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2 Minnesota Assessments Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA) Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments-Modified (MCA-Modified) Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS) Test of Emerging Academic English (TEAE) Minnesota Student Oral Language Observation Matrix (MN SOLOM) September 14, 2011

3 2011 Assessment Summary Minnesota students showed slight improvement in overall reading scores. Minnesota students in grades 3-8 took new, more rigorous math assessments aligned to higher standards designed to prepare all kids to be career and college ready. (MCA-III scores cannot be compared to MCA-II scores) Minnesota students in 11th grade showed improvement in math, reflecting an increased emphasis in recent years on more rigorous math coursework. We continue to see a persistent disparity in achievement between students of color, students in poverty and their white counterparts. This achievement gap reflects the urgent need to focus time, attention and resources to ensure all children achieve at high levels. Strategies outlined in Governor Dayton’s 7 Point Plan, a statewide focus on high standards and meaningful assessment, and continuous efforts by MDE to support effective teaching and learning  aim to close Minnesota’s persistent achievement gap and ensure all students achieve at high levels. 

4 2011 Assessments 2011 Mathematics assessments in grades 3-8 aligned to 2007 Minnesota Academic Standards Inaugural administration (sets baseline) Increased rigor from 2003 Minnesota Academic Standards Mathematics Test for English Language Learners was eliminated Principles incorporated in development of new Mathematics assessments Most English Learners moved to the Mathematics MCA 2011 Reading assessments continue to be aligned to 2003 Minnesota Academic Standards

5 2011 Assessments The MCA-Modified allows more students receiving Special Education services to demonstrate what they know and can do The MCA-Modified results reflect high expectations for students with disabilities. The MCA-Modified was designed to be a more appropriate measure of mathematics/reading knowledge and skills for some students with disabilities. Students eligible for the MCA-Modified achieved the Does Not Meet the Standards level in previous administrations of the MCA. Some of these students were able to demonstrate achievement levels of Partially Meets, Meets and Exceeds the Standards on this alternate assessment based on modified achievement standards. Students taking the MCA-Modified must have Standards-based goals in their Individualized Education Programs (IEP). As this best practice is more widely implemented across the state, we anticipate the numbers of students achieving proficiency will increase.

6 2011 Assessment Participation
Most students took the MCA, but some special education students took the MCA-Modified or MTAS

7 Mathematics Overall Including MCA MCA-Modified MTAS

8 2011 Results 2011 MATHEMATICS RESULTS
Mathematics results for all assessments cannot be compared across years Grades 3-8 Math assessments align to standards with increased rigor (baseline year) Anticipate an increase in proficiency as standards are more consistently implemented across the state

9 All Mathematics (MCA, MTELL, MCA-Modified, MTAS)
Percentage of Students Proficient by Year * * MCA-III replaced MCA-II in 2011 grades scores cannot be compared to previous years. Includes MTELL from ; MTAS from ; MCA-Modified introduced in 2011.

10 All Mathematics (MCA, MTELL, MCA-Modified, MTAS)
Percentage of Students Proficient in Each Grade Includes MTELL from ; MTAS from ; MCA-Modified introduced in 2011; MCA-III replaced MCA-II in 2011 grades 3-8 (these scores cannot be compared).

11 Mathematics MCA

12 2011 Results 2011 MATHEMATICS MCA RESULTS
MCA in grades 3-8 results reflect new baseline for rigorous standards First year aligned to 2007 Minnesota Academic Standards in Mathematics Aligned to college-and career-ready, internationally benchmarked standards Anticipate an increase in proficiency as standards are more consistently implemented across the state MCA in grade 11 shows 5.3% increase

13 Percentage of Students Proficient in Each Grade by Year
Mathematics MCA Percentage of Students Proficient in Each Grade by Year MCA-III replaced MCA-II in 2011 grades 3-8 (these scores cannot be compared). Some students took MTELL from , MTAS from and MCA-Modified in 2011.

14 Percentage of Students at Each Achievement Level
2011 Mathematics MCA Percentage of Students at Each Achievement Level % may not add to 100 due to rounding

15 Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity
Grade 3 Mathematics MCA Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity MCA-III replaced MCA-II in 2011 (these scores cannot be compared). Some students took MTELL from and MTAS from

16 Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity
Grade 4 Mathematics MCA Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity MCA-III replaced MCA-II in 2011 (these scores cannot be compared). Some students took MTELL from and MTAS from

17 Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity
Grade 5 Mathematics MCA Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity MCA-III replaced MCA-II in 2011 (these scores cannot be compared). Some students took MTELL from , MTAS from and MCA-Modified in 2011.

18 Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity
Grade 6 Mathematics MCA Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity MCA-III replaced MCA-II in 2011 (these scores cannot be compared). Some students took MTELL from , MTAS from and MCA-Modified in 2011.

19 Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity
Grade 7 Mathematics MCA Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity MCA-III replaced MCA-II in 2011 (these scores cannot be compared). Some students took MTELL from , MTAS from and MCA-Modified in 2011.

20 Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity
Grade 8 Mathematics MCA Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity MCA-III replaced MCA-II in 2011 (these scores cannot be compared). Some students took MTELL from , MTAS from and MCA-Modified in 2011.

