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Software Design More creative than analysis Problem solving activity
The goal of the design process is to product a model or representation of a system, which can be used later to build that system. ‘HOW’ Software design document (SDD)
Why design is important?
A good design is the key to successful product. Few desirable characteristics that every good software design must possess are: Correctness Understandability Efficiency Maintainability Without well-design system, we risk building an unstable system. One that will fail when small changes are made. One that will be difficult to maintain.
Good design vs Bad Design
Characteristics Good design Bad design Change Change in one part of the system does not always require a change in another part of the system. One change requires changes to many parts of the system. Cost Small High Nature Simple Complex Extension System can be extended with changes in only one place System cannot be extended easily.
Objectives of Design It deals with transforming the customer requirements as described in the SRS document into a form that is implementable using a programming language. The design needs to be : Correct and Complete Understandable At the right level Maintainable
Software Design
Design Framework
Software Design
Software Design Conceptual Design and Technical Design
Software Design Where will the data come from?
Conceptual design answers : Where will the data come from? What will happen to the data in the system? How will the system look to users? What choices will be offered to users ? What is the timing of events? How will the reports and screens look like?
Software Design Hardware configuration Software needs
Technical design describes :- Hardware configuration Software needs Communication Interfaces I/O of the system Software Architecture Network Architecture Any other thing that translates the requirements into a solution to the customer’s problem.
HLD and LLD High Level Design Low Level Design
Also known as macro level/ system design Also known as micro level/ detailed design Overall architecture of the application Detailed description of the each and every module participants are design team, review team and client participants are only design team input criteria is Software Requirement Specification(SRS) input criteria is HLD, which are reviewed and authorized Output criteria is database design, functional design and review record Output criteria is Program specification and unit test plan
A system is considered modular, if it consists of discrete components so that each component can be implemented separately and a change to one component has minimal impact on other components.
Advantages of Modular Systems
Modular systems are easier to understand and explain because their parts are functionally independent. Modular systems are easier to document because each part can be documented as an independent unit. Programming individual modules is easier because the programmer can focus on just one small, simple problem rather than a large complex problem. Testing and debugging individual modules is easier because they can be dealt with in isolation from the rest of the program. Bugs are easier to isolate and understand and they can be fixed without fear of introducing problems outside the module.
DESIGN MODEL After analyzing and specifying all the requirements, the process of software design begins. Each of the elements of analysis model is used to create the design model. The elements of design model are:- Data Design (ER Diagram + Data Dictionary) Architectural Design (DFD) Interface Design (DFD + Control flow diagrams) Component-level Design (Process + Control specification)
SOFTWARE DESIGN Software design is a creative process, just like designing anything else To see a wrong design, we can check with the requirements in the analysis model To see a bad design, we need to assess the design model and analyze the components, whether the performance can be improved by changing the modules or the interfaces In analyzing the software Design, many factors are used, out of which two important factors are – Coupling Cohesion
COUPLING Coupling is the measure of “the degree of interdependence between modules". We aim to minimize coupling – to make modules as independent as possible. Low coupling can be achieve by: eliminating unnecessary relationships reducing the number of necessary relationships
COUPLING Uncoupled modules have no interconnections at all, they are completely independent. (Uncoupled : no dependencies) (a)
Loosely coupled: some dependencies
(B) Highly coupled: many dependencies (C) Fig. : Module coupling
Student name, student ID, address, course
Consider the example of editing a student record in a ‘student information system’. Edit student record Edit student record Student name, student ID, address, course Student record Student record Student ID Retrieve student record Retrieve student record Poor design: Tight Coupling Good design: Loose Coupling Fig. : Example of coupling
Worst (Least required)
Data coupling Best (Most required) Stamp coupling Control coupling External coupling Common coupling Content coupling Worst (Least required) Fig : The types of module coupling Given two procedures A & B, we can identify number of ways in which they can be coupled.
Data coupling Stamp coupling
The dependency between module A and B is said to be data coupled if their dependency is based on the fact they than are communicate communicating independent. by only through passing data, of data. the two Other modules Stamp coupling Stamp coupling occurs between module A and B when complete data structure is passed from one module to another.
