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2.4.4 Wild Weather Grammar.

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Presentation on theme: "2.4.4 Wild Weather Grammar."— Presentation transcript:

1 2.4.4 Wild Weather Grammar

2 Day 1

3 Irregular Verbs - 2 ran came go went Past Tense Present Tense did run
do did come came run ran sing sang go went fly flew blow blew feed fed say said give gave

4 Mime Time Mime the verb and guess. Which verb is it?

5 Mime the verb and guess.

6 Irregular Verbs They (came, come) in the house and take off their coats. I (run, ran) to the basement for safety when there is a storm. The thunder (come, came) after lightning. We (ran, run) for cover when it started to rain. They (come, came) to our house after the storm.






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