKI, University of Helsinki / FMI, FINLAND GEOCRI meeting, St. Petersburg, Russia

A network of 400 researchers Research communities from 20 different countries PEEX Initiative Kick Off in October 2012 Helsinki meeting PEEX Meetings: Helsinki (1), Moscow (2), Hyytiälä (3), St. Petersburg (4) China PEEX Kick off meeting Nov 2013, Beijing 1st PEEX Science Conference/Meeting in 2015, Helsinki (5) 2nd PEEX Science Conference/Meeting in 2016, Beijing (6) 3rd PEEX Science Conference in Moscow in Sep.2017 Active in many scientific forums in Europe, Russia and in China;

Research agenda & large scale research questions: Science Plan PEEX Special issue in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Themes: e.g. climate change, air quality, biodiversity loss, use of natural resources, industry, energy production and transport Editors V.-M. Kerminen, M. Heimann, D. Spracklen, T. Laurila, A. Ding, and I. Salma. PEEX papers in J. Digital Earth / J. Geography, Environment Sustainability More information:

4 PEEX – addresses global grand challenges
1) Multidisciplinary, multiscale science (Focus-1) 2) Comprehensive observations (Focus-2) 3) Science based services and impacts (Focus-3) 4) Knowledge transfer, multidisciplinary education (Focus-4) GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES Refs. Kulmala et al. ACP 2016, Lappalainen et al. ACP 2016, Hari et al. ACP 2015, PEEX Science Plan

THREE COMPONENTS TO IMPLEMENT THE PEEX RESEARCH AGENDA Satellites provide context Ground-based provides details Models complete the picture PEEX-Russia: AEROCOSMOS PEEX-China: RADI Univ Helsinki FMI Ground-based Satellites CURRENT STATE • Initial Conditions • Assimilation 4D targeted chemical & microphysical detail point-location time series frequent, global snapshots; For example, aerosol amount & aerosol type maps, plume & layer heights Model Validation • Parameterizations • Climate Sensitivity • Underlying mechanisms Models space-time interpolation, calculation and prediction Ref. Laj, Kulmala, Petäjä

6 SMEAR - stations SMEAR II-station 20 years of operation
Prof. Markku Kulmala, UHEL Global flagship for Finnish Climate research measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere relations Continuous, comprehensive observations enables a unique information on climate change e.g. on aerosols and ecosystem-atmosphere interactions 10/08/15

7 WMO GAW Aerosol Network
Global SMEAR – a network of high quality observations “filling the in-situ observational gaps in the world with a station network to provide comprehensive policy relevant data” WMO GAW Aerosol Network We welcome more collaborations, especially in Central and South America, Africa, Central and South Asia 10/08/15 PEEX preliminary work on existing in-situ observations

Tools: multi-scale modelling & observation approach (i) RI STRUCTURE (ii)In-situ + satellite + models (iii) BACKBONE FOR PEEX IN-SITU: SMEAR (iv) PEEX modeling platform: multi-scale approach

9 PEEX – NEXT STEPS Finland Chairmanship of the Arctic Council starting in 2017 circumpolar collaboration active participation in GEOSS CRI, SAON and AMAP WGs active information exchange and collaboration together with Finnish stakeholders; Arctic Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prime minister’s Office promoting flagship concept in Russia & in China (global SMEAR) contributing to the negotiations of new stations continuing the metadata collection and opening the discussion on “open data” together with Russian and Chinese partners PEEX Science Conference in Moscow Sep.2017 PEEX Modelling Platform concept Consolidating PEEX’s role in China, in collaboration with DBAR


PEEX-View-Tool: Visualize and analyze PEEX big data products visualizes the time series for the modeled data vs. observed data (aerosol number concentration).  modeled data based on Global Aerosol model (ECHAM-HAM) Trajectories based on (NILU pre-calculated product) and satellite products (AOD, MODIS data) Observations from Hyytiälä and Pallas as an example. In the future expand dataset & the analysis for other parameters demo software by A. Malkamäki & R. Makkonen, Univ.Helsinki AtmSciences

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