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Year 1 Transition Meeting

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1 Year 1 Transition Meeting

2 Staff in Year 1 Miss Whiteley Class Teacher Mrs Halliwell Class Teacher 3 ½ days Mrs Jolly Class Teacher 1 ½ days Mrs Barker Teaching Assistant Mr Hardy Teaching Assistant Mrs Kilburn Teaching Assistant

3 Beginning of the day In the morning children will come into school from They will use the KS1 entrance which is the path to the left of the main entrance. A Teaching Assistant will be available in the playground until 9.00 to take any urgent messages to pass on to the teacher. The children have a coat peg in the cloakroom and a drawer in the classroom for their belongings.

4 End of the day The teacher will bring the children to the playground and will dismiss the children to their waiting adult. We will dismiss the children one at a time as they point out their adult. It may take a bit longer initially as we get to know faces!

5 The Curriculum You will receive a curriculum news letter each term to outline what the children will be learning in the different subject areas. The curriculum is initially based on both the National Curriculum and the Early Learning Goals.

6 Transition The children will have short carpet sessions every day for Literacy, Numeracy, Phonics and other subject areas. They will have tasks to complete with an adult. There will be a range of planned activities linked to a range of subject areas which the children can access freely. Some activities will be more directed where the children have to complete the task independently. The children will have some access to outdoor learning. As the year goes on the focus will be more on directed tasks where the children will be engaging in more formal looking lessons.

7 Reading Café On Thursday morning we have reading café. This is an opportunity for you to come into class and read with your child. This is from 8.45 until 9.10

8 Homework Reading books weekly.
Homework books with subject based work and common exception words to read and write. Children will have an opportunity each week to visit our library and select a book.

9 Testing in year 1 At the end of each term the children will be tested in areas of maths and literacy. The tests will be based on units of work that the children have been learning in that term. At the end of the year there is a national test involving a phonic check. We will be holding a phonic check meeting to give more information about the process.

10 Clothing and belongings
All clothing and belongings need to be clearly labelled. For P.E White t-shirt and blue shorts Trainers, jogging bottoms, sweatshirt waterproof coat. Water bottles are brought in daily for children to access all day.

11 Finally Any questions or problems please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 1 team or Miss Thorpe. We will always do what we can to sort things out or help if we can.

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