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Documenting formal long term care systems in SSA

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1 Documenting formal long term care systems in SSA
Akrowa Aged Life Foundation Ghana

2 Outline Background Family interface with formal LTC provision
Promising features Challenges and opportunities

3 Introduction Formation: Akrowa established as NGO in 2006
Location: Operational in 6 districts in Ga East municipality Service type: community volunteer based care provision Scope: 14 volunteers to 160 clients Management: day to day; board; committee of beneficiaries Financing: cash and in-kind (board, Pentecost and founder)

4 Family interface with LTC provision
Family engagement/responsiveness to family wishes Perspectives on interaction with family obligations to care (clients and families)

5 Promising features Provision of quality care (person centered)
Equity of access to the service (not quite there, plans for an institution) Integration of long-term and medical care (nursing college, Pentecost hospital) Fair conditions/opportunities for care workers (free health care, flexible working days, free training, bicycles) Sustainability of financing and workforce (partnerships)

6 Challenges and opportunities
No standard curriculum - geriatric curriculum Limited resources - Danish partners Capacity of workforce (school of nursing training, accreditation, and remuneration)

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