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Bengkel Persembahan Poster Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang Anjuran Jawatankuasa R&D KMPh Tahun 2012 Effect of Concept Mapping on Student’s Understanding of.

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1 Bengkel Persembahan Poster Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang Anjuran Jawatankuasa R&D KMPh Tahun 2012
Effect of Concept Mapping on Student’s Understanding of Oxidative Phosphorylation Tor Siong Hoon & Intan Zurina bt Ahmad Unit Biologi, Jabatan Sains Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang Introduction Results & Discussion What is Learning? Quantitative Findings active, constructive, cumulative, self-regulated and goal oriented process learner plays critical role Shuell, 1993 Independent Sample t-Test self-regulated - capability to mobilize direct and sustain learner’s learning efforts towards achieving a goal. Ausubel, 1968 showed that the variances are not different at α=0.05 as p-value = > 0.05. Pretest Mean score (based on TOV) Inter-vention (Teachingusing Concept Mapping Posttest Mean score (based on Oxidative Phosphory-lation Experimental group 6.068 5.572 Control group 6.040 X 4.940 Means that Both Experimental and Control Groups homogenous (have the same take off points) Independent Sample t-Test Background & Objectives Researcher’s observations from past experience that: Comparison of achievements using independent sample t-test shows that at α=0.05, p=0.0420.05. Achievement using concept mapping as instructional tool is higher compared to those who students who do not use concept mapping for learning the topic students face difficulties organizing knowledge in meaningful related chunks Teachers faced challenges to help students to meaningful learning Qualitative Findings A comparison was made between students’ concept maps and the Criterion map students often memorize facts especially abstract concepts Oxidative phosphorylation & electron transport chain Oxidative Phosphorylation redox reactions captures energy electrons as NADH from Electron Transport Chain final electron acceptor oxygen water passed down finally to which is producing H⁺ into inter membrane space Chemisosmosis proton gradient creates proton motive force uses process of which uses generates phosphorylation ATP ADP ATP synthase to form to undergo catalyzes in synthesis of drives H⁺ through drives pumps Criterion Map Objectives Assess students’ understanding of oxidative phosphorylation. Investigate the effect of concept mapping on students’ achievement. What is Concept Mapping? Concept Maps provide a visual outline of an individual’s knowledge structure makes visible the abstract concepts - enable students visually interact with the knowledge structure constructed (Franciso, 2002) strategy is the ability to recognize possible deficiencies in knowledge structure Student’s map Experimental Design & Respondents Quasi-experimental study Two intact tutorial classes taught by researcher during the first semester of the 2008/09 academic session 50 students involved as respondents Student’s map 80% of the connections scientifically valid. 70% of students understood production of ATP is by phosphorylation of ADP with ATP synthase. 30% of the students could not make sense that the synthesis of ADP to ATP requires ATP synthase. Methodology Learning based on lecture notes downloaded from Web-based Learning Conclusion & Implications Students’ achievement using concept mapping is higher Concept maps are able to help teachers to identify students’ misconception and access students’ understanding concerning abstract concept on oxidative phosphorylation. Control group Learn the usual way WITHOUT using Concept Mapping Group presentation Experimental group Previously been taught Concept Mapping Group presentation USING concept maps based on 17 concepts provided References Francisco, J. S. Assessing Student Understanding of General Chemistry with Concept Mapping. Journal of Chemical Education, 79 (2), Shuell, T. J. (1987). Cognitive psychology and conceptual change: Implications for teaching science. Science Education, 71(2), Test on oxidative phosphorylation

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