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A presentation by Bert Ely June 9, 2016

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1 A presentation by Bert Ely June 9, 2016
The U.S. Economic Outlook in a highly contentious election year Sigma Chi Fraternity Washington alumni chapter A presentation by Bert Ely June 9, 2016

2 Where the U.S. has been economically
The U.S. economy has experienced slowing growth in recent quarters – Chart 1

3 #1

4 Where the U.S. has been economically
The U.S. economy has experienced slowing growth in recent quarters – Chart 1 The decline in energy prices has been a mixed blessing

5 Where the U.S. has been economically
The U.S. economy has experienced slowing growth in recent quarters – Chart 1 The decline in energy prices has been a mixed blessing The unemployment rate continues to decline – Chart 2

6 U.S. Unemployment rate Seasonally adjusted – January 2000 to May 2016
#2 Recessions Percent Jan 2000 Jan 2004 Jan 2008 Jan 2012 Jan 2016

7 Where the U.S. has been economically
The U.S. economy has experienced slowing growth in recent quarters – Chart 1 The decline in energy prices has been a mixed blessing The unemployment rate continues to decline – Chart 2 While the labor-force participation rate may be turning up – Chart 3

8 #3 The U.S. labor-force participation rate Age 16 and older – January 2000 to May 2016 – seasonally adjusted Recessions Percent This drop of 4.7 percentage points over the last 17 years equates to about 11 million adults leaving the workforce Jan 2000 Jan 2004 Jan 2008 Jan 2012 Jan 2016

9 Where the U.S. has been economically
The U.S. economy has experienced slowing growth in recent quarters – Chart 1 The decline in energy prices has been a mixed blessing The unemployment rate continues to decline – Chart 2 While the labor-force participation rate may be turning up – Chart 3 A rising participation rate would greatly benefit the economy

10 Where the U.S. has been economically
The U.S. economy has experienced slowing growth in recent quarters – Chart 1 The decline in energy prices has been a mixed blessing The unemployment rate continues to decline – Chart 2 While the labor-force participation rate may be turning up – Chart 3 A rising participation rate would greatly benefit the economy Household balance sheets have strengthened over last seven years as house values and stock prices recovered – Chart 4

11 #4 The household sector’s finances have strengthened in recent years Quarterly data to 2015 Household net worth/GDP (right scale) Household assets (in dollars – left scale) Trillions of dollars Household net worth (in dollars – left scale) Household liabilities (in dollars –left scale) 2000 2004 2008 2012 2015

12 Where the U.S. has been economically
The U.S. economy has experienced slowing growth in recent quarters – Chart 1 The decline in energy prices has been a mixed blessing The unemployment rate continues to decline – Chart 2 While the labor-force participation rate may be turning up – Chart 3 A rising participation rate would greatly benefit the economy Household balance sheets have strengthened over last seven years as house values and stock prices recovered – Chart 4 However, the improvement in household wealth has been concentrated in wealthier households

13 Where the U.S. has been economically
The U.S. economy has experienced slowing growth in recent quarters – Chart 1 The decline in energy prices has been a mixed blessing The unemployment rate continues to decline – Chart 2 While the labor-force participation rate may be turning up – Chart 3 A rising participation rate would greatly benefit the economy Household balance sheets have strengthened over last seven years as house values and stock prices recovered – Chart 4 However, the improvement in household wealth has been concentrated in wealthier households Flattening per-capita GDP growth a key factor in growing income inequality – Charts 5A and 5B

14 Real GDP per capita – 1950 to 2015 Expressed in 2009 dollars

15 Real GDP per capita – 2000 to 2015 Expressed in 2009 dollars
#5B Real GDP per capita – 2000 to 2015 Expressed in 2009 dollars 6 years, from 2007 to 2013, to reach same per capita output level

16 External economic, political forces threaten U.S. economic growth
Uneven growth rates across Europe are creating strains within the EU, which has negative global implications Brexit – negative economic impacts if UK votes June 23 to exit the EU