Control coupling External coupling Common coupling
Module A and B are said to be control coupled if they communicate by passing of control information. This is usually accomplished by means of flags that are set by one module and reacted upon by the dependent module. External coupling A form of a coupling in which a module has a dependency to other module, external to the software being developed or to a particular type of hardware. This is basically related to the communication to external tools and devices such as the operating system, shared libraries or the hardware . Common coupling With common coupling, module A and module B have shared data. Global data areas are commonly found in programming languages. Making a change to the common data means tracing back to all the modules which access that data to evaluate the effect of changes.
Fig : Example of common coupling
Content coupling Content coupling occurs when module A changes data of module B or when control is passed from one module to the middle of another.
Impact of Coupling on Design
A good design process should aim at reducing coupling. Reduction of coupling -> reduction of dependence of one module on another -> increase the independence of module -> increase the ability to change or maintain the modules.
COHESION Cohesion measures how a single module is related to a particular functionality in the system. – only one module is involved – ideally, a highly cohesive module should do only one task/ activity/function – example: • a sorting module that contains only one sorting function and this function sorts integers only. • a sorting module that contains several sorting functions that implement various sorting techniques but all sort integers only. various sorting techniques but sort integers and floats.
COHESION Cohesion is a measure of the degree to elements of a module are functionally related. which the Module strength Fig : Cohesion=Strength of relations within modules
Types of cohesion Functional cohesion Sequential cohesion
Procedural cohesion Temporal cohesion Logical cohesion Coincident cohesion
Fig : Types of module cohesion
Given a procedure that carries out operations A & B, we can describe various forms of cohesion between A & B. Functional Cohesion Best (high) Sequential Cohesion Communicational Cohesion Procedural Cohesion Temporal Cohesion Logical Cohesion Coincidental Cohesion Worst (low) Fig : Types of module cohesion
Functional Cohesion . This is very good reason for them to be contained in the same procedure. All elements contribute to the execution of one and only one problem-related task Examples of functional cohesive modules: Compute cosine of angle Read transaction record Assign seat to airline passenger A and B are part of a single functional task
Sequential Cohesion Module A outputs some data which forms the input to B. This is the reason for them to be contained in the same procedure. Elements are involved in activities such that output data from one activity becomes input data to the next Usually has good coupling and is easily maintained
Communicational Cohesion
A and B both operate on the same input data or contribute toward the same output data . Not flexible, for example, if we need to focus on some activities and not the others Example of Communicational Cohesion - module determine customer details use customer account no find customer name find customer loan balance return customer name, loan balance end module
Procedural Cohesion Procedural cohesion occurs in modules whose instructions accomplish different tasks yet have been combined because there is a specific order in which the tasks are to be completed. Example: an input function receiving a data, a function that processes the data, and a function that outputs the result of that computation, all placed in the same module Example: report module of an examination system includes the following – calculate student GPA print student record calculate cumulative GPA print cumulative GPA
Temporal Cohesion Module exhibits temporal cohesion when it contains tasks that are related by the fact that all tasks must be executed in the same time-span. functions that are related by time, all placed in the same module example: the alarm system, automatic telephone dialing unit of a security system both placed in the same module; these two must be activated at the same time moderate level of cohesion
Logical Cohesion Logical cohesion occurs in modules that contain instructions that appear to be related because they fall into the same category. - module display record if record-type is student then display student record else if record-type is staff then display staff record end module functions that are logically related to each other, all placed in the same module - example: a set of functions that output a given data in various formats (bar chart, graph, pie-chart, …) moderate level of cohesion
Coincidental Cohesion
Coincidental cohesion exists in modules that contain instructions that have little or no relationship to one another. functions that are not at all related to each other but are placed in a single module (happen to be a coincidence) - example: a function that performs sorting and a printer driver, both in the same module functions that are somewhat related but do not have much in common also fall in this category. - example: a function that computes an average of a sequence and a function that sorts a sequence, both being placed in the same module low-level cohesion
Related by order of functions
Examples of Cohesion Function A Function A Function A’ Function A’’ Time t0 Time t0 + X Time t0 + 2X Function B Function C logic Function D Function E Coincidental Parts unrelated Logical Similar functions Temporal Related by time Function A Function B Function C Procedural Related by order of functions
Examples of Cohesion Communicational Access same data Sequential
Function A Function B Function C Function A Function B Function C Communicational Access same data Sequential Output of one is input to another Function A part 1 Function A part 2 Function A part 3 Functional Sequential with complete, related functions
Impact of Cohesion on Design
A good design process should try to maximize cohesion of each module maximizing cohesion -> maximizing the use of the module towards particular functionality -> appropriate modularization of the design
Relationship between Cohesion & Coupling
If the software is not properly modularized, a host of seemingly trivial enhancement or changes will result into death of the project. Therefore, a software engineer must design the modules with goal of high cohesion and low coupling. Fig : View of cohesion and coupling
Evaluating Coupling and Cohesion
• Coupling can be evaluated using metrics tools. - metrics will be discussed later. • Cohesion is generally evaluated manually by experts / software engineers. – walk through the design documents and iterate the design until cohesion is improved to a satisfactory level .
