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Diversity Amid Globalization

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1 Diversity Amid Globalization
Chapter 1 Lecture Diversity Amid Globalization 6th Edition Chapter 1: Concepts of World Geography Concepts of World Geography Sandra Zupan University of Kentucky

2 Learning Objectives Identify the different components of globalization, including their controversial aspects. List several ways in which globalization is changing world geographies. Describe the conceptual framework of world regional geography. Summarize the major tools used by geographers to study Earth’s surface. Explain the concepts and metrics used to document changes in global population and settlement patterns.

3 Learning Objectives (Continued)
Describe the themes and concepts used to study the interaction between globalization and the world’s cultural geographies. Explain how different aspects of globalization have interacted with global geopolitics from the colonial period to the present day. Identify the concepts and data important to documenting changes in the economic and social development of more and less developed countries (MDCs and LDCs). 3

4 Key Concepts Globalization Transnational firms
Areal differentiation versus areal integration Regions Cultural landscape GIS Demographic transition Cultural imperialism versus cultural nationalism Universalizing versus ethnic religions Geopolitics Core–periphery model Economic and social development Gender equity

5 Converging Currents of Globalization
Increasing interconnectedness Human and physical environments Continual reorganization of global and local geographies Understanding our contemporary world Challenging Necessary

6 Economic Globalization
Global communication systems Transportation systems Transnational corporations International financial institutions Free trade agreements Market economies Abundance of goods and services Economic disparities International workforce

7 Globalization and Shopping Malls

8 Changing Human Geographies
Cultural changes Consumer culture Tensions Western values Traditional diets changing Language Societal values Hybridization Demographic changes Crime

9 Globalization Within the United States

10 Globalization and Migration

11 Geopolitics and Globalization
International government structures (e.g., United Nations) Geopolitical integration Regional organizations (e.g., EU, WTO)

12 The Environment and Globalization
Intensifying environmental problems Disrupted local ecosystems Commodification of resources Displacement of native peoples

13 Controversy About Globalization
Advocates of globalization Critics of globalization A middle position

14 Diversity in a Globalizing World
Homogenization Protection of diversity Economic unevenness Flat versus spiky world

15 Geography Matters: Environments, Regions, Landscapes
Areal differentiation Describe and explain differences between places. Areal integration Describe and explain linkages or connections between places. Scale Local to global Complicated linkages

16 Regions Formal Functional Vernacular

17 The Cultural Landscape
Visible, material expression of human settlement Exhibits great diversity across the globe

18 The Geographer’s Toolbox: Location, Maps, Remote Sensing, and GIS

19 World Regional Geography

20 Population and Settlement

21 Population Growth and Change

22 Population Pyramids

23 The Demographic Transition

24 Global Migration and Settlement
Cities Urbanized population Push versus pull factors Net migration rate

25 Population Density Agricultural landscape, Iowa, United States
Dense settlement, India

26 Cultural Coherence and Diversity
Cultural collisions and hybridization Colonization Globalization Cultural imperialism Promotion of one cultural system at the expense of another Cultural nationalism Protection and defense of a cultural system

27 World Languages

28 World Religions

29 Gender and Globalization
A sociocultural construct Gender roles

30 Geopolitical Framework
The nation-state Separatism

31 The Colonial Imprint

32 Global Conflict and Insurgencies
Product of and reaction to globalization Counterterrorism Counterinsurgency

33 Economic and Social Development

34 More and Less Developed Countries

35 Indicators of Economic Development

36 Indicators of Social Development

37 Poverty and Mortality Poverty and deep poverty Under age 5 mortality

38 Literacy and Gender Equity

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