21 Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity
Grade 11 Mathematics MCA Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity Some students took MTELL from , MTAS from and MCA-Modified in 2011.

22 Mathematics MCA-Modified

23 2011 MATHEMATICS MCA-Modified
2011 Results 2011 MATHEMATICS MCA-Modified RESULTS Results are not as high as desired Also aligned to rigorous on-grade level standards Anticipate an increase in proficiency as eligibility requirements are better understood and Standards-based IEPs implemented Many students achieved Partially Meets (many previously at Does Not Meet on MCA)

24 Mathematics MCA-Modified
Percentage of Students Proficient on Modified Achievement Standards in Each Grade

25 2011 Mathematics MCA-Modified
Percentage of Students at Each Achievement Level % may not add to 100 due to rounding

26 Mathematics MTAS

MTAS results are mixed across the grade levels

28 Mathematics MTAS-III replaced MTAS in 2011 grades 3-8.
Percentage of Students Proficient on Alternate Achievement Standards in Each Grade by Year Mathematics MTAS-III replaced MTAS in 2011 grades 3-8.

29 Percentage of Students at Each Achievement Level
2011 Mathematics MTAS Percentage of Students at Each Achievement Level % may not add to 100 due to rounding

30 Reading Overall Including MCA MCA-Modified MTAS

31 2011 Results 2011 READING RESULTS
Reading results show increase in percentage of all students proficient on all assessments (1.6%)

32 All Reading (MCA, MCA-Modified, MTAS)
Percentage of Students Proficient by Year Most English learners took the TEAE in 2006; all were assessed using the MCA-II, MTAS or MCA-Modified in 2007 and following years.

33 Percentage of Students Proficient in Each Grade
All Reading (MCA, MCA-Modified, MTAS) Percentage of Students Proficient in Each Grade Most English learners took the TEAE in 2006; all were assessed using the MCA-II, MTAS or MCA-Modified in 2007 and following years.

34 Reading MCA

35 2011 Results 2011 READING MCA RESULTS
MCA proficiency increased or stayed steady Standards assessed consistent from previous years While we see white student achievement increasing we also see progress being made in gap closure

36 Percentage of Students Proficient in Each Grade by Year
Reading MCA Percentage of Students Proficient in Each Grade by Year Most English learners took the TEAE in 2006; all were assessed using the MCA-II, MTAS or MCA-Modified in 2007 and following years.

37 Percentage of Students at Each Achievement Level
2011 Reading MCA Percentage of Students at Each Achievement Level % may not add to 100 due to rounding

38 Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity
Grade 3 Reading MCA Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity Most English learners took the TEAE in 2006; all were assessed using the MCA-II, MTAS or MCA-Modified in 2007 and following years.

39 Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity
Grade 4 Reading MCA Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity Most English learners took the TEAE in 2006; all were assessed using the MCA-II, MTAS or MCA-Modified in 2007 and following years.

40 Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity
Grade 5 Reading MCA Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity Most English learners took the TEAE in 2006; all were assessed using the MCA-II, MTAS or MCA-Modified in 2007 and following years.

41 Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity
Grade 6 Reading MCA Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity Most English learners took the TEAE in 2006; all were assessed using the MCA-II, MTAS or MCA-Modified in 2007 and following years.

42 Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity
Grade 7 Reading MCA Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity Most English learners took the TEAE in 2006; all were assessed using the MCA-II, MTAS or MCA-Modified in 2007 and following years.

43 Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity
Grade 8 Reading MCA Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity Most English learners took the TEAE in 2006; all were assessed using the MCA-II, MTAS or MCA-Modified in 2007 and following years.

44 Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity
Grade 10 Reading MCA Percentage of Students Proficient by Year - Ethnicity Most English learners took the TEAE in 2006; all were assessed using the MCA-II, MTAS or MCA-Modified in 2007 and following years.

45 Reading MCA-Modified

46 2011 Results 2011 READING MCA-Modified RESULTS
MCA-Modified results are not as high as desired Anticipate an increase in proficiency as eligibility requirements are better understood and Standards-based IEPs implemented Overall, a majority of students performed at Partially Meets (many previously at Does Not Meet on MCA)

47 Reading MCA-Modified Percentage of Students Proficient on Modified Achievement Standards in Each Grade

48 Percentage of Students at Each Achievement Level
2011 Reading MCA-Modified Percentage of Students at Each Achievement Level % may not add to 100 due to rounding

49 Reading MTAS

50 2011 Results 2011 READING MTAS RESULTS
MTAS results show little change from 2010 results

51 Reading MTAS Percentage of Students Proficient on Alternate Achievement Standards in Each Grade by Year

52 Percentage of Students at Each Achievement Level
2011 Reading MTAS Percentage of Students at Each Achievement Level % may not add to 100 due to rounding

53 Test of Emerging Academic English (TEAE)

54 Percentage of Students Proficient in Each Grade by Year
Reading TEAE Percentage of Students Proficient in Each Grade by Year

55 Percentage of Students Proficient in Each Grade by Year
Writing TEAE Percentage of Students Proficient in Each Grade by Year

56 Minnesota Student Oral Language Observation Matrix (MN SOLOM)

57 Listening/Speaking MN SOLOM
Percentage of Students Proficient in Each Grade by Year


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