The HLD, also called architectural design. Large systems are always decomposed into subsystems that provide some related set of services. The initial design process of identifying these sub-systems and establishing a framework for sub-system control and communication is called architectural design. Architectural design methods look into various alternate architectural style of designing a system. These are: Data centric architecture Data flow architecture Object oriented architecture Layered architecture
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Data centric architecture approach involves the use of a central database operations of inserting, updating it in the form of a table. Data flow architecture is applied when input data takes the form of output after passing through various phases of transformations. These transformations can be through various computations done on data. In Object oriented architecture, the software design moves around the classes and objects of the system. The class encapsulates the data and methods. Layered approach defines the number of layers and each layer performs tasks. The outermost layer handles the functionality of user interface and the innermost layer handles interaction with the hardware.
Objective of Architectural Design
To develop a model of software architecture, this gives overall organization of program module in the software product. To control relationship between modules. One module may control another module or may be controlled by another module. The organization of module can be represented through a tree like structure. In addition, HLD possess some attributes such as height, depth, width and module fan-in, fan-out.
Attributes The height or depth of the design hierarchy is the number of modules along the longest path from the top-level module down to the lowest module in the hierarchy. The width of the design hierarchy is the largest number of modules existing at a given level of the hierarchy. The no. of components which controls a said component is called fan-in i.e, the no of incoming edges to a component. The no. of components that are controlled by a module is called fan-out i.e, the no of outgoing edges.
STRATEGY OF DESIGN A good system design strategy is to organize the program modules in such a way that are easy to develop and latter to, change. Structured design techniques help developers to deal with the size and complexity of programs. Analysts create instructions for the developers about how code should be written and how pieces of code should fit together to form a program. It is important for two reasons: First, even pre-existing code, if any, needs to be understood, organized and pieced together. Second, it is still common for the project team to have to write some code and produce original programs that support the application logic of the system.
Bottom-Up Design These modules are collected together in the form of a “library”. Fig : Bottom-up tree structure
Top-Down Design A top down design approach starts by identifying the major modules of the system, decomposing them into their lower level modules and iterating until the desired level of detail is achieved. This is stepwise refinement; starting from an abstract design, in each step the design is refined to a more concrete level, until we reach a level where no more refinement is needed and the design can be implemented directly.
Hybrid Design For top-down approach to be effective, some bottom-up approach is essential for the following reasons: To permit common sub modules. Near the bottom of the hierarchy, where the intuition is simpler, and the need for bottom-up testing is greater, because there are more number of modules at low levels than high levels. In the use of pre-written library modules, in particular, reuse of modules.
Fig : Hierarchical format of a structure chart
It partition a system into block boxes. A black box means that functionality is known to the user without the knowledge of internal design. Fig : Hierarchical format of a structure chart
Fig. 17 : Structure chart notations
A structure chart for “update file” is given in fig.
Fig : Update file
A transaction centered structure describes a system that processes a number of different types of transactions. It is illustrated in Fig. Fig: Transaction-centered structure
In the above figure the MAIN module controls the system operation its functions is to:
invoke the INPUT module to read a transaction; determine the kind of transaction and select one of a number of transaction modules to process that transaction, and output the results of the processing by calling OUTPUT module.
Pseudocode Pseudocode notation can be used in both the preliminary and detailed design phases. Using pseudocode, the designer describes system characteristics using short, concise, English language phrases that are structured by key words such as If-Then-Else, While-Do, and End.
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