17 External economic, political forces threaten U.S. economic growth
Uneven growth rates across Europe are creating strains within the EU, which has negative global implications Brexit – negative economic impacts if UK votes June 23 to exit the EU China’s growth threatened by a continuing rise in debt – Chart 6

18 China driving deeper into debt

19 External economic, political forces threaten U.S. economic growth
Uneven growth rates across Europe are creating strains within the EU, which has negative global implications Brexit – negative economic impacts if UK votes June 23 to exit the EU China’s growth threatened by a continuing rise in debt – Chart 6 A credit contraction would shrink China’s badly bloated capital spending and infrastructure investment – Chart 7 – leading to reduced imports, rising unemployment, and potentially civil unrest

20 Trends in components of China’s GDP 1995 to 2014
#7 Net exports Gross fixed capital formation Government consumption Percent of GDP Household consumption

21 External economic, political forces threaten U.S. economic growth
Uneven growth rates across Europe are creating strains within the EU, which has negative global implications Brexit – negative economic impacts if UK votes June 23 to exit the EU China’s growth threatened by a continuing rise in debt – Chart 6 A credit contraction would shrink China’s badly bloated capital spending and infrastructure investment – Chart 7 – leading to reduced imports, rising unemployment, and potentially civil unrest The never-ending warring in the Middle East, and the consequent global terrorism, are another economic threat Politically destabilizing effects of a sustained period of low energy prices

22 External economic, political forces threaten U.S. economic growth
Uneven growth rates across Europe are creating strains within the EU, which has negative global implications Brexit – negative economic impacts if UK votes June 23 to exit the EU China’s growth threatened by a continuing rise in debt – Chart 6 A credit contraction would shrink China’s badly bloated capital spending and infrastructure investment – Chart 7 – leading to reduced imports, rising unemployment, and potentially civil unrest The never-ending warring in the Middle East, and the consequent global terrorism, are another economic threat Politically destabilizing effects of a sustained period of low energy prices Russia – a never-ending economic disaster – fear a wounded bear?

23 External economic, political forces threaten U.S. economic growth
Uneven growth rates across Europe are creating strains within the EU, which has negative global implications Brexit – negative economic impacts if UK votes June 23 to exit the EU China’s growth threatened by a continuing rise in debt – Chart 6 A credit contraction would shrink China’s badly bloated capital spending and infrastructure investment – Chart 7 – leading to reduced imports, rising unemployment, and potentially civil unrest The never-ending warring in the Middle East, and the consequent global terrorism, are another economic threat Politically destabilizing effects of a sustained period of low energy prices Russia – a never-ending economic disaster – fear a wounded bear? Possible fallout from political/economic problems in Brazil and potential political revolution in Venezuela

24 Specific economic news that could impact the presidential race
Inside the United States Unemployment rate increases or decreases Rate of economic growth – stronger or weaker Inflation concerns increase, or not A rise in interest rates threatens economic growth

25 Specific economic news that could impact the presidential race
Inside the United States Unemployment rate increases or decreases Rate of economic growth – stronger or weaker Inflation concerns increase, or not A rise in interest rates threatens economic growth Outside the United States Brexit – the Brits vote to leave the EU China – economic events leading to political disruption Regional war/even greater political turmoil

26 Specific economic news that could impact the presidential race
Inside the United States Unemployment rate increases or decreases Rate of economic growth – stronger or weaker Inflation concerns increase, or not A rise in interest rates threatens economic growth Outside the United States Brexit – the Brits vote to leave the EU China – economic events leading to political disruption Regional war/even greater political turmoil Something out of the blue – no one predicted it

27 To a great extent, this year’s presidential election will be a referendum on the economic policies of recent decades

28 To a great extent, this year’s presidential election will be a referendum on the economic policies of recent decades Would Trump be where he is today absent the slow economic recovery following the 2008 financial crisis?

29 What do you think?

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