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Investigation into the strong residuals seen

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1 Investigation into the strong residuals seen
near the Oxygen edge in MOS spectra of bright continuum sources. Rate Dependent CTI effect ? Steve Sembay

2 Event 1 Readout direction Event 2 Trap

3 Emission timescales for filled traps
(Holland et al. 1993, NIMS, A326, 335) σn electron capture cross section Xn entropy factor υth electron thermal velocity Ncdensity of states in conduction band E energy level of trap T temperature

4 Level (eV) te (-90°C) (-100°C) (-120°C) 0.17 0.44
Emission timescales for filled traps (Holland et al. 1993, NIMS, A326, 335) Level (eV) te (-90°C) (-100°C) (-120°C) 0.17 0.07 µs 0.19 µs 1.1 µs 0.44 3.8 s 22.9 s 1.4 x 103 s c.f. row transfer time of MOS = 15 µs

5 Around O edge χ2 -> 3.90 – 2.13 with gain offset = 8.7±1.0 eV

6 Around Si and Au edge: χ2 -> 1.025 – 0.998 Offset ~ 12.5 eV


8 MOS v RGS Line Energy: N line ~ 432 eV J. Carter (Mallorca 06)
Most MOS Large Window Mode SW Obs.

9 Closed Cal Al line in small window mode

10 Closed Cal Al line in small window mode

11 Is there a “possible” gain shift at O: CTI dependent on rate?
Method 1: Analyse spectra from different regions

12 Sample of bright AGN/BL Lacs: The “Usual Suspects”

13 MOS1 Count Rate v Offset In Boxes Before/After Cooling

14 MOS2 Count Rate v Offset In Boxes Before/After Cooling

15 Is there a “possible” gain shift at O: CTI dependent on rate?
Method 2: Flag precursor events from event file

16 Flag Bad Readout direction Flag Bad

17 Flagged events



20 |Summary: Observed offset is not affected by removal of precursor events in CCD RAWY direction This suggests offset is not caused by incorrect application of CTI measurement due to trap filling in CCD.

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