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Improving the student experience –one year on!

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Presentation on theme: "Improving the student experience –one year on!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving the student experience –one year on!
Elizabeth Chamberlain – Buckinghamshire New University

2 Agenda Reminder about the University Continued drivers and new drivers
How has the year gone…. How we have done it… Where now?

3 Background to the University
Been in existence as an organisation since 1893. Had various identities throughout until 2007 when full university title was granted. 7500 ftes approx. with lots of links with other institutions including increased partnership arrangements. An increasingly customer focussed community

4 Continued drivers Increase fees and charges – students are becoming paying customers. NSS still! Need to demonstrate value for money even more within the University. Need to ensure all IT systems are being put to full use and have been made to promise that tenders will be carried out in next few years.

5 Specific responses from users
Recurrent reporting via NSS that Library does not have enough….. Lack of user awareness of services provided and information resources. Continued conversations with unhappy users of the service. Need to review 24/7 provision.

6 What have we done 2012 – Online payment portal introduced.
September 2013 – set up texting of overdues and hold pickup notices using SMS module of Unicorn. 2013 – Smoother management of graduating student debts using the online payment tool and co-ordinated chasing of debts by both the Library and graduation management team. 2014/15 – High Wycombe library 24/7 opening during term time – now under review 2014/14 – self service hold collection – they still do not collect! February 2015 – set up auto renewal of stock using custom script written and set up by Sirsi. May 2015 – self-service laptop cabinets installed at both campuses. 2015/16 – expanded use of laptops March Implementation of Rebus reading list software Spring 2016 – Auditing and reporting re graduation fine collection.

7 Online fine payment portal
Set up using custom scripts and reporting from Sirsi and WPM with daily upload of fine data to online service. Real time clearing of fines on Unicorn enabling users to then take out stock or use other services. Users love it when it works – with recent upgrade at WPM file & network updates at Bucks it has gone into meltdown! Still struggling to fix it!

8 Graduation debt management
WPM interface has allowed much more flexible handling of debt chasing as users can pay 24/7 from anywhere (even their family etc!). Co-ordination of debt chasing s, texts and letters between the Library and the team managing graduation has ensured faster clearing of debts so less likelihood that certificates are withheld on the day but… Provision of this service means that this year the Library did not need to put staff into the Student Centre to manage fine payments – the customer team in the Centre can do this for us and will continue to do this Happier graduates result! Improved ability to provide information for audits.

9 Extending opening hours and self service facilities
24/7 is a reality now – however at what cost so it is under review for coming year. Self service facilities have been working hard – laptops in particular. Issues raised: Cost to University for staffing etc Impact on quality of facilities – cleaning/mis-use of facility …. Limits the ability to be able to make system changes and updates. Particularly been an issue with move of the University to new networking technology.

10 Automatic renewal of stock
Users love the service! Statistics of texts sent (not all users have text numbers) show that more automatic renewals are done than ever. There are issues when it stops working we still need to iron out – e.g increase manual modification of bills etc at end of course.

11 Texting statistics

12 Self service laptop cabinets
Very popular – statistics to follow! We have worn out the batteries on the kit! Users will wait for a laptop to recharge rather than use a desk top nearby. Accidental damage has been relatively low – mainly issues of falling off the network. Setup and warning of when charge about to run out could be better!

13 Loan statistics Oct 2015 – June 2016

14 Laptop cabinet empty stats

15 Reading Lists Another attempt with Rebus software.
Initial install March 2015 with concerted effort to collect lists since… Major technical issues since April 2016 due to system upgrade. Pressure from senior management to collect all data and get all academics using the system! Not sure how…

16 General issues raised! Need for improved statistics on all of this!
Easier reporting of activity and usage….. Requirement for improved communication with all staff and users of all the services. Need to keep systems moving with the times and make sure apparently unrelated changes do not damage them – online fine payments!

17 Where now? Library budget/project funding – This is now under major stress! We are having to be very cunning to dig funding out…. Subscription to services offered by providers e.g. texting has been essential – sliding in the sub to SMS as part of our system maintenance is the envy of other departments within the University who have no texting service. Monitoring of service developments in the sector – do the homework and you will finally succeed and even extend them (the laptops?!) Playing the ‘improved user experience card’ where ever you can – there is no single path to ensuring success…. Still. Watch new University strategy as this can change the focus. Preparing for re-tender of Library Management systems and other bits and pieces for Sept 2018 implementation. This is making us look very closely at how things are and are not working…

18 Contact details Elizabeth Chamberlain
Telephone – Useful links –

19 Any questions?

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