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Explicit Instruction Honing your questions during the Telling Phase

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1 Explicit Instruction Honing your questions during the Telling Phase
Brinkman-Forlini-Williams Annette Brinkman Tim Frost

2 Jerry Seinfield

3 Rev up those engines! You are in a class or training and the presenter asks a question. How do you “hide” from answering? 

4 A Structure for Successful Instruction
TEACHER Responsibility Telling & Modeling “I do it” “We do it” Guided Practice “You do it alone” Independent Practice STUDENT Responsibility

5 Assessment STYLE Questions (Average: 5% respond)
One student/one response. Raise of hand – calling on one child. “Deyanne, who are the main characters?”

6 Open STYLE Questions (Average: 30-40% respond)
“Fishing” for an answer” Students don’t know how to respond. Question usually asked with no wait time whoever wants to answer responds. “Who are the main characters?”

7 Engagement Requests (Average: 90% respond)
Response method given before the question. “Show me (finger count) how many characters are in the story.” “Whisper to your neighbor the main characters the story.” Often times WITHOUT a question mark. Physical cue to raise hand or chorally respond.

8 Telling & Modeling A Structure for Successful Instruction
TEACHER Responsibility Telling & Modeling “I do it – students are actively engaged in responding” “We do it” Guided Practice “You do it alone” Independent Practice STUDENT Responsibility

9 to be physically present and cognitively absent?
Is it possible… to be physically present and cognitively absent?

10 We’re not talking about…
Levels of questioning (BLOOMS)

11 We’re are talking about…
The management of questioning “As we speak, you may have children coming to your class already adept at or accustomed to “hiding” from questions.”

12 Active Engagement – accountability A few tips
Should they all know the answer? Choral Responses Is it an “opinion-type” question? Partner/Small group share Is it a Yes/No or True/False? Thumbs up/down, etc…

13 Turning the “STYLE” … Make the following questions into 2 different ENGAGEMENT STYLE requests: “What does Japan need to do to recover from the earthquake & tsunami flood?” “What will the current situation in Japan do to the US nuclear industry?” “Who is in charge of Japan’s government?”

14 Turning the “STYLE” … Open your textbook to ANY question section: What STYLE of questioning do these questions use as currently stated? In groups of 2 write down a few of these questions an rewrite in a way to make ALL accountable.

15 “Now is the time that we must choose between what is right and what is easy!”
-Albus Dumbledore

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