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1. Substitute the word “average kinetic energy” for “___________” to make questions easier. Temperature.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Substitute the word “average kinetic energy” for “___________” to make questions easier. Temperature."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Substitute the word “average kinetic energy” for “___________” to make questions easier.

2 2. Sublimation is a phase change from a _____directly to a____
2. Sublimation is a phase change from a _____directly to a____. Two examples: CO2 and I2 SOLID GAS

3 3. Solutions containing ions of elements ____ (group 3-11) are often colored. Example:_______
Transition CuSO4

4 4. Only two elements exist as liquids as STP.
Hg(metal) & Br(non-metal)

5 5. Elements are arranged in the periodic table according to their __________
atomic number

6 6. The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the element naturally___________
occurring isotopes

7 7. The mass number of an atom is found by adding the ____________
number of protons + neutrons

8 8. One atomic mass unit (1 amu) is defined as exactly 1/12 the mass of

9 9. Atoms that become ions by losing electrons _______in size while those that gain e-______
decrease increase

10 10. The nuclear charge of an atom is the same as its number of _______

11 11. The nucleons of an atom are those particles found in the__________
nucleus (protons & neutrons)

12 12. Molecular substances generally contain only covalent bonds, have low_____and are______
melting point soft.

13 13. Molecules with polar bonds may be non-polar because their shapes are__________

14 14. Carbon dioxide has 2-Double bonds and is nonpolar because it is _________(shape=linear)

15 15. Memorize the 7 elements that are diatomic:
H2 N2 O2 F2 Br2 I2 CI2

16 16. Memorize: 1 mole= ________ molecules= ______ grams= ______ liters (if it is a gas at STP)
6.02 x 1023 GFM 22.4

17 17. Water, NH3 and HF have unusually high boiling points due to strong
intermolecular forces (H bonds)

18 melting points very hard
18. Network solids contain covalent bonds, have high ________and are _______. Example: diamonds melting points very hard

19 19. Elements in the same group have similar chemical properties because they have the same number of ____________ valence electrons

20 principle energy levels(shells)
20. Elements in the same period have the same number of ________________ principle energy levels(shells)

21 21. Metallic elements generally obtain a complete octet by
losing electrons

22 22. The most metallic elements are located in the __________region of the periodic table
lower left

23 “sea of mobile electrons”
23. Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity because of their _______________ “sea of mobile electrons”

24 24. Group 1 & 2 metals are so reactive they are found in nature as _____________and must be obtained by electrolysis found as compounds

25 25. Semi-metals are located stair bold line and exhibit _________ and __________properties
metallic nonmetallic

26 high temperature low pressure
26. Gases behave most like ideal gases under conditions of _________and ________ high temperature low pressure

27 27. The two gases that behave most like ideal gases under any conditions are _____ and _____
H He

28 28. An __________is a substance that is capable of conducting electricity when dissolved in water

29 29. Three examples of electrolytes are ____, ______and ______
NaNO3(aq) NaCl(aq) KCl(aq)

30 30. Salt contains ionic bonds and are easily identified because they contain a _______ and ________
metal and a nonmetal

31 31. Memorize and know the significance of LEO-GER and RED CAT –AN OX

32 32. Saturated hydrocarbons only contain elements of H & C and have all __________
single bonds

33 33. Chemical reactions are spontaneous when they are _________ and entropy increases

34 34. All reactions (especially redox reactions), there must be conservation of mass and ________

35 35. Identify which diagram represent an element, compound, and a mixture
z: mixture of two elements X: compound y: element

36 36. When one element changes to another, the process is known as

37 37. Isotopes of all elements with atomic numbers greater than 83 are _________ and decay over time.

38 38. Alpha and beta decay are examples of________
natural transmutation

39 conversion of mass energy
39. Fission and fusion both release large amounts of energy due to the ____________ to _________ conversion of mass energy

40 40. Intermolecular forces between hydrocarbons are generally _______

41 41. Larger hydrocarbons have ___________ and higher ____________ and __________
stronger intermolecular forces (van der walls forces) higher melting and boiling point

42 42. Polar solutes generally dissolve in polar solvents
42. Polar solutes generally dissolve in polar solvents. The most common polar solvent is _____ H2O

43 43. As the _____________ of dissolved particles in the solution increases the boiling point increases and the melting point decreases. concentration

44 44. ____________affect the m. p. and b. p
44. ____________affect the m.p. and b.p. to a greater extent than molecular solutes, because they dissociate in H2O ionic solutes

45 45. Electrons must _______ energy to move to the excited state and __________ energy to move to the ground state. gain release

46 46. Rutherfold’s gold foil experiment revealed than an atom is made of mostly ________________
empty space

47 47. Equilibrium exist when the rate of forward and reverse reaction are

48 48. When a system is at equilibrium, the concentration of reactants and products are ____________

49 49. Electronegativity is a measure of an atom’s attraction for ________________.

50 50. Ionization energy is the energy required to ___________ an electron from an element.

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